7 Free Nook Books – Mystery & Suspense, Will the Trio Succeed against the President’s Agenda, Supernatural Thriller, When the Veil between the Living and the Dead Disappears (Nov 4th)

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Nook Books of the Day



Free Romance Books & Best Romance Deals

  1. **Time to Wake (Paranormal Vampire Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Is Hunter involved in the mysterious murders, Or is he just in the wrong place at the right time) by K. Thomas, Grace Heneks. Price: $0.99. Genre: Paranormal Vampire Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Is Hunter involved in the mysterious murders, Or is he just in the wrong place at the right time. Rated: 4.5 stars on 60 Reviews. 268 pages. ASIN: B08WLYGY7V.
  2. Not Right Now (Time to Wake Book 2) (Vampire Romance Deal, Sponsor, A sudden event sends Senlis and her group of friends on a chase to find a way to bring Benny back to life) by K. Thomas. Price: $0.99. Genre: Vampire Romance Deal, Sponsor, A sudden event sends Senlis and her group of friends on a chase to find a way to bring Benny back to life. Rated: 5 stars on 9 Reviews. 294 pages. ASIN: B09HSVW794.

Free Erotic Romance & Steamy Romance Books & Best Erotic Deals

  1. *Scoring Position (Dallas Longhorns, #6) (Steamy Sports Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Hannah only wants one thing this summer, but without any prospects, she assumes her goal will go unfulfilled) by Tara Wyatt. Price: $2.99. Genre: Steamy Sports Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Hannah only wants one thing this summer, but without any prospects, she assumes her goal will go unfulfilled. Rated: 4.5 stars on 31 Reviews. 133 pages. ASIN: B09F6ZKMPK.

Free Thrillers & Mysteries & Suspense Novels & Best Thriller Deals & Mystery Deals

  1. ***The Vines: A Novel (Medical Thriller Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Intertwines North Brother Island’s horrific and elusive history with a captivating tale of love, betrayal, survival, and loss) by Shelley Nolden. Price: $0.99. Genre: Medical Thriller Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Intertwines North Brother Island’s horrific and elusive history with a captivating tale of love, betrayal, survival, and loss. Rated: 4.3 stars on 428 Reviews. 327 pages. ASIN: B08WHS68GS.
  2. Midnights Edge: The Secrets of Sleepy Meadows (Supernatural Thriller Deal, Sponsor, when the veil between the living and the dead disappears) by David Chappuis, Michael Klinger. Price: $3.99. Genre: Supernatural Thriller Deal, Sponsor, when the veil between the living and the dead disappears. Rated: 5 stars on 6 Reviews. 201 pages. ASIN: B0174F4CQQ.
  3. The Children of Zion (Supernatural Mystery, Sponsor, Visions of the past begin to emerge, Leos fears he may not be as innocent as he once thought) by D.R Hurley. Price: $0. Genre: Supernatural Mystery, Sponsor, Visions of the past begin to emerge, Leos fears he may not be as innocent as he once thought. Rated: 4 stars on 7 Reviews. 416 pages. ASIN: B084KVYNBH.
  4. ***12 (Crime Thriller Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A bullied teen with an abusive father is down to one friend when his world suddenly crumbles around him) by Nolon King, David W. Wright. Price: $0. Genre: Crime Thriller Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A bullied teen with an abusive father is down to one friend when his world suddenly crumbles around him. Rated: 4.5 stars on 1416 Reviews. 524 pages. ASIN: B00WTOM6G6.

Free Christian Books & Best Christian Deals

  1. ***Blindsided: A Journey from Tragic Loss to Triumphant Love (Christian Death Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Grief & Healing, This book will grip every parent, and it will inspire every person who strives to live for God) by Mark Roser. Price: $8.49. Genre: Christian Death Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Grief & Healing, This book will grip every parent, and it will inspire every person who strives to live for God. Rated: 5 stars on 145 Reviews. 256 pages. ASIN: B08YWYBXW1.
  2. *Revelations from Heaven: A True Account of Death, the Afterlife, and 31 Supernatural Discoveries (Christian Angelology & Demonology Deal of the Day, Sponsor, After clinically dying in the hospital, a life-changing afterlife experience with Jesus) by Randy Kay, John Burke. Price: $14.99. Genre: Christian Angelology & Demonology Deal of the Day, Sponsor, After clinically dying in the hospital, a life-changing afterlife experience with Jesus. Rated: 5 stars on 32 Reviews. 295 pages. ASIN: B093YBBQF6.
  3. Chloe’s Christmas Story (Paperback) (Christian Books Deal, Sponsor, Children’s Christmas Story, Christmas According to Chloe the Pup) by Cindy Dulaney, Kelsey Showalter (Illustrator), Allison Dulaney (Contribution by). Price: $9.99. Genre: Christian Books Deal, Sponsor, Children’s Christmas Story, Christmas According to Chloe the Pup. Rated: 4 stars on 31 Reviews. 36 pages. ASIN: B08P3SBTVX.
  4. Beyond Simple Belief: God’s Transforming Process to Genuine Faith (Christian Ministry Deal, Sponsor, How God transforms simple belief into genuine faith) by JF Jeff Etchberger with JL Julie Lopes. Price: $8.49. Genre: Christian Ministry Deal, Sponsor, How God transforms simple belief into genuine faith. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 454 pages. ASIN: B08Z6X6HTW.
  5. Mr. Nicholas: A Magical Christmas Tale (Christian Suspense Deal, Sponsor, A story that helps us see the unique goodness in each person) by Christopher de Vinck, Joanne Rogers. Price: $11.49. Genre: Christian Suspense Deal, Sponsor, A story that helps us see the unique goodness in each person. Rated: 4.5 stars on 7 Reviews. 84 pages. ASIN: B09CTQZD2H.
  6. Zero Day: Game of Deception Series – Book Two (Christian Mystery & Suspense, Sponsor, Will the trio succeed against the President’s agenda) by Jp Ramzy. Price: $0. Genre: Christian Mystery & Suspense, Sponsor, Will the trio succeed against the President’s agenda. Rated: 4 stars on 7 Reviews. 280 pages. ASIN: B09D8RPL2Y.

Free Religious Books & Best Religious Deals

    Unfortunately, nothing for today.

Free Fantasy & Science Fiction & Horror & Best SciFi, Fantasy Deals

  1. ***The Secrets of the Kings (Fairy Tale Fantasy Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Alex receives a valuable golden mask from a mysterious benefactor, she is now a Mask Bearer, who chose her and why) by Nora Delzelle. Price: $0.99. Genre: Fairy Tale Fantasy Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Alex receives a valuable golden mask from a mysterious benefactor, she is now a Mask Bearer, who chose her and why. Rated: 4.4 stars on 125 Reviews. 200 pages. ASIN: B09K38RQC7.
  2. Social Animals (An SCP Story) (Horror Thriller Deal, Sponsor, anomalous wormhole, it does not take long until it becomes apparent just how dangerous this other world is) by Neoxenok Neoxenok. Price: $9.99. Genre: Horror Thriller Deal, Sponsor, anomalous wormhole, it does not take long until it becomes apparent just how dangerous this other world is. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 272 pages. ASIN: B09J7D63JY.

Free Historical Fiction & Best Historical Fiction Deals

    Unfortunately, nothing today.

Free Young Adult Books & Best YA Deals

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Free Children’s Books & Best Children’s Deals

  1. The Star That Glows (Children’s Christian Holiday Fiction Deal, Sponsor, An uplifting whimsical Christmas tale for troubled times) by Jacqueline Taylor. Price: $2.99. Genre: Children’s Christian Holiday Fiction Deal, Sponsor, An uplifting whimsical Christmas tale for troubled times. Rated: 4.5 stars on 3 Reviews. 24 pages. ASIN: B08MPYR91V.

Adventure, Women’s Fiction, Literary Fiction, Humor, Contemporary Fiction & Best Deals

  1. Ocean of Love (Futuristic Fiction Sponsor, Reincarnation & Karma) by Helos. Price: $0. Genre: Futuristic Fiction Sponsor, Reincarnation & Karma. Rated: 5 stars on 6 Reviews. 230 pages. ASIN: B08DJ8LPX5.
  2. *Bell Hammers: The True Folk Tale of Little Egypt, Illinois (Historical Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A joyous romp through middle America in the 50’s and 60’, a fun, well written account, a simpler time in the Little Egypt area) by Lancelot Schaubert. Price: $0.99. Genre: Historical Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A joyous romp through middle America in the 50’s and 60’, a fun, well written account, a simpler time in the Little Egypt area. Rated: 4.3 stars on 100 Reviews. 319 pages. ASIN: B08HD8SPPD.
  3. ***The Passing Storm: A Novel (Paperback) (Contemporary Family Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A gripping, openhearted novel about family, reconciliation, and bringing closure to the secrets of the past) by Christine Nolfi. Price: $14.95. Genre: Contemporary Family Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A gripping, openhearted novel about family, reconciliation, and bringing closure to the secrets of the past. Rated: 4.3 stars on 2307 Reviews. 317 pages. ASIN: B08MZPFY3J.
  4. *A Change of Seasons (Psychological Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, John hoped things would get better but an unfortunate turn of events led him down a terrifying slippery slope) by Khurram Elahi. Price: $4.99. Genre: Psychological Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, John hoped things would get better but an unfortunate turn of events led him down a terrifying slippery slope. Rated: 4.5 stars on 17 Reviews. ASIN: B0999KSBQK.
  5. The Violet Waves: Poetry on love, dreams, manifestation and cosmic resonance (Poetry Deal, Sponsor, A poem book to inspire in you vibrant states of consciousness) by Helos. Price: $0.99. Genre: Poetry Deal, Sponsor, A poem book to inspire in you vibrant states of consciousness. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 123 pages. ASIN: B0925ZBFYC.

Free Memoirs & Best Memoir Deals

    Unfortunately, nothing today.

Free Biographies & Best Biographies Deals

  1. *A Mostly Magnificent Memoir (Paperback) (Biographies & Memoirs Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A collection of true stories made more entertaining and wrapped in a white lie) by Bo Bennett. Price: $14.99. Genre: Biographies & Memoirs Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A collection of true stories made more entertaining and wrapped in a white lie. Rated: 4.5 stars on 11 Reviews. 141 pages. ASIN: B08PVX4BLL.

Free Non-Fiction & Spirituality & Self-Help & Best Non-Fiction Deals

  1. An Owner’s Manual for Consciously Evolving Your Consciousness: Romancing the Absurd A Mystery Novel Based on Reinvented Reality (Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, Detailed ways to consciously evolve your consciousness) by Don McCrea-Hendrick. Price: $8.49. Genre: Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, Detailed ways to consciously evolve your consciousness. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. ASIN: B08NFL1654.
  2. *A Love Attempt: Your Practical Guide to Love (Self Help of the Day, Sponsor, How to become oriented to understanding and agreement to act communicatively with Love) by Morhaf Al Achkar. Price: $0. Genre: Self Help of the Day, Sponsor, How to become oriented to understanding and agreement to act communicatively with Love. Rated: 4.5 stars on 33 Reviews. 171 pages. ASIN: B08Z4257N5.
  3. ***Being Authentic: A Memoir (Nonfiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Morhaf writes with the utmost care and consideration for savoring life, for living amidst the intricately complex human experience) by Morhaf Al Achkar. Price: $0. Genre: Nonfiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Morhaf writes with the utmost care and consideration for savoring life, for living amidst the intricately complex human experience. Rated: 4.5 stars on 182 Reviews. 174 pages. ASIN: B088F2KG6T.
  4. ***ROADS TO MEANING AND RESILIENCE WITH CANCER: Forty Stories of Coping, Finding Meaning, and Building Resilience While Living with Incurable Lung Cancer (Nonfiction of the Day, Sponsor, Lung Cancer, A book for every reader, The essence of the human experience at its limits) by Morhaf Al Achkar. Price: $0. Genre: Nonfiction of the Day, Sponsor, Lung Cancer, A book for every reader, The essence of the human experience at its limits. Rated: 4.5 stars on 144 Reviews. 214 pages. ASIN: B07VBRBNSZ.

Free Cookbooks & Best Cookbook Deal

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Health & Exercise & Fitness & Mental Health Best Books & Deals

  1. Stop: Scapegoated No More (Paperback) (Mental & Spiritual Healing Deal, Sponsor, Unpacking the multiple layers of scapegoating) by Gina Dobson. Price: $21.99. Genre: Mental & Spiritual Healing Deal, Sponsor, Unpacking the multiple layers of scapegoating. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 413 pages. ISBN: 0578802155.

Free Business & Finance Books & Best Business & Finance deals

    Unfortunately, nothing for today.

########################## ################################################################################################################### ####### Nook Book Deals ####### ##################################################################################################################################
Free Romance Books & Best Romance Deals

  1. **Time to Wake (Paranormal Vampire Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Is Hunter involved in the mysterious murders, Or is he just in the wrong place at the right time) by K. Thomas, Grace Heneks. Price: $0.99. Genre: Paranormal Vampire Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Is Hunter involved in the mysterious murders, Or is he just in the wrong place at the right time. Rated: 4.5 stars on 60 Reviews. 268 pages. ASIN: B08WLYGY7V.
  2. Not Right Now (Time to Wake Book 2) (Vampire Romance Deal, Sponsor, A sudden event sends Senlis and her group of friends on a chase to find a way to bring Benny back to life) by K. Thomas. Price: $0.99. Genre: Vampire Romance Deal, Sponsor, A sudden event sends Senlis and her group of friends on a chase to find a way to bring Benny back to life. Rated: 5 stars on 9 Reviews. 294 pages. ASIN: B09HSVW794.

Free Erotic Romance & Steamy Romance Books & Best Erotic Deals

  1. *Scoring Position (Dallas Longhorns, #6) (Steamy Sports Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Hannah only wants one thing this summer, but without any prospects, she assumes her goal will go unfulfilled) by Tara Wyatt. Price: $2.99. Genre: Steamy Sports Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Hannah only wants one thing this summer, but without any prospects, she assumes her goal will go unfulfilled. Rated: 4.5 stars on 31 Reviews. 133 pages. ASIN: B09F6ZKMPK.

Free Thrillers & Mysteries & Suspense Novels & Best Thriller Deals & Mystery Deals

  1. ***The Vines: A Novel (Medical Thriller Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Intertwines North Brother Island’s horrific and elusive history with a captivating tale of love, betrayal, survival, and loss) by Shelley Nolden. Price: $0.99. Genre: Medical Thriller Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Intertwines North Brother Island’s horrific and elusive history with a captivating tale of love, betrayal, survival, and loss. Rated: 4.3 stars on 428 Reviews. 327 pages. ASIN: B08WHS68GS.
  2. Midnights Edge: The Secrets of Sleepy Meadows (Supernatural Thriller Deal, Sponsor, when the veil between the living and the dead disappears) by David Chappuis, Michael Klinger. Price: $3.99. Genre: Supernatural Thriller Deal, Sponsor, when the veil between the living and the dead disappears. Rated: 5 stars on 6 Reviews. 201 pages. ASIN: B0174F4CQQ.
  3. The Children of Zion (Supernatural Mystery, Sponsor, Visions of the past begin to emerge, Leos fears he may not be as innocent as he once thought) by D.R Hurley. Price: $0. Genre: Supernatural Mystery, Sponsor, Visions of the past begin to emerge, Leos fears he may not be as innocent as he once thought. Rated: 4 stars on 7 Reviews. 416 pages. ASIN: B084KVYNBH.
  4. ***12 (Crime Thriller Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A bullied teen with an abusive father is down to one friend when his world suddenly crumbles around him) by Nolon King, David W. Wright. Price: $0. Genre: Crime Thriller Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A bullied teen with an abusive father is down to one friend when his world suddenly crumbles around him. Rated: 4.5 stars on 1416 Reviews. 524 pages. ASIN: B00WTOM6G6.

Free Christian Books & Best Christian Deals

  1. ***Blindsided: A Journey from Tragic Loss to Triumphant Love (Christian Death Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Grief & Healing, This book will grip every parent, and it will inspire every person who strives to live for God) by Mark Roser. Price: $8.49. Genre: Christian Death Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Grief & Healing, This book will grip every parent, and it will inspire every person who strives to live for God. Rated: 5 stars on 145 Reviews. 256 pages. ASIN: B08YWYBXW1.
  2. *Revelations from Heaven: A True Account of Death, the Afterlife, and 31 Supernatural Discoveries (Christian Angelology & Demonology Deal of the Day, Sponsor, After clinically dying in the hospital, a life-changing afterlife experience with Jesus) by Randy Kay, John Burke. Price: $14.99. Genre: Christian Angelology & Demonology Deal of the Day, Sponsor, After clinically dying in the hospital, a life-changing afterlife experience with Jesus. Rated: 5 stars on 32 Reviews. 295 pages. ASIN: B093YBBQF6.
  3. Chloe’s Christmas Story (Paperback) (Christian Books Deal, Sponsor, Children’s Christmas Story, Christmas According to Chloe the Pup) by Cindy Dulaney, Kelsey Showalter (Illustrator), Allison Dulaney (Contribution by). Price: $9.99. Genre: Christian Books Deal, Sponsor, Children’s Christmas Story, Christmas According to Chloe the Pup. Rated: 4 stars on 31 Reviews. 36 pages. ASIN: B08P3SBTVX.
  4. Beyond Simple Belief: God’s Transforming Process to Genuine Faith (Christian Ministry Deal, Sponsor, How God transforms simple belief into genuine faith) by JF Jeff Etchberger with JL Julie Lopes. Price: $8.49. Genre: Christian Ministry Deal, Sponsor, How God transforms simple belief into genuine faith. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 454 pages. ASIN: B08Z6X6HTW.
  5. Mr. Nicholas: A Magical Christmas Tale (Christian Suspense Deal, Sponsor, A story that helps us see the unique goodness in each person) by Christopher de Vinck, Joanne Rogers. Price: $11.49. Genre: Christian Suspense Deal, Sponsor, A story that helps us see the unique goodness in each person. Rated: 4.5 stars on 7 Reviews. 84 pages. ASIN: B09CTQZD2H.
  6. Zero Day: Game of Deception Series – Book Two (Christian Mystery & Suspense, Sponsor, Will the trio succeed against the President’s agenda) by Jp Ramzy. Price: $0. Genre: Christian Mystery & Suspense, Sponsor, Will the trio succeed against the President’s agenda. Rated: 4 stars on 7 Reviews. 280 pages. ASIN: B09D8RPL2Y.

Free Religious Books & Best Religious Deals

    Unfortunately, nothing for today.

Free Fantasy & Science Fiction & Horror & Best SciFi, Fantasy Deals

  1. ***The Secrets of the Kings (Fairy Tale Fantasy Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Alex receives a valuable golden mask from a mysterious benefactor, she is now a Mask Bearer, who chose her and why) by Nora Delzelle. Price: $0.99. Genre: Fairy Tale Fantasy Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Alex receives a valuable golden mask from a mysterious benefactor, she is now a Mask Bearer, who chose her and why. Rated: 4.4 stars on 125 Reviews. 200 pages. ASIN: B09K38RQC7.
  2. Social Animals (An SCP Story) (Horror Thriller Deal, Sponsor, anomalous wormhole, it does not take long until it becomes apparent just how dangerous this other world is) by Neoxenok Neoxenok. Price: $9.99. Genre: Horror Thriller Deal, Sponsor, anomalous wormhole, it does not take long until it becomes apparent just how dangerous this other world is. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 272 pages. ASIN: B09J7D63JY.

Free Historical Fiction & Best Historical Fiction Deals

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Free Young Adult Books & Best YA Deals

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Free Children’s Books & Best Children’s Deals

  1. The Star That Glows (Children’s Christian Holiday Fiction Deal, Sponsor, An uplifting whimsical Christmas tale for troubled times) by Jacqueline Taylor. Price: $2.99. Genre: Children’s Christian Holiday Fiction Deal, Sponsor, An uplifting whimsical Christmas tale for troubled times. Rated: 4.5 stars on 3 Reviews. 24 pages. ASIN: B08MPYR91V.

Adventure, Women’s Fiction, Literary Fiction, Humor, Contemporary Fiction & Best Deals

  1. Ocean of Love (Futuristic Fiction Sponsor, Reincarnation & Karma) by Helos. Price: $0. Genre: Futuristic Fiction Sponsor, Reincarnation & Karma. Rated: 5 stars on 6 Reviews. 230 pages. ASIN: B08DJ8LPX5.
  2. *Bell Hammers: The True Folk Tale of Little Egypt, Illinois (Historical Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A joyous romp through middle America in the 50’s and 60’, a fun, well written account, a simpler time in the Little Egypt area) by Lancelot Schaubert. Price: $0.99. Genre: Historical Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A joyous romp through middle America in the 50’s and 60’, a fun, well written account, a simpler time in the Little Egypt area. Rated: 4.3 stars on 100 Reviews. 319 pages. ASIN: B08HD8SPPD.
  3. ***The Passing Storm: A Novel (Paperback) (Contemporary Family Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A gripping, openhearted novel about family, reconciliation, and bringing closure to the secrets of the past) by Christine Nolfi. Price: $14.95. Genre: Contemporary Family Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A gripping, openhearted novel about family, reconciliation, and bringing closure to the secrets of the past. Rated: 4.3 stars on 2307 Reviews. 317 pages. ASIN: B08MZPFY3J.
  4. *A Change of Seasons (Psychological Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, John hoped things would get better but an unfortunate turn of events led him down a terrifying slippery slope) by Khurram Elahi. Price: $4.99. Genre: Psychological Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, John hoped things would get better but an unfortunate turn of events led him down a terrifying slippery slope. Rated: 4.5 stars on 17 Reviews. ASIN: B0999KSBQK.
  5. The Violet Waves: Poetry on love, dreams, manifestation and cosmic resonance (Poetry Deal, Sponsor, A poem book to inspire in you vibrant states of consciousness) by Helos. Price: $0.99. Genre: Poetry Deal, Sponsor, A poem book to inspire in you vibrant states of consciousness. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 123 pages. ASIN: B0925ZBFYC.

Free Memoirs & Best Memoir Deals

    Unfortunately, nothing today.

Free Biographies & Best Biographies Deals

  1. *A Mostly Magnificent Memoir (Paperback) (Biographies & Memoirs Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A collection of true stories made more entertaining and wrapped in a white lie) by Bo Bennett. Price: $14.99. Genre: Biographies & Memoirs Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A collection of true stories made more entertaining and wrapped in a white lie. Rated: 4.5 stars on 11 Reviews. 141 pages. ASIN: B08PVX4BLL.

Free Non-Fiction & Spirituality & Self-Help & Best Non-Fiction Deals

  1. An Owner’s Manual for Consciously Evolving Your Consciousness: Romancing the Absurd A Mystery Novel Based on Reinvented Reality (Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, Detailed ways to consciously evolve your consciousness) by Don McCrea-Hendrick. Price: $8.49. Genre: Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, Detailed ways to consciously evolve your consciousness. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. ASIN: B08NFL1654.
  2. *A Love Attempt: Your Practical Guide to Love (Self Help of the Day, Sponsor, How to become oriented to understanding and agreement to act communicatively with Love) by Morhaf Al Achkar. Price: $0. Genre: Self Help of the Day, Sponsor, How to become oriented to understanding and agreement to act communicatively with Love. Rated: 4.5 stars on 33 Reviews. 171 pages. ASIN: B08Z4257N5.
  3. ***Being Authentic: A Memoir (Nonfiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Morhaf writes with the utmost care and consideration for savoring life, for living amidst the intricately complex human experience) by Morhaf Al Achkar. Price: $0. Genre: Nonfiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Morhaf writes with the utmost care and consideration for savoring life, for living amidst the intricately complex human experience. Rated: 4.5 stars on 182 Reviews. 174 pages. ASIN: B088F2KG6T.
  4. ***ROADS TO MEANING AND RESILIENCE WITH CANCER: Forty Stories of Coping, Finding Meaning, and Building Resilience While Living with Incurable Lung Cancer (Nonfiction of the Day, Sponsor, Lung Cancer, A book for every reader, The essence of the human experience at its limits) by Morhaf Al Achkar. Price: $0. Genre: Nonfiction of the Day, Sponsor, Lung Cancer, A book for every reader, The essence of the human experience at its limits. Rated: 4.5 stars on 144 Reviews. 214 pages. ASIN: B07VBRBNSZ.

Free Cookbooks & Best Cookbook Deal

    Unfortunately, nothing for today.

Health & Exercise & Fitness & Mental Health Best Books & Deals

  1. Stop: Scapegoated No More (Paperback) (Mental & Spiritual Healing Deal, Sponsor, Unpacking the multiple layers of scapegoating) by Gina Dobson. Price: $21.99. Genre: Mental & Spiritual Healing Deal, Sponsor, Unpacking the multiple layers of scapegoating. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 413 pages. ISBN: 0578802155.

Free Business & Finance Books & Best Business & Finance deals

    Unfortunately, nothing for today.

7 Free Nook Books – Self Help, Nonfiction, Contemporary Family Fiction, Lung Cancer, A Book for Every Reader, The Essence of the Human Experience at its Limits (Nov 3rd)

Authors, Promote Your Book to 4 Million Readers. Become A Bestselling Author.

Nook Books of the Day



Free Romance Books & Best Romance Deals

  1. **Time to Wake (Paranormal Vampire Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Is Hunter involved in the mysterious murders, Or is he just in the wrong place at the right time) by K. Thomas, Grace Heneks. Price: $0.99. Genre: Paranormal Vampire Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Is Hunter involved in the mysterious murders, Or is he just in the wrong place at the right time. Rated: 4.5 stars on 60 Reviews. 268 pages. ASIN: B08WLYGY7V.
  2. Not Right Now (Time to Wake Book 2) (Vampire Romance Deal, Sponsor, A sudden event sends Senlis and her group of friends on a chase to find a way to bring Benny back to life) by K. Thomas. Price: $0.99. Genre: Vampire Romance Deal, Sponsor, A sudden event sends Senlis and her group of friends on a chase to find a way to bring Benny back to life. Rated: 5 stars on 9 Reviews. 294 pages. ASIN: B09HSVW794.

Free Erotic Romance & Steamy Romance Books & Best Erotic Deals

  1. *Scoring Position (Dallas Longhorns, #6) (Steamy Sports Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Hannah only wants one thing this summer, but without any prospects, she assumes her goal will go unfulfilled) by Tara Wyatt. Price: $2.99. Genre: Steamy Sports Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Hannah only wants one thing this summer, but without any prospects, she assumes her goal will go unfulfilled. Rated: 4.5 stars on 31 Reviews. 133 pages. ASIN: B09F6ZKMPK.

Free Thrillers & Mysteries & Suspense Novels & Best Thriller Deals & Mystery Deals

  1. ***The Vines: A Novel (Medical Thriller Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Intertwines North Brother Island’s horrific and elusive history with a captivating tale of love, betrayal, survival, and loss) by Shelley Nolden. Price: $0.99. Genre: Medical Thriller Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Intertwines North Brother Island’s horrific and elusive history with a captivating tale of love, betrayal, survival, and loss. Rated: 4.3 stars on 428 Reviews. 327 pages. ASIN: B08WHS68GS.
  2. Midnights Edge: The Secrets of Sleepy Meadows (Supernatural Thriller Deal, Sponsor, when the veil between the living and the dead disappears) by David Chappuis, Michael Klinger. Price: $3.99. Genre: Supernatural Thriller Deal, Sponsor, when the veil between the living and the dead disappears. Rated: 5 stars on 6 Reviews. 201 pages. ASIN: B0174F4CQQ.
  3. The Children of Zion (Supernatural Mystery, Sponsor, Visions of the past begin to emerge, Leos fears he may not be as innocent as he once thought) by D.R Hurley. Price: $0. Genre: Supernatural Mystery, Sponsor, Visions of the past begin to emerge, Leos fears he may not be as innocent as he once thought. Rated: 4 stars on 7 Reviews. 416 pages. ASIN: B084KVYNBH.
  4. ***12 (Crime Thriller Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A bullied teen with an abusive father is down to one friend when his world suddenly crumbles around him) by Nolon King, David W. Wright. Price: $0. Genre: Crime Thriller Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A bullied teen with an abusive father is down to one friend when his world suddenly crumbles around him. Rated: 4.5 stars on 1416 Reviews. 524 pages. ASIN: B00WTOM6G6.

Free Christian Books & Best Christian Deals

  1. ***Blindsided: A Journey from Tragic Loss to Triumphant Love (Christian Death Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Grief & Healing, This book will grip every parent, and it will inspire every person who strives to live for God) by Mark Roser. Price: $8.49. Genre: Christian Death Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Grief & Healing, This book will grip every parent, and it will inspire every person who strives to live for God. Rated: 5 stars on 145 Reviews. 256 pages. ASIN: B08YWYBXW1.
  2. *Revelations from Heaven: A True Account of Death, the Afterlife, and 31 Supernatural Discoveries (Christian Angelology & Demonology Deal of the Day, Sponsor, After clinically dying in the hospital, a life-changing afterlife experience with Jesus) by Randy Kay, John Burke. Price: $14.99. Genre: Christian Angelology & Demonology Deal of the Day, Sponsor, After clinically dying in the hospital, a life-changing afterlife experience with Jesus. Rated: 5 stars on 32 Reviews. 295 pages. ASIN: B093YBBQF6.
  3. Chloe’s Christmas Story (Paperback) (Christian Books Deal, Sponsor, Children’s Christmas Story, Christmas According to Chloe the Pup) by Cindy Dulaney, Kelsey Showalter (Illustrator), Allison Dulaney (Contribution by). Price: $9.99. Genre: Christian Books Deal, Sponsor, Children’s Christmas Story, Christmas According to Chloe the Pup. Rated: 4 stars on 31 Reviews. 36 pages. ASIN: B08P3SBTVX.
  4. Beyond Simple Belief: God’s Transforming Process to Genuine Faith (Christian Ministry Deal, Sponsor, How God transforms simple belief into genuine faith) by JF Jeff Etchberger with JL Julie Lopes. Price: $8.49. Genre: Christian Ministry Deal, Sponsor, How God transforms simple belief into genuine faith. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 454 pages. ASIN: B08Z6X6HTW.
  5. Mr. Nicholas: A Magical Christmas Tale (Christian Suspense Deal, Sponsor, A story that helps us see the unique goodness in each person) by Christopher de Vinck, Joanne Rogers. Price: $11.49. Genre: Christian Suspense Deal, Sponsor, A story that helps us see the unique goodness in each person. Rated: 4.5 stars on 7 Reviews. 84 pages. ASIN: B09CTQZD2H.
  6. Zero Day: Game of Deception Series – Book Two (Christian Mystery & Suspense, Sponsor, Will the trio succeed against the President’s agenda) by Jp Ramzy. Price: $0. Genre: Christian Mystery & Suspense, Sponsor, Will the trio succeed against the President’s agenda. Rated: 4 stars on 7 Reviews. 280 pages. ASIN: B09D8RPL2Y.

Free Religious Books & Best Religious Deals

    Unfortunately, nothing for today.

Free Fantasy & Science Fiction & Horror & Best SciFi, Fantasy Deals

  1. ***The Secrets of the Kings (Fairy Tale Fantasy Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Alex receives a valuable golden mask from a mysterious benefactor, she is now a Mask Bearer, who chose her and why) by Nora Delzelle. Price: $0.99. Genre: Fairy Tale Fantasy Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Alex receives a valuable golden mask from a mysterious benefactor, she is now a Mask Bearer, who chose her and why. Rated: 4.4 stars on 125 Reviews. 200 pages. ASIN: B09K38RQC7.
  2. Social Animals (An SCP Story) (Horror Thriller Deal, Sponsor, anomalous wormhole, it does not take long until it becomes apparent just how dangerous this other world is) by Neoxenok Neoxenok. Price: $9.99. Genre: Horror Thriller Deal, Sponsor, anomalous wormhole, it does not take long until it becomes apparent just how dangerous this other world is. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 272 pages. ASIN: B09J7D63JY.

Free Historical Fiction & Best Historical Fiction Deals

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Free Young Adult Books & Best YA Deals

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Free Children’s Books & Best Children’s Deals

  1. The Star That Glows (Children’s Christian Holiday Fiction Deal, Sponsor, An uplifting whimsical Christmas tale for troubled times) by Jacqueline Taylor. Price: $2.99. Genre: Children’s Christian Holiday Fiction Deal, Sponsor, An uplifting whimsical Christmas tale for troubled times. Rated: 4.5 stars on 3 Reviews. 24 pages. ASIN: B08MPYR91V.

Adventure, Women’s Fiction, Literary Fiction, Humor, Contemporary Fiction & Best Deals

  1. Ocean of Love (Futuristic Fiction Sponsor, Reincarnation & Karma) by Helos. Price: $0. Genre: Futuristic Fiction Sponsor, Reincarnation & Karma. Rated: 5 stars on 6 Reviews. 230 pages. ASIN: B08DJ8LPX5.
  2. *Bell Hammers: The True Folk Tale of Little Egypt, Illinois (Historical Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A joyous romp through middle America in the 50’s and 60’, a fun, well written account, a simpler time in the Little Egypt area) by Lancelot Schaubert. Price: $0.99. Genre: Historical Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A joyous romp through middle America in the 50’s and 60’, a fun, well written account, a simpler time in the Little Egypt area. Rated: 4.3 stars on 100 Reviews. 319 pages. ASIN: B08HD8SPPD.
  3. ***The Passing Storm: A Novel (Paperback) (Contemporary Family Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A gripping, openhearted novel about family, reconciliation, and bringing closure to the secrets of the past) by Christine Nolfi. Price: $14.95. Genre: Contemporary Family Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A gripping, openhearted novel about family, reconciliation, and bringing closure to the secrets of the past. Rated: 4.3 stars on 2307 Reviews. 317 pages. ASIN: B08MZPFY3J.
  4. *A Change of Seasons (Psychological Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, John hoped things would get better but an unfortunate turn of events led him down a terrifying slippery slope) by Khurram Elahi. Price: $4.99. Genre: Psychological Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, John hoped things would get better but an unfortunate turn of events led him down a terrifying slippery slope. Rated: 4.5 stars on 17 Reviews. ASIN: B0999KSBQK.
  5. The Violet Waves: Poetry on love, dreams, manifestation and cosmic resonance (Poetry Deal, Sponsor, A poem book to inspire in you vibrant states of consciousness) by Helos. Price: $0.99. Genre: Poetry Deal, Sponsor, A poem book to inspire in you vibrant states of consciousness. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 123 pages. ASIN: B0925ZBFYC.

Free Memoirs & Best Memoir Deals

    Unfortunately, nothing today.

Free Biographies & Best Biographies Deals

  1. *A Mostly Magnificent Memoir (Paperback) (Biographies & Memoirs Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A collection of true stories made more entertaining and wrapped in a white lie) by Bo Bennett. Price: $14.99. Genre: Biographies & Memoirs Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A collection of true stories made more entertaining and wrapped in a white lie. Rated: 4.5 stars on 11 Reviews. 141 pages. ASIN: B08PVX4BLL.

Free Non-Fiction & Spirituality & Self-Help & Best Non-Fiction Deals

  1. An Owner’s Manual for Consciously Evolving Your Consciousness: Romancing the Absurd A Mystery Novel Based on Reinvented Reality (Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, Detailed ways to consciously evolve your consciousness) by Don McCrea-Hendrick. Price: $8.49. Genre: Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, Detailed ways to consciously evolve your consciousness. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. ASIN: B08NFL1654.
  2. *A Love Attempt: Your Practical Guide to Love (Self Help of the Day, Sponsor, How to become oriented to understanding and agreement to act communicatively with Love) by Morhaf Al Achkar. Price: $0. Genre: Self Help of the Day, Sponsor, How to become oriented to understanding and agreement to act communicatively with Love. Rated: 4.5 stars on 33 Reviews. 171 pages. ASIN: B08Z4257N5.
  3. ***Being Authentic: A Memoir (Nonfiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Morhaf writes with the utmost care and consideration for savoring life, for living amidst the intricately complex human experience) by Morhaf Al Achkar. Price: $0. Genre: Nonfiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Morhaf writes with the utmost care and consideration for savoring life, for living amidst the intricately complex human experience. Rated: 4.5 stars on 182 Reviews. 174 pages. ASIN: B088F2KG6T.
  4. ***ROADS TO MEANING AND RESILIENCE WITH CANCER: Forty Stories of Coping, Finding Meaning, and Building Resilience While Living with Incurable Lung Cancer (Nonfiction of the Day, Sponsor, Lung Cancer, A book for every reader, The essence of the human experience at its limits) by Morhaf Al Achkar. Price: $0. Genre: Nonfiction of the Day, Sponsor, Lung Cancer, A book for every reader, The essence of the human experience at its limits. Rated: 4.5 stars on 144 Reviews. 214 pages. ASIN: B07VBRBNSZ.

Free Cookbooks & Best Cookbook Deal

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Health & Exercise & Fitness & Mental Health Best Books & Deals

  1. Stop: Scapegoated No More (Paperback) (Mental & Spiritual Healing Deal, Sponsor, Unpacking the multiple layers of scapegoating) by Gina Dobson. Price: $21.99. Genre: Mental & Spiritual Healing Deal, Sponsor, Unpacking the multiple layers of scapegoating. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 413 pages. ISBN: 0578802155.

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Free Romance Books & Best Romance Deals

  1. **Time to Wake (Paranormal Vampire Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Is Hunter involved in the mysterious murders, Or is he just in the wrong place at the right time) by K. Thomas, Grace Heneks. Price: $0.99. Genre: Paranormal Vampire Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Is Hunter involved in the mysterious murders, Or is he just in the wrong place at the right time. Rated: 4.5 stars on 60 Reviews. 268 pages. ASIN: B08WLYGY7V.
  2. Not Right Now (Time to Wake Book 2) (Vampire Romance Deal, Sponsor, A sudden event sends Senlis and her group of friends on a chase to find a way to bring Benny back to life) by K. Thomas. Price: $0.99. Genre: Vampire Romance Deal, Sponsor, A sudden event sends Senlis and her group of friends on a chase to find a way to bring Benny back to life. Rated: 5 stars on 9 Reviews. 294 pages. ASIN: B09HSVW794.

Free Erotic Romance & Steamy Romance Books & Best Erotic Deals

  1. *Scoring Position (Dallas Longhorns, #6) (Steamy Sports Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Hannah only wants one thing this summer, but without any prospects, she assumes her goal will go unfulfilled) by Tara Wyatt. Price: $2.99. Genre: Steamy Sports Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Hannah only wants one thing this summer, but without any prospects, she assumes her goal will go unfulfilled. Rated: 4.5 stars on 31 Reviews. 133 pages. ASIN: B09F6ZKMPK.

Free Thrillers & Mysteries & Suspense Novels & Best Thriller Deals & Mystery Deals

  1. ***The Vines: A Novel (Medical Thriller Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Intertwines North Brother Island’s horrific and elusive history with a captivating tale of love, betrayal, survival, and loss) by Shelley Nolden. Price: $0.99. Genre: Medical Thriller Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Intertwines North Brother Island’s horrific and elusive history with a captivating tale of love, betrayal, survival, and loss. Rated: 4.3 stars on 428 Reviews. 327 pages. ASIN: B08WHS68GS.
  2. Midnights Edge: The Secrets of Sleepy Meadows (Supernatural Thriller Deal, Sponsor, when the veil between the living and the dead disappears) by David Chappuis, Michael Klinger. Price: $3.99. Genre: Supernatural Thriller Deal, Sponsor, when the veil between the living and the dead disappears. Rated: 5 stars on 6 Reviews. 201 pages. ASIN: B0174F4CQQ.
  3. The Children of Zion (Supernatural Mystery, Sponsor, Visions of the past begin to emerge, Leos fears he may not be as innocent as he once thought) by D.R Hurley. Price: $0. Genre: Supernatural Mystery, Sponsor, Visions of the past begin to emerge, Leos fears he may not be as innocent as he once thought. Rated: 4 stars on 7 Reviews. 416 pages. ASIN: B084KVYNBH.
  4. ***12 (Crime Thriller Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A bullied teen with an abusive father is down to one friend when his world suddenly crumbles around him) by Nolon King, David W. Wright. Price: $0. Genre: Crime Thriller Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A bullied teen with an abusive father is down to one friend when his world suddenly crumbles around him. Rated: 4.5 stars on 1416 Reviews. 524 pages. ASIN: B00WTOM6G6.

Free Christian Books & Best Christian Deals

  1. ***Blindsided: A Journey from Tragic Loss to Triumphant Love (Christian Death Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Grief & Healing, This book will grip every parent, and it will inspire every person who strives to live for God) by Mark Roser. Price: $8.49. Genre: Christian Death Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Grief & Healing, This book will grip every parent, and it will inspire every person who strives to live for God. Rated: 5 stars on 145 Reviews. 256 pages. ASIN: B08YWYBXW1.
  2. *Revelations from Heaven: A True Account of Death, the Afterlife, and 31 Supernatural Discoveries (Christian Angelology & Demonology Deal of the Day, Sponsor, After clinically dying in the hospital, a life-changing afterlife experience with Jesus) by Randy Kay, John Burke. Price: $14.99. Genre: Christian Angelology & Demonology Deal of the Day, Sponsor, After clinically dying in the hospital, a life-changing afterlife experience with Jesus. Rated: 5 stars on 32 Reviews. 295 pages. ASIN: B093YBBQF6.
  3. Chloe’s Christmas Story (Paperback) (Christian Books Deal, Sponsor, Children’s Christmas Story, Christmas According to Chloe the Pup) by Cindy Dulaney, Kelsey Showalter (Illustrator), Allison Dulaney (Contribution by). Price: $9.99. Genre: Christian Books Deal, Sponsor, Children’s Christmas Story, Christmas According to Chloe the Pup. Rated: 4 stars on 31 Reviews. 36 pages. ASIN: B08P3SBTVX.
  4. Beyond Simple Belief: God’s Transforming Process to Genuine Faith (Christian Ministry Deal, Sponsor, How God transforms simple belief into genuine faith) by JF Jeff Etchberger with JL Julie Lopes. Price: $8.49. Genre: Christian Ministry Deal, Sponsor, How God transforms simple belief into genuine faith. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 454 pages. ASIN: B08Z6X6HTW.
  5. Mr. Nicholas: A Magical Christmas Tale (Christian Suspense Deal, Sponsor, A story that helps us see the unique goodness in each person) by Christopher de Vinck, Joanne Rogers. Price: $11.49. Genre: Christian Suspense Deal, Sponsor, A story that helps us see the unique goodness in each person. Rated: 4.5 stars on 7 Reviews. 84 pages. ASIN: B09CTQZD2H.
  6. Zero Day: Game of Deception Series – Book Two (Christian Mystery & Suspense, Sponsor, Will the trio succeed against the President’s agenda) by Jp Ramzy. Price: $0. Genre: Christian Mystery & Suspense, Sponsor, Will the trio succeed against the President’s agenda. Rated: 4 stars on 7 Reviews. 280 pages. ASIN: B09D8RPL2Y.

Free Religious Books & Best Religious Deals

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Free Fantasy & Science Fiction & Horror & Best SciFi, Fantasy Deals

  1. ***The Secrets of the Kings (Fairy Tale Fantasy Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Alex receives a valuable golden mask from a mysterious benefactor, she is now a Mask Bearer, who chose her and why) by Nora Delzelle. Price: $0.99. Genre: Fairy Tale Fantasy Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Alex receives a valuable golden mask from a mysterious benefactor, she is now a Mask Bearer, who chose her and why. Rated: 4.4 stars on 125 Reviews. 200 pages. ASIN: B09K38RQC7.
  2. Social Animals (An SCP Story) (Horror Thriller Deal, Sponsor, anomalous wormhole, it does not take long until it becomes apparent just how dangerous this other world is) by Neoxenok Neoxenok. Price: $9.99. Genre: Horror Thriller Deal, Sponsor, anomalous wormhole, it does not take long until it becomes apparent just how dangerous this other world is. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 272 pages. ASIN: B09J7D63JY.

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Free Young Adult Books & Best YA Deals

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Free Children’s Books & Best Children’s Deals

  1. The Star That Glows (Children’s Christian Holiday Fiction Deal, Sponsor, An uplifting whimsical Christmas tale for troubled times) by Jacqueline Taylor. Price: $2.99. Genre: Children’s Christian Holiday Fiction Deal, Sponsor, An uplifting whimsical Christmas tale for troubled times. Rated: 4.5 stars on 3 Reviews. 24 pages. ASIN: B08MPYR91V.

Adventure, Women’s Fiction, Literary Fiction, Humor, Contemporary Fiction & Best Deals

  1. Ocean of Love (Futuristic Fiction Sponsor, Reincarnation & Karma) by Helos. Price: $0. Genre: Futuristic Fiction Sponsor, Reincarnation & Karma. Rated: 5 stars on 6 Reviews. 230 pages. ASIN: B08DJ8LPX5.
  2. *Bell Hammers: The True Folk Tale of Little Egypt, Illinois (Historical Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A joyous romp through middle America in the 50’s and 60’, a fun, well written account, a simpler time in the Little Egypt area) by Lancelot Schaubert. Price: $0.99. Genre: Historical Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A joyous romp through middle America in the 50’s and 60’, a fun, well written account, a simpler time in the Little Egypt area. Rated: 4.3 stars on 100 Reviews. 319 pages. ASIN: B08HD8SPPD.
  3. ***The Passing Storm: A Novel (Paperback) (Contemporary Family Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A gripping, openhearted novel about family, reconciliation, and bringing closure to the secrets of the past) by Christine Nolfi. Price: $14.95. Genre: Contemporary Family Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A gripping, openhearted novel about family, reconciliation, and bringing closure to the secrets of the past. Rated: 4.3 stars on 2307 Reviews. 317 pages. ASIN: B08MZPFY3J.
  4. *A Change of Seasons (Psychological Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, John hoped things would get better but an unfortunate turn of events led him down a terrifying slippery slope) by Khurram Elahi. Price: $4.99. Genre: Psychological Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, John hoped things would get better but an unfortunate turn of events led him down a terrifying slippery slope. Rated: 4.5 stars on 17 Reviews. ASIN: B0999KSBQK.
  5. The Violet Waves: Poetry on love, dreams, manifestation and cosmic resonance (Poetry Deal, Sponsor, A poem book to inspire in you vibrant states of consciousness) by Helos. Price: $0.99. Genre: Poetry Deal, Sponsor, A poem book to inspire in you vibrant states of consciousness. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 123 pages. ASIN: B0925ZBFYC.

Free Memoirs & Best Memoir Deals

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Free Biographies & Best Biographies Deals

  1. *A Mostly Magnificent Memoir (Paperback) (Biographies & Memoirs Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A collection of true stories made more entertaining and wrapped in a white lie) by Bo Bennett. Price: $14.99. Genre: Biographies & Memoirs Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A collection of true stories made more entertaining and wrapped in a white lie. Rated: 4.5 stars on 11 Reviews. 141 pages. ASIN: B08PVX4BLL.

Free Non-Fiction & Spirituality & Self-Help & Best Non-Fiction Deals

  1. An Owner’s Manual for Consciously Evolving Your Consciousness: Romancing the Absurd A Mystery Novel Based on Reinvented Reality (Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, Detailed ways to consciously evolve your consciousness) by Don McCrea-Hendrick. Price: $8.49. Genre: Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, Detailed ways to consciously evolve your consciousness. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. ASIN: B08NFL1654.
  2. *A Love Attempt: Your Practical Guide to Love (Self Help of the Day, Sponsor, How to become oriented to understanding and agreement to act communicatively with Love) by Morhaf Al Achkar. Price: $0. Genre: Self Help of the Day, Sponsor, How to become oriented to understanding and agreement to act communicatively with Love. Rated: 4.5 stars on 33 Reviews. 171 pages. ASIN: B08Z4257N5.
  3. ***Being Authentic: A Memoir (Nonfiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Morhaf writes with the utmost care and consideration for savoring life, for living amidst the intricately complex human experience) by Morhaf Al Achkar. Price: $0. Genre: Nonfiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Morhaf writes with the utmost care and consideration for savoring life, for living amidst the intricately complex human experience. Rated: 4.5 stars on 182 Reviews. 174 pages. ASIN: B088F2KG6T.
  4. ***ROADS TO MEANING AND RESILIENCE WITH CANCER: Forty Stories of Coping, Finding Meaning, and Building Resilience While Living with Incurable Lung Cancer (Nonfiction of the Day, Sponsor, Lung Cancer, A book for every reader, The essence of the human experience at its limits) by Morhaf Al Achkar. Price: $0. Genre: Nonfiction of the Day, Sponsor, Lung Cancer, A book for every reader, The essence of the human experience at its limits. Rated: 4.5 stars on 144 Reviews. 214 pages. ASIN: B07VBRBNSZ.

Free Cookbooks & Best Cookbook Deal

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Health & Exercise & Fitness & Mental Health Best Books & Deals

  1. Stop: Scapegoated No More (Paperback) (Mental & Spiritual Healing Deal, Sponsor, Unpacking the multiple layers of scapegoating) by Gina Dobson. Price: $21.99. Genre: Mental & Spiritual Healing Deal, Sponsor, Unpacking the multiple layers of scapegoating. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 413 pages. ISBN: 0578802155.

Free Business & Finance Books & Best Business & Finance deals

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Free Romance Books & Best Romance Deals

  1. **Deep Down (Contemporary Romance of the Day) by Brenda Rothert. Price: $0. Genre: Contemporary Romance of the Day. Rated: 4.9 stars on 80 Reviews. 260 pages. ASIN: B00X0CF8IY.
  2. **Time to Wake (Paranormal Vampire Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Is Hunter involved in the mysterious murders, Or is he just in the wrong place at the right time) by K. Thomas, Grace Heneks. Price: $0.99. Genre: Paranormal Vampire Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Is Hunter involved in the mysterious murders, Or is he just in the wrong place at the right time. Rated: 4.5 stars on 60 Reviews. 268 pages. ASIN: B08WLYGY7V.
  3. Not Right Now (Time to Wake Book 2) (Vampire Romance Deal, Sponsor, A sudden event sends Senlis and her group of friends on a chase to find a way to bring Benny back to life) by K. Thomas. Price: $0.99. Genre: Vampire Romance Deal, Sponsor, A sudden event sends Senlis and her group of friends on a chase to find a way to bring Benny back to life. Rated: 5 stars on 9 Reviews. 294 pages. ASIN: B09HSVW794.
  4. ***Bluegrass State of Mind (Romantic Suspense Book of the Day) by Kathleen Brooks. Price: $0. Genre: Romantic Suspense Book of the Day. Rated: 4.3 stars on 988 Reviews. 278 pages. ASIN: B00589BAWK.

Free Erotic Romance & Steamy Romance Books & Best Erotic Deals

  1. *Scoring Position (Dallas Longhorns, #6) (Steamy Sports Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Hannah only wants one thing this summer, but without any prospects, she assumes her goal will go unfulfilled) by Tara Wyatt. Price: $2.99. Genre: Steamy Sports Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Hannah only wants one thing this summer, but without any prospects, she assumes her goal will go unfulfilled. Rated: 4.5 stars on 31 Reviews. 133 pages. ASIN: B09F6ZKMPK.

Free Thrillers & Mysteries & Suspense Novels & Best Thriller Deals & Mystery Deals

  1. ***The Vines: A Novel (Medical Thriller Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Intertwines North Brother Island’s horrific and elusive history with a captivating tale of love, betrayal, survival, and loss) by Shelley Nolden. Price: $0.99. Genre: Medical Thriller Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Intertwines North Brother Island’s horrific and elusive history with a captivating tale of love, betrayal, survival, and loss. Rated: 4.3 stars on 428 Reviews. 327 pages. ASIN: B08WHS68GS.
  2. Midnights Edge: The Secrets of Sleepy Meadows (Supernatural Thriller Deal, Sponsor, when the veil between the living and the dead disappears) by David Chappuis, Michael Klinger. Price: $3.99. Genre: Supernatural Thriller Deal, Sponsor, when the veil between the living and the dead disappears. Rated: 5 stars on 6 Reviews. 201 pages. ASIN: B0174F4CQQ.
  3. The Children of Zion (Supernatural Mystery, Sponsor, Visions of the past begin to emerge, Leos fears he may not be as innocent as he once thought) by D.R Hurley. Price: $0. Genre: Supernatural Mystery, Sponsor, Visions of the past begin to emerge, Leos fears he may not be as innocent as he once thought. Rated: 4 stars on 7 Reviews. 416 pages. ASIN: B084KVYNBH.
  4. ***12 (Crime Thriller Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A bullied teen with an abusive father is down to one friend when his world suddenly crumbles around him) by Nolon King, David W. Wright. Price: $0. Genre: Crime Thriller Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A bullied teen with an abusive father is down to one friend when his world suddenly crumbles around him. Rated: 4.5 stars on 1416 Reviews. 524 pages. ASIN: B00WTOM6G6.

Free Christian Books & Best Christian Deals

  1. ***Blindsided: A Journey from Tragic Loss to Triumphant Love (Christian Death Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Grief & Healing, This book will grip every parent, and it will inspire every person who strives to live for God) by Mark Roser. Price: $8.49. Genre: Christian Death Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Grief & Healing, This book will grip every parent, and it will inspire every person who strives to live for God. Rated: 5 stars on 145 Reviews. 256 pages. ASIN: B08YWYBXW1.
  2. *Revelations from Heaven: A True Account of Death, the Afterlife, and 31 Supernatural Discoveries (Christian Angelology & Demonology Deal of the Day, Sponsor, After clinically dying in the hospital, a life-changing afterlife experience with Jesus) by Randy Kay, John Burke. Price: $14.99. Genre: Christian Angelology & Demonology Deal of the Day, Sponsor, After clinically dying in the hospital, a life-changing afterlife experience with Jesus. Rated: 5 stars on 32 Reviews. 295 pages. ASIN: B093YBBQF6.
  3. Chloe’s Christmas Story (Paperback) (Christian Books Deal, Sponsor, Children’s Christmas Story, Christmas According to Chloe the Pup) by Cindy Dulaney, Kelsey Showalter (Illustrator), Allison Dulaney (Contribution by). Price: $9.99. Genre: Christian Books Deal, Sponsor, Children’s Christmas Story, Christmas According to Chloe the Pup. Rated: 4 stars on 31 Reviews. 36 pages. ASIN: B08P3SBTVX.
  4. Beyond Simple Belief: God’s Transforming Process to Genuine Faith (Christian Ministry Deal, Sponsor, How God transforms simple belief into genuine faith) by JF Jeff Etchberger with JL Julie Lopes. Price: $8.49. Genre: Christian Ministry Deal, Sponsor, How God transforms simple belief into genuine faith. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 454 pages. ASIN: B08Z6X6HTW.
  5. Mr. Nicholas: A Magical Christmas Tale (Christian Suspense Deal, Sponsor, A story that helps us see the unique goodness in each person) by Christopher de Vinck, Joanne Rogers. Price: $11.49. Genre: Christian Suspense Deal, Sponsor, A story that helps us see the unique goodness in each person. Rated: 4.5 stars on 7 Reviews. 84 pages. ASIN: B09CTQZD2H.
  6. Zero Day: Game of Deception Series – Book Two (Christian Mystery & Suspense, Sponsor, Will the trio succeed against the President’s agenda) by Jp Ramzy. Price: $0. Genre: Christian Mystery & Suspense, Sponsor, Will the trio succeed against the President’s agenda. Rated: 4 stars on 7 Reviews. 280 pages. ASIN: B09D8RPL2Y.

Free Religious Books & Best Religious Deals

    Unfortunately, nothing for today.

Free Fantasy & Science Fiction & Horror & Best SciFi, Fantasy Deals

  1. ***The Secrets of the Kings (Fairy Tale Fantasy Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Alex receives a valuable golden mask from a mysterious benefactor, she is now a Mask Bearer, who chose her and why) by Nora Delzelle. Price: $0.99. Genre: Fairy Tale Fantasy Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Alex receives a valuable golden mask from a mysterious benefactor, she is now a Mask Bearer, who chose her and why. Rated: 4.4 stars on 125 Reviews. 200 pages. ASIN: B09K38RQC7.
  2. Social Animals (An SCP Story) (Horror Thriller Deal, Sponsor, anomalous wormhole, it does not take long until it becomes apparent just how dangerous this other world is) by Neoxenok Neoxenok. Price: $9.99. Genre: Horror Thriller Deal, Sponsor, anomalous wormhole, it does not take long until it becomes apparent just how dangerous this other world is. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 272 pages. ASIN: B09J7D63JY.

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Free Children’s Books & Best Children’s Deals

  1. The Star That Glows (Children’s Christian Holiday Fiction Deal, Sponsor, An uplifting whimsical Christmas tale for troubled times) by Jacqueline Taylor. Price: $2.99. Genre: Children’s Christian Holiday Fiction Deal, Sponsor, An uplifting whimsical Christmas tale for troubled times. Rated: 4.5 stars on 3 Reviews. 24 pages. ASIN: B08MPYR91V.

Adventure, Women’s Fiction, Literary Fiction, Humor, Contemporary Fiction & Best Deals

  1. Loves Me, Loves Me Not (Women’s Humorous Fiction) by Karen Sandler. Price: $0. Genre: Women’s Humorous Fiction. Rated: 4 stars on 2 Reviews. 160 pages. ASIN: B00PYSSL18.
  2. Ocean of Love (Futuristic Fiction Sponsor, Reincarnation & Karma) by Helos. Price: $0. Genre: Futuristic Fiction Sponsor, Reincarnation & Karma. Rated: 5 stars on 6 Reviews. 230 pages. ASIN: B08DJ8LPX5.
  3. *Bell Hammers: The True Folk Tale of Little Egypt, Illinois (Historical Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A joyous romp through middle America in the 50’s and 60’, a fun, well written account, a simpler time in the Little Egypt area) by Lancelot Schaubert. Price: $0.99. Genre: Historical Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A joyous romp through middle America in the 50’s and 60’, a fun, well written account, a simpler time in the Little Egypt area. Rated: 4.3 stars on 100 Reviews. 319 pages. ASIN: B08HD8SPPD.
  4. ***The Passing Storm: A Novel (Paperback) (Contemporary Family Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A gripping, openhearted novel about family, reconciliation, and bringing closure to the secrets of the past) by Christine Nolfi. Price: $14.95. Genre: Contemporary Family Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A gripping, openhearted novel about family, reconciliation, and bringing closure to the secrets of the past. Rated: 4.3 stars on 2307 Reviews. 317 pages. ASIN: B08MZPFY3J.
  5. *A Change of Seasons (Psychological Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, John hoped things would get better but an unfortunate turn of events led him down a terrifying slippery slope) by Khurram Elahi. Price: $4.99. Genre: Psychological Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, John hoped things would get better but an unfortunate turn of events led him down a terrifying slippery slope. Rated: 4.5 stars on 17 Reviews. ASIN: B0999KSBQK.
  6. The Violet Waves: Poetry on love, dreams, manifestation and cosmic resonance (Poetry Deal, Sponsor, A poem book to inspire in you vibrant states of consciousness) by Helos. Price: $0.99. Genre: Poetry Deal, Sponsor, A poem book to inspire in you vibrant states of consciousness. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 123 pages. ASIN: B0925ZBFYC.

Free Memoirs & Best Memoir Deals

    Unfortunately, nothing today.

Free Biographies & Best Biographies Deals

  1. *A Mostly Magnificent Memoir (Paperback) (Biographies & Memoirs Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A collection of true stories made more entertaining and wrapped in a white lie) by Bo Bennett. Price: $14.99. Genre: Biographies & Memoirs Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A collection of true stories made more entertaining and wrapped in a white lie. Rated: 4.5 stars on 11 Reviews. 141 pages. ASIN: B08PVX4BLL.

Free Non-Fiction & Spirituality & Self-Help & Best Non-Fiction Deals

  1. An Owner’s Manual for Consciously Evolving Your Consciousness: Romancing the Absurd A Mystery Novel Based on Reinvented Reality (Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, Detailed ways to consciously evolve your consciousness) by Don McCrea-Hendrick. Price: $8.49. Genre: Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, Detailed ways to consciously evolve your consciousness. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. ASIN: B08NFL1654.
  2. *A Love Attempt: Your Practical Guide to Love (Self Help of the Day, Sponsor, How to become oriented to understanding and agreement to act communicatively with Love) by Morhaf Al Achkar. Price: $0. Genre: Self Help of the Day, Sponsor, How to become oriented to understanding and agreement to act communicatively with Love. Rated: 4.5 stars on 33 Reviews. 171 pages. ASIN: B08Z4257N5.
  3. ***Being Authentic: A Memoir (Nonfiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Morhaf writes with the utmost care and consideration for savoring life, for living amidst the intricately complex human experience) by Morhaf Al Achkar. Price: $0. Genre: Nonfiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Morhaf writes with the utmost care and consideration for savoring life, for living amidst the intricately complex human experience. Rated: 4.5 stars on 182 Reviews. 174 pages. ASIN: B088F2KG6T.
  4. ***ROADS TO MEANING AND RESILIENCE WITH CANCER: Forty Stories of Coping, Finding Meaning, and Building Resilience While Living with Incurable Lung Cancer (Nonfiction of the Day, Sponsor, Lung Cancer, A book for every reader, The essence of the human experience at its limits) by Morhaf Al Achkar. Price: $0. Genre: Nonfiction of the Day, Sponsor, Lung Cancer, A book for every reader, The essence of the human experience at its limits. Rated: 4.5 stars on 144 Reviews. 214 pages. ASIN: B07VBRBNSZ.

Free Cookbooks & Best Cookbook Deal

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Health & Exercise & Fitness & Mental Health Best Books & Deals

  1. Stop: Scapegoated No More (Paperback) (Mental & Spiritual Healing Deal, Sponsor, Unpacking the multiple layers of scapegoating) by Gina Dobson. Price: $21.99. Genre: Mental & Spiritual Healing Deal, Sponsor, Unpacking the multiple layers of scapegoating. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 413 pages. ISBN: 0578802155.

Free Business & Finance Books & Best Business & Finance deals

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Free Romance Books & Best Romance Deals

  1. **Time to Wake (Paranormal Vampire Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Is Hunter involved in the mysterious murders, Or is he just in the wrong place at the right time) by K. Thomas, Grace Heneks. Price: $0.99. Genre: Paranormal Vampire Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Is Hunter involved in the mysterious murders, Or is he just in the wrong place at the right time. Rated: 4.5 stars on 60 Reviews. 268 pages. ASIN: B08WLYGY7V.
  2. Not Right Now (Time to Wake Book 2) (Vampire Romance Deal, Sponsor, A sudden event sends Senlis and her group of friends on a chase to find a way to bring Benny back to life) by K. Thomas. Price: $0.99. Genre: Vampire Romance Deal, Sponsor, A sudden event sends Senlis and her group of friends on a chase to find a way to bring Benny back to life. Rated: 5 stars on 9 Reviews. 294 pages. ASIN: B09HSVW794.

Free Erotic Romance & Steamy Romance Books & Best Erotic Deals

  1. *Scoring Position (Dallas Longhorns, #6) (Steamy Sports Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Hannah only wants one thing this summer, but without any prospects, she assumes her goal will go unfulfilled) by Tara Wyatt. Price: $2.99. Genre: Steamy Sports Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Hannah only wants one thing this summer, but without any prospects, she assumes her goal will go unfulfilled. Rated: 4.5 stars on 31 Reviews. 133 pages. ASIN: B09F6ZKMPK.

Free Thrillers & Mysteries & Suspense Novels & Best Thriller Deals & Mystery Deals

  1. ***The Vines: A Novel (Medical Thriller Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Intertwines North Brother Island’s horrific and elusive history with a captivating tale of love, betrayal, survival, and loss) by Shelley Nolden. Price: $0.99. Genre: Medical Thriller Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Intertwines North Brother Island’s horrific and elusive history with a captivating tale of love, betrayal, survival, and loss. Rated: 4.3 stars on 428 Reviews. 327 pages. ASIN: B08WHS68GS.
  2. Midnights Edge: The Secrets of Sleepy Meadows (Supernatural Thriller Deal, Sponsor, when the veil between the living and the dead disappears) by David Chappuis, Michael Klinger. Price: $3.99. Genre: Supernatural Thriller Deal, Sponsor, when the veil between the living and the dead disappears. Rated: 5 stars on 6 Reviews. 201 pages. ASIN: B0174F4CQQ.
  3. The Children of Zion (Supernatural Mystery, Sponsor, Visions of the past begin to emerge, Leos fears he may not be as innocent as he once thought) by D.R Hurley. Price: $0. Genre: Supernatural Mystery, Sponsor, Visions of the past begin to emerge, Leos fears he may not be as innocent as he once thought. Rated: 4 stars on 7 Reviews. 416 pages. ASIN: B084KVYNBH.
  4. ***12 (Crime Thriller Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A bullied teen with an abusive father is down to one friend when his world suddenly crumbles around him) by Nolon King, David W. Wright. Price: $0. Genre: Crime Thriller Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A bullied teen with an abusive father is down to one friend when his world suddenly crumbles around him. Rated: 4.5 stars on 1416 Reviews. 524 pages. ASIN: B00WTOM6G6.

Free Christian Books & Best Christian Deals

  1. ***Blindsided: A Journey from Tragic Loss to Triumphant Love (Christian Death Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Grief & Healing, This book will grip every parent, and it will inspire every person who strives to live for God) by Mark Roser. Price: $8.49. Genre: Christian Death Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Grief & Healing, This book will grip every parent, and it will inspire every person who strives to live for God. Rated: 5 stars on 145 Reviews. 256 pages. ASIN: B08YWYBXW1.
  2. *Revelations from Heaven: A True Account of Death, the Afterlife, and 31 Supernatural Discoveries (Christian Angelology & Demonology Deal of the Day, Sponsor, After clinically dying in the hospital, a life-changing afterlife experience with Jesus) by Randy Kay, John Burke. Price: $14.99. Genre: Christian Angelology & Demonology Deal of the Day, Sponsor, After clinically dying in the hospital, a life-changing afterlife experience with Jesus. Rated: 5 stars on 32 Reviews. 295 pages. ASIN: B093YBBQF6.
  3. Chloe’s Christmas Story (Paperback) (Christian Books Deal, Sponsor, Children’s Christmas Story, Christmas According to Chloe the Pup) by Cindy Dulaney, Kelsey Showalter (Illustrator), Allison Dulaney (Contribution by). Price: $9.99. Genre: Christian Books Deal, Sponsor, Children’s Christmas Story, Christmas According to Chloe the Pup. Rated: 4 stars on 31 Reviews. 36 pages. ASIN: B08P3SBTVX.
  4. Beyond Simple Belief: God’s Transforming Process to Genuine Faith (Christian Ministry Deal, Sponsor, How God transforms simple belief into genuine faith) by JF Jeff Etchberger with JL Julie Lopes. Price: $8.49. Genre: Christian Ministry Deal, Sponsor, How God transforms simple belief into genuine faith. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 454 pages. ASIN: B08Z6X6HTW.
  5. Mr. Nicholas: A Magical Christmas Tale (Christian Suspense Deal, Sponsor, A story that helps us see the unique goodness in each person) by Christopher de Vinck, Joanne Rogers. Price: $11.49. Genre: Christian Suspense Deal, Sponsor, A story that helps us see the unique goodness in each person. Rated: 4.5 stars on 7 Reviews. 84 pages. ASIN: B09CTQZD2H.
  6. Zero Day: Game of Deception Series – Book Two (Christian Mystery & Suspense, Sponsor, Will the trio succeed against the President’s agenda) by Jp Ramzy. Price: $0. Genre: Christian Mystery & Suspense, Sponsor, Will the trio succeed against the President’s agenda. Rated: 4 stars on 7 Reviews. 280 pages. ASIN: B09D8RPL2Y.

Free Religious Books & Best Religious Deals

    Unfortunately, nothing for today.

Free Fantasy & Science Fiction & Horror & Best SciFi, Fantasy Deals

  1. ***The Secrets of the Kings (Fairy Tale Fantasy Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Alex receives a valuable golden mask from a mysterious benefactor, she is now a Mask Bearer, who chose her and why) by Nora Delzelle. Price: $0.99. Genre: Fairy Tale Fantasy Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Alex receives a valuable golden mask from a mysterious benefactor, she is now a Mask Bearer, who chose her and why. Rated: 4.4 stars on 125 Reviews. 200 pages. ASIN: B09K38RQC7.
  2. Social Animals (An SCP Story) (Horror Thriller Deal, Sponsor, anomalous wormhole, it does not take long until it becomes apparent just how dangerous this other world is) by Neoxenok Neoxenok. Price: $9.99. Genre: Horror Thriller Deal, Sponsor, anomalous wormhole, it does not take long until it becomes apparent just how dangerous this other world is. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 272 pages. ASIN: B09J7D63JY.

Free Historical Fiction & Best Historical Fiction Deals

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Free Young Adult Books & Best YA Deals

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Free Children’s Books & Best Children’s Deals

  1. The Star That Glows (Children’s Christian Holiday Fiction Deal, Sponsor, An uplifting whimsical Christmas tale for troubled times) by Jacqueline Taylor. Price: $2.99. Genre: Children’s Christian Holiday Fiction Deal, Sponsor, An uplifting whimsical Christmas tale for troubled times. Rated: 4.5 stars on 3 Reviews. 24 pages. ASIN: B08MPYR91V.

Adventure, Women’s Fiction, Literary Fiction, Humor, Contemporary Fiction & Best Deals

  1. Ocean of Love (Futuristic Fiction Sponsor, Reincarnation & Karma) by Helos. Price: $0. Genre: Futuristic Fiction Sponsor, Reincarnation & Karma. Rated: 5 stars on 6 Reviews. 230 pages. ASIN: B08DJ8LPX5.
  2. *Bell Hammers: The True Folk Tale of Little Egypt, Illinois (Historical Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A joyous romp through middle America in the 50’s and 60’, a fun, well written account, a simpler time in the Little Egypt area) by Lancelot Schaubert. Price: $0.99. Genre: Historical Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A joyous romp through middle America in the 50’s and 60’, a fun, well written account, a simpler time in the Little Egypt area. Rated: 4.3 stars on 100 Reviews. 319 pages. ASIN: B08HD8SPPD.
  3. ***The Passing Storm: A Novel (Paperback) (Contemporary Family Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A gripping, openhearted novel about family, reconciliation, and bringing closure to the secrets of the past) by Christine Nolfi. Price: $14.95. Genre: Contemporary Family Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A gripping, openhearted novel about family, reconciliation, and bringing closure to the secrets of the past. Rated: 4.3 stars on 2307 Reviews. 317 pages. ASIN: B08MZPFY3J.
  4. *A Change of Seasons (Psychological Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, John hoped things would get better but an unfortunate turn of events led him down a terrifying slippery slope) by Khurram Elahi. Price: $4.99. Genre: Psychological Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, John hoped things would get better but an unfortunate turn of events led him down a terrifying slippery slope. Rated: 4.5 stars on 17 Reviews. ASIN: B0999KSBQK.
  5. The Violet Waves: Poetry on love, dreams, manifestation and cosmic resonance (Poetry Deal, Sponsor, A poem book to inspire in you vibrant states of consciousness) by Helos. Price: $0.99. Genre: Poetry Deal, Sponsor, A poem book to inspire in you vibrant states of consciousness. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 123 pages. ASIN: B0925ZBFYC.

Free Memoirs & Best Memoir Deals

    Unfortunately, nothing today.

Free Biographies & Best Biographies Deals

  1. *A Mostly Magnificent Memoir (Paperback) (Biographies & Memoirs Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A collection of true stories made more entertaining and wrapped in a white lie) by Bo Bennett. Price: $14.99. Genre: Biographies & Memoirs Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A collection of true stories made more entertaining and wrapped in a white lie. Rated: 4.5 stars on 11 Reviews. 141 pages. ASIN: B08PVX4BLL.

Free Non-Fiction & Spirituality & Self-Help & Best Non-Fiction Deals

  1. An Owner’s Manual for Consciously Evolving Your Consciousness: Romancing the Absurd A Mystery Novel Based on Reinvented Reality (Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, Detailed ways to consciously evolve your consciousness) by Don McCrea-Hendrick. Price: $8.49. Genre: Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, Detailed ways to consciously evolve your consciousness. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. ASIN: B08NFL1654.
  2. *A Love Attempt: Your Practical Guide to Love (Self Help of the Day, Sponsor, How to become oriented to understanding and agreement to act communicatively with Love) by Morhaf Al Achkar. Price: $0. Genre: Self Help of the Day, Sponsor, How to become oriented to understanding and agreement to act communicatively with Love. Rated: 4.5 stars on 33 Reviews. 171 pages. ASIN: B08Z4257N5.
  3. ***Being Authentic: A Memoir (Nonfiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Morhaf writes with the utmost care and consideration for savoring life, for living amidst the intricately complex human experience) by Morhaf Al Achkar. Price: $0. Genre: Nonfiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Morhaf writes with the utmost care and consideration for savoring life, for living amidst the intricately complex human experience. Rated: 4.5 stars on 182 Reviews. 174 pages. ASIN: B088F2KG6T.
  4. ***ROADS TO MEANING AND RESILIENCE WITH CANCER: Forty Stories of Coping, Finding Meaning, and Building Resilience While Living with Incurable Lung Cancer (Nonfiction of the Day, Sponsor, Lung Cancer, A book for every reader, The essence of the human experience at its limits) by Morhaf Al Achkar. Price: $0. Genre: Nonfiction of the Day, Sponsor, Lung Cancer, A book for every reader, The essence of the human experience at its limits. Rated: 4.5 stars on 144 Reviews. 214 pages. ASIN: B07VBRBNSZ.

Free Cookbooks & Best Cookbook Deal

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Health & Exercise & Fitness & Mental Health Best Books & Deals

  1. Stop: Scapegoated No More (Paperback) (Mental & Spiritual Healing Deal, Sponsor, Unpacking the multiple layers of scapegoating) by Gina Dobson. Price: $21.99. Genre: Mental & Spiritual Healing Deal, Sponsor, Unpacking the multiple layers of scapegoating. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 413 pages. ISBN: 0578802155.

Free Business & Finance Books & Best Business & Finance deals

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7 Free Nook Books – Mental & Spiritual Healing, Biographies & Memoirs, Detailed Ways to Consciously Evolve Your Consciousness, Unpacking the Multiple Layers of Scapegoating (Nov 1st)

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Free Romance Books & Best Romance Deals

  1. **Time to Wake (Paranormal Vampire Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Is Hunter involved in the mysterious murders, Or is he just in the wrong place at the right time) by K. Thomas, Grace Heneks. Price: $0.99. Genre: Paranormal Vampire Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Is Hunter involved in the mysterious murders, Or is he just in the wrong place at the right time. Rated: 4.5 stars on 60 Reviews. 268 pages. ASIN: B08WLYGY7V.
  2. Not Right Now (Time to Wake Book 2) (Vampire Romance Deal, Sponsor, A sudden event sends Senlis and her group of friends on a chase to find a way to bring Benny back to life) by K. Thomas. Price: $0.99. Genre: Vampire Romance Deal, Sponsor, A sudden event sends Senlis and her group of friends on a chase to find a way to bring Benny back to life. Rated: 5 stars on 9 Reviews. 294 pages. ASIN: B09HSVW794.

Free Erotic Romance & Steamy Romance Books & Best Erotic Deals

  1. *Scoring Position (Dallas Longhorns, #6) (Steamy Sports Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Hannah only wants one thing this summer, but without any prospects, she assumes her goal will go unfulfilled) by Tara Wyatt. Price: $2.99. Genre: Steamy Sports Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Hannah only wants one thing this summer, but without any prospects, she assumes her goal will go unfulfilled. Rated: 4.5 stars on 31 Reviews. 133 pages. ASIN: B09F6ZKMPK.

Free Thrillers & Mysteries & Suspense Novels & Best Thriller Deals & Mystery Deals

  1. ***The Vines: A Novel (Medical Thriller Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Intertwines North Brother Island’s horrific and elusive history with a captivating tale of love, betrayal, survival, and loss) by Shelley Nolden. Price: $0.99. Genre: Medical Thriller Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Intertwines North Brother Island’s horrific and elusive history with a captivating tale of love, betrayal, survival, and loss. Rated: 4.3 stars on 428 Reviews. 327 pages. ASIN: B08WHS68GS.
  2. Midnights Edge: The Secrets of Sleepy Meadows (Supernatural Thriller Deal, Sponsor, when the veil between the living and the dead disappears) by David Chappuis, Michael Klinger. Price: $3.99. Genre: Supernatural Thriller Deal, Sponsor, when the veil between the living and the dead disappears. Rated: 5 stars on 6 Reviews. 201 pages. ASIN: B0174F4CQQ.
  3. The Children of Zion (Supernatural Mystery, Sponsor, Visions of the past begin to emerge, Leos fears he may not be as innocent as he once thought) by D.R Hurley. Price: $0. Genre: Supernatural Mystery, Sponsor, Visions of the past begin to emerge, Leos fears he may not be as innocent as he once thought. Rated: 4 stars on 7 Reviews. 416 pages. ASIN: B084KVYNBH.
  4. ***12 (Crime Thriller Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A bullied teen with an abusive father is down to one friend when his world suddenly crumbles around him) by Nolon King, David W. Wright. Price: $0. Genre: Crime Thriller Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A bullied teen with an abusive father is down to one friend when his world suddenly crumbles around him. Rated: 4.5 stars on 1416 Reviews. 524 pages. ASIN: B00WTOM6G6.

Free Christian Books & Best Christian Deals

  1. ***Blindsided: A Journey from Tragic Loss to Triumphant Love (Christian Death Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Grief & Healing, This book will grip every parent, and it will inspire every person who strives to live for God) by Mark Roser. Price: $8.49. Genre: Christian Death Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Grief & Healing, This book will grip every parent, and it will inspire every person who strives to live for God. Rated: 5 stars on 145 Reviews. 256 pages. ASIN: B08YWYBXW1.
  2. *Revelations from Heaven: A True Account of Death, the Afterlife, and 31 Supernatural Discoveries (Christian Angelology & Demonology Deal of the Day, Sponsor, After clinically dying in the hospital, a life-changing afterlife experience with Jesus) by Randy Kay, John Burke. Price: $14.99. Genre: Christian Angelology & Demonology Deal of the Day, Sponsor, After clinically dying in the hospital, a life-changing afterlife experience with Jesus. Rated: 5 stars on 32 Reviews. 295 pages. ASIN: B093YBBQF6.
  3. Chloe’s Christmas Story (Paperback) (Christian Books Deal, Sponsor, Children’s Christmas Story, Christmas According to Chloe the Pup) by Cindy Dulaney, Kelsey Showalter (Illustrator), Allison Dulaney (Contribution by). Price: $9.99. Genre: Christian Books Deal, Sponsor, Children’s Christmas Story, Christmas According to Chloe the Pup. Rated: 4 stars on 31 Reviews. 36 pages. ASIN: B08P3SBTVX.
  4. Beyond Simple Belief: God’s Transforming Process to Genuine Faith (Christian Ministry Deal, Sponsor, How God transforms simple belief into genuine faith) by JF Jeff Etchberger with JL Julie Lopes. Price: $8.49. Genre: Christian Ministry Deal, Sponsor, How God transforms simple belief into genuine faith. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 454 pages. ASIN: B08Z6X6HTW.
  5. Mr. Nicholas: A Magical Christmas Tale (Christian Suspense Deal, Sponsor, A story that helps us see the unique goodness in each person) by Christopher de Vinck, Joanne Rogers. Price: $11.49. Genre: Christian Suspense Deal, Sponsor, A story that helps us see the unique goodness in each person. Rated: 4.5 stars on 7 Reviews. 84 pages. ASIN: B09CTQZD2H.
  6. Zero Day: Game of Deception Series – Book Two (Christian Mystery & Suspense, Sponsor, Will the trio succeed against the President’s agenda) by Jp Ramzy. Price: $0. Genre: Christian Mystery & Suspense, Sponsor, Will the trio succeed against the President’s agenda. Rated: 4 stars on 7 Reviews. 280 pages. ASIN: B09D8RPL2Y.

Free Religious Books & Best Religious Deals

    Unfortunately, nothing for today.

Free Fantasy & Science Fiction & Horror & Best SciFi, Fantasy Deals

  1. ***The Secrets of the Kings (Fairy Tale Fantasy Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Alex receives a valuable golden mask from a mysterious benefactor, she is now a Mask Bearer, who chose her and why) by Nora Delzelle. Price: $0.99. Genre: Fairy Tale Fantasy Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Alex receives a valuable golden mask from a mysterious benefactor, she is now a Mask Bearer, who chose her and why. Rated: 4.4 stars on 125 Reviews. 200 pages. ASIN: B09K38RQC7.
  2. Social Animals (An SCP Story) (Horror Thriller Deal, Sponsor, anomalous wormhole, it does not take long until it becomes apparent just how dangerous this other world is) by Neoxenok Neoxenok. Price: $9.99. Genre: Horror Thriller Deal, Sponsor, anomalous wormhole, it does not take long until it becomes apparent just how dangerous this other world is. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 272 pages. ASIN: B09J7D63JY.

Free Historical Fiction & Best Historical Fiction Deals

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Free Young Adult Books & Best YA Deals

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Free Children’s Books & Best Children’s Deals

  1. The Star That Glows (Children’s Christian Holiday Fiction Deal, Sponsor, An uplifting whimsical Christmas tale for troubled times) by Jacqueline Taylor. Price: $2.99. Genre: Children’s Christian Holiday Fiction Deal, Sponsor, An uplifting whimsical Christmas tale for troubled times. Rated: 4.5 stars on 3 Reviews. 24 pages. ASIN: B08MPYR91V.

Adventure, Women’s Fiction, Literary Fiction, Humor, Contemporary Fiction & Best Deals

  1. Ocean of Love (Futuristic Fiction Sponsor, Reincarnation & Karma) by Helos. Price: $0. Genre: Futuristic Fiction Sponsor, Reincarnation & Karma. Rated: 5 stars on 6 Reviews. 230 pages. ASIN: B08DJ8LPX5.
  2. *Bell Hammers: The True Folk Tale of Little Egypt, Illinois (Historical Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A joyous romp through middle America in the 50’s and 60’, a fun, well written account, a simpler time in the Little Egypt area) by Lancelot Schaubert. Price: $0.99. Genre: Historical Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A joyous romp through middle America in the 50’s and 60’, a fun, well written account, a simpler time in the Little Egypt area. Rated: 4.3 stars on 100 Reviews. 319 pages. ASIN: B08HD8SPPD.
  3. ***The Passing Storm: A Novel (Paperback) (Contemporary Family Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A gripping, openhearted novel about family, reconciliation, and bringing closure to the secrets of the past) by Christine Nolfi. Price: $14.95. Genre: Contemporary Family Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A gripping, openhearted novel about family, reconciliation, and bringing closure to the secrets of the past. Rated: 4.3 stars on 2307 Reviews. 317 pages. ASIN: B08MZPFY3J.
  4. *A Change of Seasons (Psychological Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, John hoped things would get better but an unfortunate turn of events led him down a terrifying slippery slope) by Khurram Elahi. Price: $4.99. Genre: Psychological Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, John hoped things would get better but an unfortunate turn of events led him down a terrifying slippery slope. Rated: 4.5 stars on 17 Reviews. ASIN: B0999KSBQK.
  5. The Violet Waves: Poetry on love, dreams, manifestation and cosmic resonance (Poetry Deal, Sponsor, A poem book to inspire in you vibrant states of consciousness) by Helos. Price: $0.99. Genre: Poetry Deal, Sponsor, A poem book to inspire in you vibrant states of consciousness. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 123 pages. ASIN: B0925ZBFYC.

Free Memoirs & Best Memoir Deals

    Unfortunately, nothing today.

Free Biographies & Best Biographies Deals

  1. *A Mostly Magnificent Memoir (Paperback) (Biographies & Memoirs Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A collection of true stories made more entertaining and wrapped in a white lie) by Bo Bennett. Price: $14.99. Genre: Biographies & Memoirs Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A collection of true stories made more entertaining and wrapped in a white lie. Rated: 4.5 stars on 11 Reviews. 141 pages. ASIN: B08PVX4BLL.

Free Non-Fiction & Spirituality & Self-Help & Best Non-Fiction Deals

  1. An Owner’s Manual for Consciously Evolving Your Consciousness: Romancing the Absurd A Mystery Novel Based on Reinvented Reality (Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, Detailed ways to consciously evolve your consciousness) by Don McCrea-Hendrick. Price: $8.49. Genre: Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, Detailed ways to consciously evolve your consciousness. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. ASIN: B08NFL1654.
  2. *A Love Attempt: Your Practical Guide to Love (Self Help of the Day, Sponsor, How to become oriented to understanding and agreement to act communicatively with Love) by Morhaf Al Achkar. Price: $0. Genre: Self Help of the Day, Sponsor, How to become oriented to understanding and agreement to act communicatively with Love. Rated: 4.5 stars on 33 Reviews. 171 pages. ASIN: B08Z4257N5.
  3. ***Being Authentic: A Memoir (Nonfiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Morhaf writes with the utmost care and consideration for savoring life, for living amidst the intricately complex human experience) by Morhaf Al Achkar. Price: $0. Genre: Nonfiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Morhaf writes with the utmost care and consideration for savoring life, for living amidst the intricately complex human experience. Rated: 4.5 stars on 182 Reviews. 174 pages. ASIN: B088F2KG6T.
  4. ***ROADS TO MEANING AND RESILIENCE WITH CANCER: Forty Stories of Coping, Finding Meaning, and Building Resilience While Living with Incurable Lung Cancer (Nonfiction of the Day, Sponsor, Lung Cancer, A book for every reader, The essence of the human experience at its limits) by Morhaf Al Achkar. Price: $0. Genre: Nonfiction of the Day, Sponsor, Lung Cancer, A book for every reader, The essence of the human experience at its limits. Rated: 4.5 stars on 144 Reviews. 214 pages. ASIN: B07VBRBNSZ.

Free Cookbooks & Best Cookbook Deal

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Health & Exercise & Fitness & Mental Health Best Books & Deals

  1. Stop: Scapegoated No More (Paperback) (Mental & Spiritual Healing Deal, Sponsor, Unpacking the multiple layers of scapegoating) by Gina Dobson. Price: $21.99. Genre: Mental & Spiritual Healing Deal, Sponsor, Unpacking the multiple layers of scapegoating. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 413 pages. ISBN: 0578802155.

Free Business & Finance Books & Best Business & Finance deals

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########################## ################################################################################################################### ####### Nook Book Deals ####### ##################################################################################################################################
Free Romance Books & Best Romance Deals

  1. **Time to Wake (Paranormal Vampire Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Is Hunter involved in the mysterious murders, Or is he just in the wrong place at the right time) by K. Thomas, Grace Heneks. Price: $0.99. Genre: Paranormal Vampire Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Is Hunter involved in the mysterious murders, Or is he just in the wrong place at the right time. Rated: 4.5 stars on 60 Reviews. 268 pages. ASIN: B08WLYGY7V.
  2. Not Right Now (Time to Wake Book 2) (Vampire Romance Deal, Sponsor, A sudden event sends Senlis and her group of friends on a chase to find a way to bring Benny back to life) by K. Thomas. Price: $0.99. Genre: Vampire Romance Deal, Sponsor, A sudden event sends Senlis and her group of friends on a chase to find a way to bring Benny back to life. Rated: 5 stars on 9 Reviews. 294 pages. ASIN: B09HSVW794.

Free Erotic Romance & Steamy Romance Books & Best Erotic Deals

  1. *Scoring Position (Dallas Longhorns, #6) (Steamy Sports Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Hannah only wants one thing this summer, but without any prospects, she assumes her goal will go unfulfilled) by Tara Wyatt. Price: $2.99. Genre: Steamy Sports Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Hannah only wants one thing this summer, but without any prospects, she assumes her goal will go unfulfilled. Rated: 4.5 stars on 31 Reviews. 133 pages. ASIN: B09F6ZKMPK.

Free Thrillers & Mysteries & Suspense Novels & Best Thriller Deals & Mystery Deals

  1. ***The Vines: A Novel (Medical Thriller Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Intertwines North Brother Island’s horrific and elusive history with a captivating tale of love, betrayal, survival, and loss) by Shelley Nolden. Price: $0.99. Genre: Medical Thriller Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Intertwines North Brother Island’s horrific and elusive history with a captivating tale of love, betrayal, survival, and loss. Rated: 4.3 stars on 428 Reviews. 327 pages. ASIN: B08WHS68GS.
  2. Midnights Edge: The Secrets of Sleepy Meadows (Supernatural Thriller Deal, Sponsor, when the veil between the living and the dead disappears) by David Chappuis, Michael Klinger. Price: $3.99. Genre: Supernatural Thriller Deal, Sponsor, when the veil between the living and the dead disappears. Rated: 5 stars on 6 Reviews. 201 pages. ASIN: B0174F4CQQ.
  3. The Children of Zion (Supernatural Mystery, Sponsor, Visions of the past begin to emerge, Leos fears he may not be as innocent as he once thought) by D.R Hurley. Price: $0. Genre: Supernatural Mystery, Sponsor, Visions of the past begin to emerge, Leos fears he may not be as innocent as he once thought. Rated: 4 stars on 7 Reviews. 416 pages. ASIN: B084KVYNBH.
  4. ***12 (Crime Thriller Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A bullied teen with an abusive father is down to one friend when his world suddenly crumbles around him) by Nolon King, David W. Wright. Price: $0. Genre: Crime Thriller Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A bullied teen with an abusive father is down to one friend when his world suddenly crumbles around him. Rated: 4.5 stars on 1416 Reviews. 524 pages. ASIN: B00WTOM6G6.

Free Christian Books & Best Christian Deals

  1. ***Blindsided: A Journey from Tragic Loss to Triumphant Love (Christian Death Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Grief & Healing, This book will grip every parent, and it will inspire every person who strives to live for God) by Mark Roser. Price: $8.49. Genre: Christian Death Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Grief & Healing, This book will grip every parent, and it will inspire every person who strives to live for God. Rated: 5 stars on 145 Reviews. 256 pages. ASIN: B08YWYBXW1.
  2. *Revelations from Heaven: A True Account of Death, the Afterlife, and 31 Supernatural Discoveries (Christian Angelology & Demonology Deal of the Day, Sponsor, After clinically dying in the hospital, a life-changing afterlife experience with Jesus) by Randy Kay, John Burke. Price: $14.99. Genre: Christian Angelology & Demonology Deal of the Day, Sponsor, After clinically dying in the hospital, a life-changing afterlife experience with Jesus. Rated: 5 stars on 32 Reviews. 295 pages. ASIN: B093YBBQF6.
  3. Chloe’s Christmas Story (Paperback) (Christian Books Deal, Sponsor, Children’s Christmas Story, Christmas According to Chloe the Pup) by Cindy Dulaney, Kelsey Showalter (Illustrator), Allison Dulaney (Contribution by). Price: $9.99. Genre: Christian Books Deal, Sponsor, Children’s Christmas Story, Christmas According to Chloe the Pup. Rated: 4 stars on 31 Reviews. 36 pages. ASIN: B08P3SBTVX.
  4. Beyond Simple Belief: God’s Transforming Process to Genuine Faith (Christian Ministry Deal, Sponsor, How God transforms simple belief into genuine faith) by JF Jeff Etchberger with JL Julie Lopes. Price: $8.49. Genre: Christian Ministry Deal, Sponsor, How God transforms simple belief into genuine faith. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 454 pages. ASIN: B08Z6X6HTW.
  5. Mr. Nicholas: A Magical Christmas Tale (Christian Suspense Deal, Sponsor, A story that helps us see the unique goodness in each person) by Christopher de Vinck, Joanne Rogers. Price: $11.49. Genre: Christian Suspense Deal, Sponsor, A story that helps us see the unique goodness in each person. Rated: 4.5 stars on 7 Reviews. 84 pages. ASIN: B09CTQZD2H.
  6. Zero Day: Game of Deception Series – Book Two (Christian Mystery & Suspense, Sponsor, Will the trio succeed against the President’s agenda) by Jp Ramzy. Price: $0. Genre: Christian Mystery & Suspense, Sponsor, Will the trio succeed against the President’s agenda. Rated: 4 stars on 7 Reviews. 280 pages. ASIN: B09D8RPL2Y.

Free Religious Books & Best Religious Deals

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Free Fantasy & Science Fiction & Horror & Best SciFi, Fantasy Deals

  1. ***The Secrets of the Kings (Fairy Tale Fantasy Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Alex receives a valuable golden mask from a mysterious benefactor, she is now a Mask Bearer, who chose her and why) by Nora Delzelle. Price: $0.99. Genre: Fairy Tale Fantasy Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Alex receives a valuable golden mask from a mysterious benefactor, she is now a Mask Bearer, who chose her and why. Rated: 4.4 stars on 125 Reviews. 200 pages. ASIN: B09K38RQC7.
  2. Social Animals (An SCP Story) (Horror Thriller Deal, Sponsor, anomalous wormhole, it does not take long until it becomes apparent just how dangerous this other world is) by Neoxenok Neoxenok. Price: $9.99. Genre: Horror Thriller Deal, Sponsor, anomalous wormhole, it does not take long until it becomes apparent just how dangerous this other world is. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 272 pages. ASIN: B09J7D63JY.

Free Historical Fiction & Best Historical Fiction Deals

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Free Young Adult Books & Best YA Deals

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Free Children’s Books & Best Children’s Deals

  1. The Star That Glows (Children’s Christian Holiday Fiction Deal, Sponsor, An uplifting whimsical Christmas tale for troubled times) by Jacqueline Taylor. Price: $2.99. Genre: Children’s Christian Holiday Fiction Deal, Sponsor, An uplifting whimsical Christmas tale for troubled times. Rated: 4.5 stars on 3 Reviews. 24 pages. ASIN: B08MPYR91V.

Adventure, Women’s Fiction, Literary Fiction, Humor, Contemporary Fiction & Best Deals

  1. Ocean of Love (Futuristic Fiction Sponsor, Reincarnation & Karma) by Helos. Price: $0. Genre: Futuristic Fiction Sponsor, Reincarnation & Karma. Rated: 5 stars on 6 Reviews. 230 pages. ASIN: B08DJ8LPX5.
  2. *Bell Hammers: The True Folk Tale of Little Egypt, Illinois (Historical Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A joyous romp through middle America in the 50’s and 60’, a fun, well written account, a simpler time in the Little Egypt area) by Lancelot Schaubert. Price: $0.99. Genre: Historical Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A joyous romp through middle America in the 50’s and 60’, a fun, well written account, a simpler time in the Little Egypt area. Rated: 4.3 stars on 100 Reviews. 319 pages. ASIN: B08HD8SPPD.
  3. ***The Passing Storm: A Novel (Paperback) (Contemporary Family Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A gripping, openhearted novel about family, reconciliation, and bringing closure to the secrets of the past) by Christine Nolfi. Price: $14.95. Genre: Contemporary Family Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A gripping, openhearted novel about family, reconciliation, and bringing closure to the secrets of the past. Rated: 4.3 stars on 2307 Reviews. 317 pages. ASIN: B08MZPFY3J.
  4. *A Change of Seasons (Psychological Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, John hoped things would get better but an unfortunate turn of events led him down a terrifying slippery slope) by Khurram Elahi. Price: $4.99. Genre: Psychological Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, John hoped things would get better but an unfortunate turn of events led him down a terrifying slippery slope. Rated: 4.5 stars on 17 Reviews. ASIN: B0999KSBQK.
  5. The Violet Waves: Poetry on love, dreams, manifestation and cosmic resonance (Poetry Deal, Sponsor, A poem book to inspire in you vibrant states of consciousness) by Helos. Price: $0.99. Genre: Poetry Deal, Sponsor, A poem book to inspire in you vibrant states of consciousness. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 123 pages. ASIN: B0925ZBFYC.

Free Memoirs & Best Memoir Deals

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Free Biographies & Best Biographies Deals

  1. *A Mostly Magnificent Memoir (Paperback) (Biographies & Memoirs Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A collection of true stories made more entertaining and wrapped in a white lie) by Bo Bennett. Price: $14.99. Genre: Biographies & Memoirs Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A collection of true stories made more entertaining and wrapped in a white lie. Rated: 4.5 stars on 11 Reviews. 141 pages. ASIN: B08PVX4BLL.

Free Non-Fiction & Spirituality & Self-Help & Best Non-Fiction Deals

  1. An Owner’s Manual for Consciously Evolving Your Consciousness: Romancing the Absurd A Mystery Novel Based on Reinvented Reality (Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, Detailed ways to consciously evolve your consciousness) by Don McCrea-Hendrick. Price: $8.49. Genre: Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, Detailed ways to consciously evolve your consciousness. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. ASIN: B08NFL1654.
  2. *A Love Attempt: Your Practical Guide to Love (Self Help of the Day, Sponsor, How to become oriented to understanding and agreement to act communicatively with Love) by Morhaf Al Achkar. Price: $0. Genre: Self Help of the Day, Sponsor, How to become oriented to understanding and agreement to act communicatively with Love. Rated: 4.5 stars on 33 Reviews. 171 pages. ASIN: B08Z4257N5.
  3. ***Being Authentic: A Memoir (Nonfiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Morhaf writes with the utmost care and consideration for savoring life, for living amidst the intricately complex human experience) by Morhaf Al Achkar. Price: $0. Genre: Nonfiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Morhaf writes with the utmost care and consideration for savoring life, for living amidst the intricately complex human experience. Rated: 4.5 stars on 182 Reviews. 174 pages. ASIN: B088F2KG6T.
  4. ***ROADS TO MEANING AND RESILIENCE WITH CANCER: Forty Stories of Coping, Finding Meaning, and Building Resilience While Living with Incurable Lung Cancer (Nonfiction of the Day, Sponsor, Lung Cancer, A book for every reader, The essence of the human experience at its limits) by Morhaf Al Achkar. Price: $0. Genre: Nonfiction of the Day, Sponsor, Lung Cancer, A book for every reader, The essence of the human experience at its limits. Rated: 4.5 stars on 144 Reviews. 214 pages. ASIN: B07VBRBNSZ.

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Health & Exercise & Fitness & Mental Health Best Books & Deals

  1. Stop: Scapegoated No More (Paperback) (Mental & Spiritual Healing Deal, Sponsor, Unpacking the multiple layers of scapegoating) by Gina Dobson. Price: $21.99. Genre: Mental & Spiritual Healing Deal, Sponsor, Unpacking the multiple layers of scapegoating. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 413 pages. ISBN: 0578802155.

Free Business & Finance Books & Best Business & Finance deals

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Free Romance Books & Best Romance Deals

  1. Covet the Night: Ascent of the Wicked Book 1 (Paranormal Romance Deal, Sponsor, Gwen’s days are numbered, she set off to see the world before her untimely end, a beautiful stranger extends an offer of immortality) by Rebecca Main. Price: $0.99. Genre: Paranormal Romance Deal, Sponsor, Gwen’s days are numbered, she set off to see the world before her untimely end, a beautiful stranger extends an offer of immortality. Rated: 4 stars on 12 Reviews. 537 pages. ASIN: B09GRD83VF.
  2. ***The Passing Storm: A Novel (Paperback) (Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor,Women’s Fiction, An emotional, compassionate tale about real people and the complexity of their feelings as they work through grief and loss, It is a triumphant story) by Christine Nolfi. Price: $14.95. Genre: Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor,Women’s Fiction, An emotional, compassionate tale about real people and the complexity of their feelings as they work through grief and loss, It is a triumphant story. Rated: 4.3 stars on 2307 Reviews. 317 pages. ASIN: B08MZPFY3J.
  3. **Time to Wake (Paranormal Angel Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, At the center of it all is Hunter, a guy not smart enough to keep his distance) by K. Thomas, Grace Heneks. Price: $0.99. Genre: Paranormal Angel Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, At the center of it all is Hunter, a guy not smart enough to keep his distance. Rated: 4.5 stars on 59 Reviews. 268 pages. ASIN: B08WLYGY7V.
  4. Not Right Now (Time to Wake Book 2) (Supernatural Romance Deal, Sponsor, Can Senlis save Benny, find herself, and maintain her composure as her relationship heats up with Hunter) by K. Thomas. Price: $0.99. Genre: Supernatural Romance Deal, Sponsor, Can Senlis save Benny, find herself, and maintain her composure as her relationship heats up with Hunter. Rated: 5 stars on 9 Reviews. 294 pages. ASIN: B09HSVW794.
  5. Dark Duet (Immortal Confessions Book 1) (Paranormal Vampire Romance Deal, Sponsor, Ashara has a secret, one she has not spoken of, in over a century) by Staci Layne Wilson. Price: $0.99. Genre: Paranormal Vampire Romance Deal, Sponsor, Ashara has a secret, one she has not spoken of, in over a century. Rated: 4.5 stars on 8 Reviews. 243 pages. ASIN: B07NZWKGPP.

Free Erotic Romance & Steamy Romance Books & Best Erotic Deals

  1. *Scoring Position (Dallas Longhorns, #6) (Steamy New Adult Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Christian does not just want to be Hannah’s first but her last, Jordan finds out about their secret hook-ups, all bets are off) by Tara Wyatt. Price: $2.99. Genre: Steamy New Adult Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Christian does not just want to be Hannah’s first but her last, Jordan finds out about their secret hook-ups, all bets are off. Rated: 4.5 stars on 26 Reviews. 133 pages. ASIN: B09F6ZKMPK.

Free Thrillers & Mysteries & Suspense Novels & Best Thriller Deals & Mystery Deals

  1. ***12 (Suspense Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A cop is forced to decide between his job and his marriage) by Nolon King, David W. Wright. Price: $0. Genre: Suspense Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A cop is forced to decide between his job and his marriage. Rated: 4.5 stars on 1413 Reviews. 524 pages. ASIN: B00WTOM6G6.
  2. Zero Day: Game of Deception Series – Book Two (Suspense Thriller, Sponsor, This book is suspenseful and addictive, Devyn’s mission comes with great risk and sacrifices) by Jp Ramzy. Price: $0. Genre: Suspense Thriller, Sponsor, This book is suspenseful and addictive, Devyn’s mission comes with great risk and sacrifices. Rated: 4 stars on 7 Reviews. 280 pages. ASIN: B09D8RPL2Y.

Free Christian Books & Best Christian Deals

  1. Birth and the New Birth: 40 Devotions to Discover How Pregnancy and Birth Illustrate Being Born Again (Paperback) (Christian Devotional Deal, Sponsor, Get a deeper scriptural understanding of the New Birth, Spiritual new birth) by Susan White. Price: $16.99. Genre: Christian Devotional Deal, Sponsor, Get a deeper scriptural understanding of the New Birth, Spiritual new birth. Rated: 5 stars on 6 Reviews. 101 pages. ASIN: B09CN2JHZN.
  2. ***Blindsided: A Journey from Tragic Loss to Triumphant Love (Christian Memoirs on Grief Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Why is there evil in a world created by a good and all-powerful God) by Mark Roser. Price: $8.49. Genre: Christian Memoirs on Grief Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Why is there evil in a world created by a good and all-powerful God. Rated: 5 stars on 144 Reviews. 256 pages. ASIN: B08YWYBXW1.

Free Religious Books & Best Religious Deals

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Free Fantasy & Science Fiction & Horror & Best SciFi, Fantasy Deals

  1. The Provenance: Astar’s Blade (Paperback) (Fantasy Deal, Sponsor, Great epic fantasy and magical storytelling) by Joe Lyon. Price: $19.95. Genre: Fantasy Deal, Sponsor, Great epic fantasy and magical storytelling. Rated: 4.5 stars on 6 Reviews. 323 pages. ASIN: B09BJ2WQS9.
  2. Midnights Edge: The Secrets of Sleepy Meadows (Occult Horror Deal, Sponsor, Supernatural Horror) by David Chappuis, Michael Klinger. Price: $3.99. Genre: Occult Horror Deal, Sponsor, Supernatural Horror. Rated: 5 stars on 6 Reviews. 201 pages. ASIN: B0174F4CQQ.
  3. ***Life Among the Tombstones (Paranormal & Urban Fantasy Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Can she solve two murders, and get away unscathed) by H. R. Boldwood. Price: $0.99. Genre: Paranormal & Urban Fantasy Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Can she solve two murders, and get away unscathed. Rated: 4.5 stars on 165 Reviews. 206 pages. ASIN: B08MSXYLTW.
  4. *Ethan Fox and the Eyes of the Desert Sand (Coming of Age Fantasy Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A fast-paced story filled with mystery, adventure, and friendship, If you like Alice In Wonderland) by E. L. Seer. Price: $6.99. Genre: Coming of Age Fantasy Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A fast-paced story filled with mystery, adventure, and friendship, If you like Alice In Wonderland. Rated: 4.5 stars on 32 Reviews. 176 pages. ASIN: B0918WFB86.
  5. ***The Secrets of the Kings (Fantasy Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Alex heads out to the Nataraja Dance Hall, she hardly expects to be attacked much less attempted murder committed by her blind date Chase ) by Nora Delzelle. Price: $0.99. Genre: Fantasy Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Alex heads out to the Nataraja Dance Hall, she hardly expects to be attacked much less attempted murder committed by her blind date Chase . Rated: 4.4 stars on 125 Reviews. 200 pages. ASIN: B09K38RQC7.
  6. The Children of Zion (Epic Fantasy, Sponsor, A desperate struggle to clear his name and discover the true whereabouts of the missing Prince) by D.R Hurley. Price: $0. Genre: Epic Fantasy, Sponsor, A desperate struggle to clear his name and discover the true whereabouts of the missing Prince. Rated: 4 stars on 7 Reviews. 416 pages. ASIN: B084KVYNBH.

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Adventure, Women’s Fiction, Literary Fiction, Humor, Contemporary Fiction & Best Deals

  1. *Bell Hammers: The True Folk Tale of Little Egypt, Illinois (Literary Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A Rural, Midwestern Classic, it was funny, and cute, warm and a page turner) by Lancelot Schaubert. Price: $0.99. Genre: Literary Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A Rural, Midwestern Classic, it was funny, and cute, warm and a page turner. Rated: 4.3 stars on 100 Reviews. 319 pages. ASIN: B08HD8SPPD.

Free Memoirs & Best Memoir Deals

  1. ***Being Authentic: A Memoir (Memoirs Deal of the Day, Sponsor, a diagnosis of stage 4 cancer, a lesson that our existence is fragile, a journey of hope and authenticity) by Morhaf Al Achkar. Price: $0. Genre: Memoirs Deal of the Day, Sponsor, a diagnosis of stage 4 cancer, a lesson that our existence is fragile, a journey of hope and authenticity. Rated: 4.5 stars on 182 Reviews. 174 pages. ASIN: B088F2KG6T.

Free Biographies & Best Biographies Deals

  1. *A Mostly Magnificent Memoir (Paperback) (Biographical Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, This is a fictionalized and dramatized adaptation of the author’s autobiography turned into a full-motion picture screenplay turned into a novella) by Bo Bennett. Price: $14.99. Genre: Biographical Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, This is a fictionalized and dramatized adaptation of the author’s autobiography turned into a full-motion picture screenplay turned into a novella. Rated: 4.5 stars on 11 Reviews. 141 pages. ASIN: B08PVX4BLL.
  2. ***ROADS TO MEANING AND RESILIENCE WITH CANCER: Forty Stories of Coping, Finding Meaning, and Building Resilience While Living with Incurable Lung Cancer (Biographies & Memoirs of the Day, Sponsor, a family doctor with stage 4 lung cancer, shares stories of 39 people with incurable cancer, what life is like when you have cancer) by Morhaf Al Achkar. Price: $0. Genre: Biographies & Memoirs of the Day, Sponsor, a family doctor with stage 4 lung cancer, shares stories of 39 people with incurable cancer, what life is like when you have cancer. Rated: 4.5 stars on 144 Reviews. 214 pages. ASIN: B07VBRBNSZ.
  3. *A Love Attempt: Your Practical Guide to Love (Biographies of the Day, Sponsor, How to reconstruct what is being and learn about context and biography to communicate with love) by Morhaf Al Achkar. Price: $0. Genre: Biographies of the Day, Sponsor, How to reconstruct what is being and learn about context and biography to communicate with love. Rated: 4.5 stars on 33 Reviews. 171 pages. ASIN: B08Z4257N5.

Free Non-Fiction & Spirituality & Self-Help & Best Non-Fiction Deals

  1. An Owner’s Manual for Consciously Evolving Your Consciousness: Romancing the Absurd A Mystery Novel Based on Reinvented Reality (Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, A financial investigator is hired to interview key players in a major lawsuit, his world is turned upside down) by Don McCrea-Hendrick. Price: $8.49. Genre: Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, A financial investigator is hired to interview key players in a major lawsuit, his world is turned upside down. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. ASIN: B08NFL1654.
  2. **The Gift of Crisis: Finding your best self in the worst of times (Nonfiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, How to bring forth the best of ourselves in order to overcome the challenges we face, uncover the possibilities for meaning, personal growth, or even, transformation) by Susan Mecca. Price: $0. Genre: Nonfiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, How to bring forth the best of ourselves in order to overcome the challenges we face, uncover the possibilities for meaning, personal growth, or even, transformation. Rated: 4.5 stars on 47 Reviews. 226 pages. ASIN: B06Y4158PY.
  3. Obesity is not your fault: Discover the key to weight loss and boost your quality of life at any age (Weight Loss Non Fiction Deal, Sponsor, One man’s personal journey, the key to permanent weight loss) by Alan Kosky. Price: $7.99. Genre: Weight Loss Non Fiction Deal, Sponsor, One man’s personal journey, the key to permanent weight loss. Rated: 5 stars on 4 Reviews. 331 pages. ASIN: B09D3MJ24M.
  4. Stop: Scapegoated No More (Paperback) (Scapegoating Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, A must read for anyone who has a penchant to understand his or her emotional wounds as a result of being a scapegoat) by Gina Dobson. Price: $21.99. Genre: Scapegoating Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, A must read for anyone who has a penchant to understand his or her emotional wounds as a result of being a scapegoat. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 413 pages. ISBN: 0578802155.

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Free Romance Books & Best Romance Deals

  1. Covet the Night: Ascent of the Wicked Book 1 (Paranormal Romance Deal, Sponsor, Gwen’s days are numbered, she set off to see the world before her untimely end, a beautiful stranger extends an offer of immortality) by Rebecca Main. Price: $0.99. Genre: Paranormal Romance Deal, Sponsor, Gwen’s days are numbered, she set off to see the world before her untimely end, a beautiful stranger extends an offer of immortality. Rated: 4 stars on 12 Reviews. 537 pages. ASIN: B09GRD83VF.
  2. **Time to Wake (Paranormal Angel Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, At the center of it all is Hunter, a guy not smart enough to keep his distance) by K. Thomas, Grace Heneks. Price: $0.99. Genre: Paranormal Angel Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, At the center of it all is Hunter, a guy not smart enough to keep his distance. Rated: 4.5 stars on 59 Reviews. 268 pages. ASIN: B08WLYGY7V.
  3. ***The Passing Storm: A Novel (Paperback) (Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor,Women’s Fiction, An emotional, compassionate tale about real people and the complexity of their feelings as they work through grief and loss, It is a triumphant story) by Christine Nolfi. Price: $14.95. Genre: Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor,Women’s Fiction, An emotional, compassionate tale about real people and the complexity of their feelings as they work through grief and loss, It is a triumphant story. Rated: 4.3 stars on 2307 Reviews. 317 pages. ASIN: B08MZPFY3J.
  4. Not Right Now (Time to Wake Book 2) (Supernatural Romance Deal, Sponsor, Can Senlis save Benny, find herself, and maintain her composure as her relationship heats up with Hunter) by K. Thomas. Price: $0.99. Genre: Supernatural Romance Deal, Sponsor, Can Senlis save Benny, find herself, and maintain her composure as her relationship heats up with Hunter. Rated: 5 stars on 9 Reviews. 294 pages. ASIN: B09HSVW794.
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