4 Free Nook Books – NY Times Bestselling Author, Crime Thriller, Supernatural Thriller, When the Veil between the Living and the Dead Disappears (Sep 1st)

Authors, Promote Your Book to 4 Million Readers. Become A Bestselling Author.

Nook Books of the Day



Free Romance Books & Best Romance Deals

  1. *Garkain: Book One of The Uluru Legacy Series (Vampire Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Amelia must make a choice, Join The Colony and her family, or literally be made to forget they ever existed in the first place) by Anna J Walner. Price: $4.99. Genre: Vampire Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Amelia must make a choice, Join The Colony and her family, or literally be made to forget they ever existed in the first place. Rated: 4.5 stars on 25 Reviews. 260 pages. ASIN: B08R2DDMG1.

Free Erotic Romance & Steamy Romance Books & Best Erotic Deals

  1. ***Spark: Web of Desire One (Steamy Royal Romance of the Day, Sponsor, NY Times Bestselling Author, The wide-eyed tourists entering Chicago have no idea of what lies beneath the surface, Nothing is as it seems) by Aleatha Romig. Price: $0. Genre: Steamy Royal Romance of the Day, Sponsor, NY Times Bestselling Author, The wide-eyed tourists entering Chicago have no idea of what lies beneath the surface, Nothing is as it seems. Rated: 4.5 stars on 637 Reviews. 302 pages. ASIN: B07VCGJQ76.

Free Thrillers & Mysteries & Suspense Novels & Best Thriller Deals & Mystery Deals

  1. That Was Before (Mystery Deal, Sponsor, The old Randolph would have gone home to his adulterous wife and forgot about it, That Was Before, this is the new Randolph) by Dan Lawton. Price: $6.99. Genre: Mystery Deal, Sponsor, The old Randolph would have gone home to his adulterous wife and forgot about it, That Was Before, this is the new Randolph. Rated: 4.5 stars on 10 Reviews. 243 pages. ASIN: B08XYFFLFS.

Free Christian Books & Best Christian Deals

  1. *Your Costly Blood Covenant: Discover the RICHES of Your Relationship with God (Christian Bible Study Deal, Sponsor, Intimate bond with God, Blood covenant relationship) by Joel Cupps. Price: $8.49. Genre: Christian Bible Study Deal, Sponsor, Intimate bond with God, Blood covenant relationship. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 217 pages. ASIN: B08NTRMWSY.
  2. The Donkey Factor: Living a Life Used by God (Christian Bible Study Deal, Sponsor, Why it is necessary to tame selfish desires) by Kevin Horath. Price: $5.99. Genre: Christian Bible Study Deal, Sponsor, Why it is necessary to tame selfish desires. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 130 pages. ASIN: B099NY75MB.
  3. Safe in His Arms: No Matter What (Christian Non Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Inspirational Poems, Finding a Sanctuary) by Mercy Tobin. Price: $7.99. Genre: Christian Non Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Inspirational Poems, Finding a Sanctuary. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 194 pages. ASIN: B098R5ZYMJ.
  4. *The Pretend Christian: Traveling Beyond Denomination to the True Jesus (Christian Women’s Living Deal of the Day, Sponsor, The evidence of God available to every searcher) by Deirdre Reilly. Price: $4.99. Genre: Christian Women’s Living Deal of the Day, Sponsor, The evidence of God available to every searcher. Rated: 4.8 stars on 20 Reviews. 82 pages. ASIN: B08PL4GVSD.
  5. *A River to Goodbye (Christian Non Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A well written story of a man who loves life, nature and Irish Setters) by TK Canyon. Price: $8.99. Genre: Christian Non Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A well written story of a man who loves life, nature and Irish Setters. Rated: 5 stars on 24 Reviews. 232 pages. ASIN: B094YTH217.
  6. *The Chest of Visions: Secrets of Caperston (Christian SciFi Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A unique, uplifting, spiritual journey of faith as seen by two youths, a remarkable book) by Tim Ferguson, Frank Tangredi, Jose Carlos Gutierrez. Price: $8.99. Genre: Christian SciFi Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A unique, uplifting, spiritual journey of faith as seen by two youths, a remarkable book. Rated: 4.5 stars on 48 Reviews. 120 pages. ASIN: B07D6Y8WB9.

Free Religious Books & Best Religious Deals

    Unfortunately, nothing for today.

Free Fantasy & Science Fiction & Horror & Best SciFi, Fantasy Deals

  1. John Crusher P.I.: The Velvet Clad Hooker (Science Fiction Adventure Deal, Sponsor, The Baker’s Dozen was not only a bar, it was Crusher’s home) by Brae F Simpson. Price: $2.99. Genre: Science Fiction Adventure Deal, Sponsor, The Baker’s Dozen was not only a bar, it was Crusher’s home. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 310 pages. ASIN: B08WY7166Q.
  2. *Ariel’s Tear (Fantasy, This story is delightfully inventive and vividly presented, Sponsor, The scenes are colorful and memorable) by Justin Rose. Price: $0. Genre: Fantasy, This story is delightfully inventive and vividly presented, Sponsor, The scenes are colorful and memorable. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. Mobi Version! Epub Version!

Free Historical Fiction & Best Historical Fiction Deals

  1. ***The Women of Chateau Lafayette (Historical French Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, NYT bestselling author, A sweeping novel about duty and hope, love and courage, and the strength we take from those who came before us) by Stephanie Dray. Price: $1.99. Genre: Historical French Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, NYT bestselling author, A sweeping novel about duty and hope, love and courage, and the strength we take from those who came before us. Rated: 4.5 stars on 1075 Reviews. 574 pages. ASIN: B08CD24WW8.

Free Young Adult Books & Best YA Deals

  1. ***The Academy Saga (Paperback) (YA Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Kate Connelly should be careful what she wishes for) by CJ Daly. Price: $18.99. Genre: YA Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Kate Connelly should be careful what she wishes for. Rated: 4.5 stars on 151 Reviews. 517 pages. ASIN: B07Y6LQV3B.
  2. ***Fragile Things (Folkestone Sins, #1) (YA Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, The dark history of this town threatens to rip them apart) by Samantha Lovelock. Price: $0.99. Genre: YA Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, The dark history of this town threatens to rip them apart. Rated: 4.5 stars on 135 Reviews. 238 pages. ASIN: B089RR9GM5.

Free Children’s Books & Best Children’s Deals

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Adventure, Women’s Fiction, Literary Fiction, Humor, Contemporary Fiction & Best Deals

  1. *The Cardiff Giant (The Enigma Quartet) (Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, They are enmeshed in self-punishing belief systems such as alien abduction, astrology, kabbalistic numerology) by Larry Lockridge, Marcia Scanlon. Price: $9.49. Genre: Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, They are enmeshed in self-punishing belief systems such as alien abduction, astrology, kabbalistic numerology. Rated: 5 stars on 20 Reviews. 166 pages. ASIN: B08SGK4ZGJ.

Free Memoirs & Best Memoir Deals

    Unfortunately, nothing today.

Free Biographies & Best Biographies Deals

  1. *Testaments from Survivors. Women Healed & Whole. Volume III (Women’s Biographies & Memoirs, Sponsor, Women from all walks of life coming together, sharing the struggles that almost destroyed their minds and their lives) by Tia Monique. Price: $21.99. Genre: Women’s Biographies & Memoirs, Sponsor, Women from all walks of life coming together, sharing the struggles that almost destroyed their minds and their lives. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. Please also Visit Author’s Website! Please also Visit Author’s Book Shop!

Free Non-Fiction & Spirituality & Self-Help & Best Non-Fiction Deals

  1. An Owner’s Manual for Consciously Evolving Your Consciousness: Romancing the Absurd A Mystery Novel Based on Reinvented Reality (Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, A financial investigator is hired to interview key players in a major lawsuit, his world is turned upside down) by Don McCrea-Hendrick. Price: $8.49. Genre: Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, A financial investigator is hired to interview key players in a major lawsuit, his world is turned upside down. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. ASIN: B08NFL1654.
  2. What Did Not Kill Me, Made Me: Girl, Taken 27 Years Later – A Short Story of a Long Transformation (Personal Transformation, Sponsor, When it seems that your life problems have reached their climax) by Elena Nikitina. Price: $0. Genre: Personal Transformation, Sponsor, When it seems that your life problems have reached their climax. Rated: 5 stars on 5 Reviews. 44 pages. ASIN: B091P3CBYS.
  3. Understanding Childhood Trauma and How to Let Go: 11 Effective Tools You Need To Heal (From a Fellow Survivor) (Paperback) (Improve Yourself Through Modern Therapies Non Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Learn how to live without the shadow of your past looming over you) by Julian Demarco. Price: $16.97. Genre: Improve Yourself Through Modern Therapies Non Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Learn how to live without the shadow of your past looming over you. Rated: 4 stars on 11 Reviews. 90 pages. ASIN: B094YQN7RB.
  4. In Love and Water (Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, Family Saga, A Lifelong Swimmer Reflects on His Life for Love and Water) by Curtis Maynard. Price: $0.99. Genre: Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, Family Saga, A Lifelong Swimmer Reflects on His Life for Love and Water. Rated: 4 stars on 4 Reviews. 248 pages. ASIN: B095VQTGZJ.

Free Cookbooks & Best Cookbook Deal

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Health & Exercise & Fitness & Mental Health Best Books & Deals

    Unfortunately, nothing for today.

Free Business & Finance Books & Best Business & Finance deals

  1. *The Power of Strategic Influence!: 10 Success Factors of Highly Influential Leaders (Personal Finance Nonfiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Gary Laney shares how you can cultivate and create highly effective and strategic business spheres of influence) by Gary C. Laney. Price: $2.99. Genre: Personal Finance Nonfiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Gary Laney shares how you can cultivate and create highly effective and strategic business spheres of influence. Rated: 5 stars on 24 Reviews. 312 pages. ASIN: B098S7J4ND.
  2. *The Ecstatic Stock Market: A Discerning Look Amid an Amazing Time. (Commodities Trading Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Explores concepts in chaos theory and how they show patterns which occur in nature and in complex systems like the stock market) by David Rasmussen. Price: $0.99. Genre: Commodities Trading Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Explores concepts in chaos theory and how they show patterns which occur in nature and in complex systems like the stock market. Rated: 4.5 stars on 22 Reviews. 207 pages. ASIN: B0979NYZYH.

########################## ################################################################################################################### ####### Nook Book Deals ####### ##################################################################################################################################
Free Romance Books & Best Romance Deals

  1. *Garkain: Book One of The Uluru Legacy Series (Vampire Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Amelia must make a choice, Join The Colony and her family, or literally be made to forget they ever existed in the first place) by Anna J Walner. Price: $4.99. Genre: Vampire Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Amelia must make a choice, Join The Colony and her family, or literally be made to forget they ever existed in the first place. Rated: 4.5 stars on 25 Reviews. 260 pages. ASIN: B08R2DDMG1.

Free Erotic Romance & Steamy Romance Books & Best Erotic Deals

  1. ***Spark: Web of Desire One (Steamy Royal Romance of the Day, Sponsor, NY Times Bestselling Author, The wide-eyed tourists entering Chicago have no idea of what lies beneath the surface, Nothing is as it seems) by Aleatha Romig. Price: $0. Genre: Steamy Royal Romance of the Day, Sponsor, NY Times Bestselling Author, The wide-eyed tourists entering Chicago have no idea of what lies beneath the surface, Nothing is as it seems. Rated: 4.5 stars on 637 Reviews. 302 pages. ASIN: B07VCGJQ76.

Free Thrillers & Mysteries & Suspense Novels & Best Thriller Deals & Mystery Deals

  1. That Was Before (Mystery Deal, Sponsor, The old Randolph would have gone home to his adulterous wife and forgot about it, That Was Before, this is the new Randolph) by Dan Lawton. Price: $6.99. Genre: Mystery Deal, Sponsor, The old Randolph would have gone home to his adulterous wife and forgot about it, That Was Before, this is the new Randolph. Rated: 4.5 stars on 10 Reviews. 243 pages. ASIN: B08XYFFLFS.

Free Christian Books & Best Christian Deals

  1. *Your Costly Blood Covenant: Discover the RICHES of Your Relationship with God (Christian Bible Study Deal, Sponsor, Intimate bond with God, Blood covenant relationship) by Joel Cupps. Price: $8.49. Genre: Christian Bible Study Deal, Sponsor, Intimate bond with God, Blood covenant relationship. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 217 pages. ASIN: B08NTRMWSY.
  2. The Donkey Factor: Living a Life Used by God (Christian Bible Study Deal, Sponsor, Why it is necessary to tame selfish desires) by Kevin Horath. Price: $5.99. Genre: Christian Bible Study Deal, Sponsor, Why it is necessary to tame selfish desires. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 130 pages. ASIN: B099NY75MB.
  3. Safe in His Arms: No Matter What (Christian Non Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Inspirational Poems, Finding a Sanctuary) by Mercy Tobin. Price: $7.99. Genre: Christian Non Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Inspirational Poems, Finding a Sanctuary. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 194 pages. ASIN: B098R5ZYMJ.
  4. *The Pretend Christian: Traveling Beyond Denomination to the True Jesus (Christian Women’s Living Deal of the Day, Sponsor, The evidence of God available to every searcher) by Deirdre Reilly. Price: $4.99. Genre: Christian Women’s Living Deal of the Day, Sponsor, The evidence of God available to every searcher. Rated: 4.8 stars on 20 Reviews. 82 pages. ASIN: B08PL4GVSD.
  5. *A River to Goodbye (Christian Non Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A well written story of a man who loves life, nature and Irish Setters) by TK Canyon. Price: $8.99. Genre: Christian Non Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A well written story of a man who loves life, nature and Irish Setters. Rated: 5 stars on 24 Reviews. 232 pages. ASIN: B094YTH217.
  6. *The Chest of Visions: Secrets of Caperston (Christian SciFi Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A unique, uplifting, spiritual journey of faith as seen by two youths, a remarkable book) by Tim Ferguson, Frank Tangredi, Jose Carlos Gutierrez. Price: $8.99. Genre: Christian SciFi Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A unique, uplifting, spiritual journey of faith as seen by two youths, a remarkable book. Rated: 4.5 stars on 48 Reviews. 120 pages. ASIN: B07D6Y8WB9.

Free Religious Books & Best Religious Deals

    Unfortunately, nothing for today.

Free Fantasy & Science Fiction & Horror & Best SciFi, Fantasy Deals

  1. John Crusher P.I.: The Velvet Clad Hooker (Science Fiction Adventure Deal, Sponsor, The Baker’s Dozen was not only a bar, it was Crusher’s home) by Brae F Simpson. Price: $2.99. Genre: Science Fiction Adventure Deal, Sponsor, The Baker’s Dozen was not only a bar, it was Crusher’s home. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 310 pages. ASIN: B08WY7166Q.
  2. *Ariel’s Tear (Fantasy, This story is delightfully inventive and vividly presented, Sponsor, The scenes are colorful and memorable) by Justin Rose. Price: $0. Genre: Fantasy, This story is delightfully inventive and vividly presented, Sponsor, The scenes are colorful and memorable. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. Mobi Version! Epub Version!

Free Historical Fiction & Best Historical Fiction Deals

  1. ***The Women of Chateau Lafayette (Historical French Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, NYT bestselling author, A sweeping novel about duty and hope, love and courage, and the strength we take from those who came before us) by Stephanie Dray. Price: $1.99. Genre: Historical French Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, NYT bestselling author, A sweeping novel about duty and hope, love and courage, and the strength we take from those who came before us. Rated: 4.5 stars on 1075 Reviews. 574 pages. ASIN: B08CD24WW8.

Free Young Adult Books & Best YA Deals

  1. ***Fragile Things (Folkestone Sins, #1) (YA Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, The dark history of this town threatens to rip them apart) by Samantha Lovelock. Price: $0.99. Genre: YA Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, The dark history of this town threatens to rip them apart. Rated: 4.5 stars on 135 Reviews. 238 pages. ASIN: B089RR9GM5.
  2. ***The Academy Saga (Paperback) (YA Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Kate Connelly should be careful what she wishes for) by CJ Daly. Price: $18.99. Genre: YA Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Kate Connelly should be careful what she wishes for. Rated: 4.5 stars on 151 Reviews. 517 pages. ASIN: B07Y6LQV3B.

Free Children’s Books & Best Children’s Deals

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Adventure, Women’s Fiction, Literary Fiction, Humor, Contemporary Fiction & Best Deals

  1. *The Cardiff Giant (The Enigma Quartet) (Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, They are enmeshed in self-punishing belief systems such as alien abduction, astrology, kabbalistic numerology) by Larry Lockridge, Marcia Scanlon. Price: $9.49. Genre: Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, They are enmeshed in self-punishing belief systems such as alien abduction, astrology, kabbalistic numerology. Rated: 5 stars on 20 Reviews. 166 pages. ASIN: B08SGK4ZGJ.

Free Memoirs & Best Memoir Deals

    Unfortunately, nothing today.

Free Biographies & Best Biographies Deals

  1. *Testaments from Survivors. Women Healed & Whole. Volume III (Women’s Biographies & Memoirs, Sponsor, Women from all walks of life coming together, sharing the struggles that almost destroyed their minds and their lives) by Tia Monique. Price: $21.99. Genre: Women’s Biographies & Memoirs, Sponsor, Women from all walks of life coming together, sharing the struggles that almost destroyed their minds and their lives. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. Please also Visit Author’s Website! Please also Visit Author’s Book Shop!

Free Non-Fiction & Spirituality & Self-Help & Best Non-Fiction Deals

  1. An Owner’s Manual for Consciously Evolving Your Consciousness: Romancing the Absurd A Mystery Novel Based on Reinvented Reality (Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, A financial investigator is hired to interview key players in a major lawsuit, his world is turned upside down) by Don McCrea-Hendrick. Price: $8.49. Genre: Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, A financial investigator is hired to interview key players in a major lawsuit, his world is turned upside down. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. ASIN: B08NFL1654.
  2. What Did Not Kill Me, Made Me: Girl, Taken 27 Years Later – A Short Story of a Long Transformation (Personal Transformation, Sponsor, When it seems that your life problems have reached their climax) by Elena Nikitina. Price: $0. Genre: Personal Transformation, Sponsor, When it seems that your life problems have reached their climax. Rated: 5 stars on 5 Reviews. 44 pages. ASIN: B091P3CBYS.
  3. Understanding Childhood Trauma and How to Let Go: 11 Effective Tools You Need To Heal (From a Fellow Survivor) (Paperback) (Improve Yourself Through Modern Therapies Non Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Learn how to live without the shadow of your past looming over you) by Julian Demarco. Price: $16.97. Genre: Improve Yourself Through Modern Therapies Non Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Learn how to live without the shadow of your past looming over you. Rated: 4 stars on 11 Reviews. 90 pages. ASIN: B094YQN7RB.
  4. In Love and Water (Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, Family Saga, A Lifelong Swimmer Reflects on His Life for Love and Water) by Curtis Maynard. Price: $0.99. Genre: Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, Family Saga, A Lifelong Swimmer Reflects on His Life for Love and Water. Rated: 4 stars on 4 Reviews. 248 pages. ASIN: B095VQTGZJ.

Free Cookbooks & Best Cookbook Deal

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Health & Exercise & Fitness & Mental Health Best Books & Deals

    Unfortunately, nothing for today.

Free Business & Finance Books & Best Business & Finance deals

  1. *The Power of Strategic Influence!: 10 Success Factors of Highly Influential Leaders (Personal Finance Nonfiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Gary Laney shares how you can cultivate and create highly effective and strategic business spheres of influence) by Gary C. Laney. Price: $2.99. Genre: Personal Finance Nonfiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Gary Laney shares how you can cultivate and create highly effective and strategic business spheres of influence. Rated: 5 stars on 24 Reviews. 312 pages. ASIN: B098S7J4ND.
  2. *The Ecstatic Stock Market: A Discerning Look Amid an Amazing Time. (Commodities Trading Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Explores concepts in chaos theory and how they show patterns which occur in nature and in complex systems like the stock market) by David Rasmussen. Price: $0.99. Genre: Commodities Trading Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Explores concepts in chaos theory and how they show patterns which occur in nature and in complex systems like the stock market. Rated: 4.5 stars on 22 Reviews. 207 pages. ASIN: B0979NYZYH.

4 Free Nook Books – Personal Transformation, Women’s Biographies & Memoirs, Inspirational Poems, Finding a Sanctuary, New York Times Bestselling Author (Aug 31st)

Authors, Promote Your Book to 4 Million Readers. Become A Bestselling Author.

Nook Books of the Day




Free Romance Books & Best Romance Deals

  1. *Garkain: Book One of The Uluru Legacy Series (Vampire Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Amelia must make a choice, Join The Colony and her family, or literally be made to forget they ever existed in the first place) by Anna J Walner. Price: $4.99. Genre: Vampire Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Amelia must make a choice, Join The Colony and her family, or literally be made to forget they ever existed in the first place. Rated: 4.5 stars on 25 Reviews. 260 pages. ASIN: B08R2DDMG1.
  2. Small Town Southern Romance Series Starters (Romance) by Kait Nolan. Price: $0. Genre: Romance. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 672 pages. ASIN: B091Y9WBNP.

Free Erotic Romance & Steamy Romance Books & Best Erotic Deals

  1. ***Spark: Web of Desire One (Steamy Royal Romance of the Day, Sponsor, NY Times Bestselling Author, The wide-eyed tourists entering Chicago have no idea of what lies beneath the surface, Nothing is as it seems) by Aleatha Romig. Price: $0. Genre: Steamy Royal Romance of the Day, Sponsor, NY Times Bestselling Author, The wide-eyed tourists entering Chicago have no idea of what lies beneath the surface, Nothing is as it seems. Rated: 4.5 stars on 637 Reviews. 302 pages. ASIN: B07VCGJQ76.

Free Thrillers & Mysteries & Suspense Novels & Best Thriller Deals & Mystery Deals

  1. That Was Before (Mystery Deal, Sponsor, The old Randolph would have gone home to his adulterous wife and forgot about it, That Was Before, this is the new Randolph) by Dan Lawton. Price: $6.99. Genre: Mystery Deal, Sponsor, The old Randolph would have gone home to his adulterous wife and forgot about it, That Was Before, this is the new Randolph. Rated: 4.5 stars on 10 Reviews. 243 pages. ASIN: B08XYFFLFS.

Free Christian Books & Best Christian Deals

  1. *Your Costly Blood Covenant: Discover the RICHES of Your Relationship with God (Christian Bible Study Deal, Sponsor, Intimate bond with God, Blood covenant relationship) by Joel Cupps. Price: $8.49. Genre: Christian Bible Study Deal, Sponsor, Intimate bond with God, Blood covenant relationship. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 217 pages. ASIN: B08NTRMWSY.
  2. The Donkey Factor: Living a Life Used by God (Christian Bible Study Deal, Sponsor, Why it is necessary to tame selfish desires) by Kevin Horath. Price: $5.99. Genre: Christian Bible Study Deal, Sponsor, Why it is necessary to tame selfish desires. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 130 pages. ASIN: B099NY75MB.
  3. Safe in His Arms: No Matter What (Christian Non Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Inspirational Poems, Finding a Sanctuary) by Mercy Tobin. Price: $7.99. Genre: Christian Non Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Inspirational Poems, Finding a Sanctuary. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 194 pages. ASIN: B098R5ZYMJ.
  4. *The Pretend Christian: Traveling Beyond Denomination to the True Jesus (Christian Women’s Living Deal of the Day, Sponsor, The evidence of God available to every searcher) by Deirdre Reilly. Price: $4.99. Genre: Christian Women’s Living Deal of the Day, Sponsor, The evidence of God available to every searcher. Rated: 4.8 stars on 20 Reviews. 82 pages. ASIN: B08PL4GVSD.
  5. *A River to Goodbye (Christian Non Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A well written story of a man who loves life, nature and Irish Setters) by TK Canyon. Price: $8.99. Genre: Christian Non Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A well written story of a man who loves life, nature and Irish Setters. Rated: 5 stars on 24 Reviews. 232 pages. ASIN: B094YTH217.
  6. *The Chest of Visions: Secrets of Caperston (Christian SciFi Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A unique, uplifting, spiritual journey of faith as seen by two youths, a remarkable book) by Tim Ferguson, Frank Tangredi, Jose Carlos Gutierrez. Price: $8.99. Genre: Christian SciFi Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A unique, uplifting, spiritual journey of faith as seen by two youths, a remarkable book. Rated: 4.5 stars on 48 Reviews. 120 pages. ASIN: B07D6Y8WB9.

Free Religious Books & Best Religious Deals

    Unfortunately, nothing for today.

Free Fantasy & Science Fiction & Horror & Best SciFi, Fantasy Deals

  1. John Crusher P.I.: The Velvet Clad Hooker (Science Fiction Adventure Deal, Sponsor, The Baker’s Dozen was not only a bar, it was Crusher’s home) by Brae F Simpson. Price: $2.99. Genre: Science Fiction Adventure Deal, Sponsor, The Baker’s Dozen was not only a bar, it was Crusher’s home. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 310 pages. ASIN: B08WY7166Q.
  2. *Ariel’s Tear (Fantasy, This story is delightfully inventive and vividly presented, Sponsor, The scenes are colorful and memorable) by Justin Rose. Price: $0. Genre: Fantasy, This story is delightfully inventive and vividly presented, Sponsor, The scenes are colorful and memorable. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. Mobi Version! Epub Version!

Free Historical Fiction & Best Historical Fiction Deals

  1. ***The Women of Chateau Lafayette (Historical French Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, NYT bestselling author, A sweeping novel about duty and hope, love and courage, and the strength we take from those who came before us) by Stephanie Dray. Price: $1.99. Genre: Historical French Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, NYT bestselling author, A sweeping novel about duty and hope, love and courage, and the strength we take from those who came before us. Rated: 4.5 stars on 1075 Reviews. 574 pages. ASIN: B08CD24WW8.

Free Young Adult Books & Best YA Deals

  1. ***The Academy Saga (Paperback) (YA Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Kate Connelly should be careful what she wishes for) by CJ Daly. Price: $18.99. Genre: YA Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Kate Connelly should be careful what she wishes for. Rated: 4.5 stars on 151 Reviews. 517 pages. ASIN: B07Y6LQV3B.
  2. ***Fragile Things (Folkestone Sins, #1) (YA Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, The dark history of this town threatens to rip them apart) by Samantha Lovelock. Price: $0.99. Genre: YA Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, The dark history of this town threatens to rip them apart. Rated: 4.5 stars on 135 Reviews. 238 pages. ASIN: B089RR9GM5.

Free Children’s Books & Best Children’s Deals

    Unfortunately, nothing today.

Adventure, Women’s Fiction, Literary Fiction, Humor, Contemporary Fiction & Best Deals

  1. *The Cardiff Giant (The Enigma Quartet) (Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, They are enmeshed in self-punishing belief systems such as alien abduction, astrology, kabbalistic numerology) by Larry Lockridge, Marcia Scanlon. Price: $9.49. Genre: Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, They are enmeshed in self-punishing belief systems such as alien abduction, astrology, kabbalistic numerology. Rated: 5 stars on 20 Reviews. 166 pages. ASIN: B08SGK4ZGJ.

Free Memoirs & Best Memoir Deals

    Unfortunately, nothing today.

Free Biographies & Best Biographies Deals

  1. *Testaments from Survivors. Women Healed & Whole. Volume III (Women’s Biographies & Memoirs, Sponsor, Women from all walks of life coming together, sharing the struggles that almost destroyed their minds and their lives) by Tia Monique. Price: $21.99. Genre: Women’s Biographies & Memoirs, Sponsor, Women from all walks of life coming together, sharing the struggles that almost destroyed their minds and their lives. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. Please also Visit Author’s Website! Please also Visit Author’s Book Shop!

Free Non-Fiction & Spirituality & Self-Help & Best Non-Fiction Deals

  1. An Owner’s Manual for Consciously Evolving Your Consciousness: Romancing the Absurd A Mystery Novel Based on Reinvented Reality (Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, A financial investigator is hired to interview key players in a major lawsuit, his world is turned upside down) by Don McCrea-Hendrick. Price: $8.49. Genre: Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, A financial investigator is hired to interview key players in a major lawsuit, his world is turned upside down. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. ASIN: B08NFL1654.
  2. What Did Not Kill Me, Made Me: Girl, Taken 27 Years Later – A Short Story of a Long Transformation (Personal Transformation, Sponsor, When it seems that your life problems have reached their climax) by Elena Nikitina. Price: $0. Genre: Personal Transformation, Sponsor, When it seems that your life problems have reached their climax. Rated: 5 stars on 5 Reviews. 44 pages. ASIN: B091P3CBYS.
  3. Understanding Childhood Trauma and How to Let Go: 11 Effective Tools You Need To Heal (From a Fellow Survivor) (Paperback) (Improve Yourself Through Modern Therapies Non Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Learn how to live without the shadow of your past looming over you) by Julian Demarco. Price: $16.97. Genre: Improve Yourself Through Modern Therapies Non Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Learn how to live without the shadow of your past looming over you. Rated: 4 stars on 11 Reviews. 90 pages. ASIN: B094YQN7RB.
  4. In Love and Water (Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, Family Saga, A Lifelong Swimmer Reflects on His Life for Love and Water) by Curtis Maynard. Price: $0.99. Genre: Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, Family Saga, A Lifelong Swimmer Reflects on His Life for Love and Water. Rated: 4 stars on 4 Reviews. 248 pages. ASIN: B095VQTGZJ.

Free Cookbooks & Best Cookbook Deal

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Health & Exercise & Fitness & Mental Health Best Books & Deals

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Free Business & Finance Books & Best Business & Finance deals

  1. *The Power of Strategic Influence!: 10 Success Factors of Highly Influential Leaders (Personal Finance Nonfiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Gary Laney shares how you can cultivate and create highly effective and strategic business spheres of influence) by Gary C. Laney. Price: $2.99. Genre: Personal Finance Nonfiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Gary Laney shares how you can cultivate and create highly effective and strategic business spheres of influence. Rated: 5 stars on 24 Reviews. 312 pages. ASIN: B098S7J4ND.
  2. *The Ecstatic Stock Market: A Discerning Look Amid an Amazing Time. (Commodities Trading Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Explores concepts in chaos theory and how they show patterns which occur in nature and in complex systems like the stock market) by David Rasmussen. Price: $0.99. Genre: Commodities Trading Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Explores concepts in chaos theory and how they show patterns which occur in nature and in complex systems like the stock market. Rated: 4.5 stars on 22 Reviews. 207 pages. ASIN: B0979NYZYH.

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Free Romance Books & Best Romance Deals

  1. *Garkain: Book One of The Uluru Legacy Series (Vampire Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Amelia must make a choice, Join The Colony and her family, or literally be made to forget they ever existed in the first place) by Anna J Walner. Price: $4.99. Genre: Vampire Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Amelia must make a choice, Join The Colony and her family, or literally be made to forget they ever existed in the first place. Rated: 4.5 stars on 25 Reviews. 260 pages. ASIN: B08R2DDMG1.

Free Erotic Romance & Steamy Romance Books & Best Erotic Deals

  1. ***Spark: Web of Desire One (Steamy Royal Romance of the Day, Sponsor, NY Times Bestselling Author, The wide-eyed tourists entering Chicago have no idea of what lies beneath the surface, Nothing is as it seems) by Aleatha Romig. Price: $0. Genre: Steamy Royal Romance of the Day, Sponsor, NY Times Bestselling Author, The wide-eyed tourists entering Chicago have no idea of what lies beneath the surface, Nothing is as it seems. Rated: 4.5 stars on 637 Reviews. 302 pages. ASIN: B07VCGJQ76.

Free Thrillers & Mysteries & Suspense Novels & Best Thriller Deals & Mystery Deals

  1. That Was Before (Mystery Deal, Sponsor, The old Randolph would have gone home to his adulterous wife and forgot about it, That Was Before, this is the new Randolph) by Dan Lawton. Price: $6.99. Genre: Mystery Deal, Sponsor, The old Randolph would have gone home to his adulterous wife and forgot about it, That Was Before, this is the new Randolph. Rated: 4.5 stars on 10 Reviews. 243 pages. ASIN: B08XYFFLFS.

Free Christian Books & Best Christian Deals

  1. *Your Costly Blood Covenant: Discover the RICHES of Your Relationship with God (Christian Bible Study Deal, Sponsor, Intimate bond with God, Blood covenant relationship) by Joel Cupps. Price: $8.49. Genre: Christian Bible Study Deal, Sponsor, Intimate bond with God, Blood covenant relationship. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 217 pages. ASIN: B08NTRMWSY.
  2. The Donkey Factor: Living a Life Used by God (Christian Bible Study Deal, Sponsor, Why it is necessary to tame selfish desires) by Kevin Horath. Price: $5.99. Genre: Christian Bible Study Deal, Sponsor, Why it is necessary to tame selfish desires. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 130 pages. ASIN: B099NY75MB.
  3. Safe in His Arms: No Matter What (Christian Non Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Inspirational Poems, Finding a Sanctuary) by Mercy Tobin. Price: $7.99. Genre: Christian Non Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Inspirational Poems, Finding a Sanctuary. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 194 pages. ASIN: B098R5ZYMJ.
  4. *The Pretend Christian: Traveling Beyond Denomination to the True Jesus (Christian Women’s Living Deal of the Day, Sponsor, The evidence of God available to every searcher) by Deirdre Reilly. Price: $4.99. Genre: Christian Women’s Living Deal of the Day, Sponsor, The evidence of God available to every searcher. Rated: 4.8 stars on 20 Reviews. 82 pages. ASIN: B08PL4GVSD.
  5. *A River to Goodbye (Christian Non Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A well written story of a man who loves life, nature and Irish Setters) by TK Canyon. Price: $8.99. Genre: Christian Non Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A well written story of a man who loves life, nature and Irish Setters. Rated: 5 stars on 24 Reviews. 232 pages. ASIN: B094YTH217.
  6. *The Chest of Visions: Secrets of Caperston (Christian SciFi Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A unique, uplifting, spiritual journey of faith as seen by two youths, a remarkable book) by Tim Ferguson, Frank Tangredi, Jose Carlos Gutierrez. Price: $8.99. Genre: Christian SciFi Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A unique, uplifting, spiritual journey of faith as seen by two youths, a remarkable book. Rated: 4.5 stars on 48 Reviews. 120 pages. ASIN: B07D6Y8WB9.

Free Religious Books & Best Religious Deals

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Free Fantasy & Science Fiction & Horror & Best SciFi, Fantasy Deals

  1. John Crusher P.I.: The Velvet Clad Hooker (Science Fiction Adventure Deal, Sponsor, The Baker’s Dozen was not only a bar, it was Crusher’s home) by Brae F Simpson. Price: $2.99. Genre: Science Fiction Adventure Deal, Sponsor, The Baker’s Dozen was not only a bar, it was Crusher’s home. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 310 pages. ASIN: B08WY7166Q.
  2. *Ariel’s Tear (Fantasy, This story is delightfully inventive and vividly presented, Sponsor, The scenes are colorful and memorable) by Justin Rose. Price: $0. Genre: Fantasy, This story is delightfully inventive and vividly presented, Sponsor, The scenes are colorful and memorable. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. Mobi Version! Epub Version!

Free Historical Fiction & Best Historical Fiction Deals

  1. ***The Women of Chateau Lafayette (Historical French Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, NYT bestselling author, A sweeping novel about duty and hope, love and courage, and the strength we take from those who came before us) by Stephanie Dray. Price: $1.99. Genre: Historical French Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, NYT bestselling author, A sweeping novel about duty and hope, love and courage, and the strength we take from those who came before us. Rated: 4.5 stars on 1075 Reviews. 574 pages. ASIN: B08CD24WW8.

Free Young Adult Books & Best YA Deals

  1. ***Fragile Things (Folkestone Sins, #1) (YA Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, The dark history of this town threatens to rip them apart) by Samantha Lovelock. Price: $0.99. Genre: YA Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, The dark history of this town threatens to rip them apart. Rated: 4.5 stars on 135 Reviews. 238 pages. ASIN: B089RR9GM5.
  2. ***The Academy Saga (Paperback) (YA Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Kate Connelly should be careful what she wishes for) by CJ Daly. Price: $18.99. Genre: YA Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Kate Connelly should be careful what she wishes for. Rated: 4.5 stars on 151 Reviews. 517 pages. ASIN: B07Y6LQV3B.

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Adventure, Women’s Fiction, Literary Fiction, Humor, Contemporary Fiction & Best Deals

  1. *The Cardiff Giant (The Enigma Quartet) (Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, They are enmeshed in self-punishing belief systems such as alien abduction, astrology, kabbalistic numerology) by Larry Lockridge, Marcia Scanlon. Price: $9.49. Genre: Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, They are enmeshed in self-punishing belief systems such as alien abduction, astrology, kabbalistic numerology. Rated: 5 stars on 20 Reviews. 166 pages. ASIN: B08SGK4ZGJ.

Free Memoirs & Best Memoir Deals

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Free Biographies & Best Biographies Deals

  1. *Testaments from Survivors. Women Healed & Whole. Volume III (Women’s Biographies & Memoirs, Sponsor, Women from all walks of life coming together, sharing the struggles that almost destroyed their minds and their lives) by Tia Monique. Price: $21.99. Genre: Women’s Biographies & Memoirs, Sponsor, Women from all walks of life coming together, sharing the struggles that almost destroyed their minds and their lives. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. Please also Visit Author’s Website! Please also Visit Author’s Book Shop!

Free Non-Fiction & Spirituality & Self-Help & Best Non-Fiction Deals

  1. An Owner’s Manual for Consciously Evolving Your Consciousness: Romancing the Absurd A Mystery Novel Based on Reinvented Reality (Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, A financial investigator is hired to interview key players in a major lawsuit, his world is turned upside down) by Don McCrea-Hendrick. Price: $8.49. Genre: Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, A financial investigator is hired to interview key players in a major lawsuit, his world is turned upside down. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. ASIN: B08NFL1654.
  2. What Did Not Kill Me, Made Me: Girl, Taken 27 Years Later – A Short Story of a Long Transformation (Personal Transformation, Sponsor, When it seems that your life problems have reached their climax) by Elena Nikitina. Price: $0. Genre: Personal Transformation, Sponsor, When it seems that your life problems have reached their climax. Rated: 5 stars on 5 Reviews. 44 pages. ASIN: B091P3CBYS.
  3. Understanding Childhood Trauma and How to Let Go: 11 Effective Tools You Need To Heal (From a Fellow Survivor) (Paperback) (Improve Yourself Through Modern Therapies Non Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Learn how to live without the shadow of your past looming over you) by Julian Demarco. Price: $16.97. Genre: Improve Yourself Through Modern Therapies Non Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Learn how to live without the shadow of your past looming over you. Rated: 4 stars on 11 Reviews. 90 pages. ASIN: B094YQN7RB.
  4. In Love and Water (Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, Family Saga, A Lifelong Swimmer Reflects on His Life for Love and Water) by Curtis Maynard. Price: $0.99. Genre: Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, Family Saga, A Lifelong Swimmer Reflects on His Life for Love and Water. Rated: 4 stars on 4 Reviews. 248 pages. ASIN: B095VQTGZJ.

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Free Business & Finance Books & Best Business & Finance deals

  1. *The Power of Strategic Influence!: 10 Success Factors of Highly Influential Leaders (Personal Finance Nonfiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Gary Laney shares how you can cultivate and create highly effective and strategic business spheres of influence) by Gary C. Laney. Price: $2.99. Genre: Personal Finance Nonfiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Gary Laney shares how you can cultivate and create highly effective and strategic business spheres of influence. Rated: 5 stars on 24 Reviews. 312 pages. ASIN: B098S7J4ND.
  2. *The Ecstatic Stock Market: A Discerning Look Amid an Amazing Time. (Commodities Trading Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Explores concepts in chaos theory and how they show patterns which occur in nature and in complex systems like the stock market) by David Rasmussen. Price: $0.99. Genre: Commodities Trading Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Explores concepts in chaos theory and how they show patterns which occur in nature and in complex systems like the stock market. Rated: 4.5 stars on 22 Reviews. 207 pages. ASIN: B0979NYZYH.

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Free Romance Books & Best Romance Deals

  1. That Was Before (Romantic Suspense Deal, Sponsor, Even with his old life in shambles, that may be the least of his problems) by Dan Lawton. Price: $6.99. Genre: Romantic Suspense Deal, Sponsor, Even with his old life in shambles, that may be the least of his problems. Rated: 4.5 stars on 10 Reviews. 243 pages. ASIN: B08XYFFLFS.
  2. In Love and Water (Biographical Romance Deal, Sponsor, Sports Romance, For the Love of Swimming) by Curtis Maynard. Price: $0.99. Genre: Biographical Romance Deal, Sponsor, Sports Romance, For the Love of Swimming. Rated: 4 stars on 4 Reviews. 248 pages. ASIN: B095VQTGZJ.
  3. *Garkain: Book One of The Uluru Legacy Series (Paranormal Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Amelia’s journey to find the truth behind her adoption twenty-five years ago) by Anna J Walner. Price: $4.99. Genre: Paranormal Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Amelia’s journey to find the truth behind her adoption twenty-five years ago. Rated: 4.5 stars on 25 Reviews. 260 pages. ASIN: B08R2DDMG1.
  4. ***Fragile Things (Folkestone Sins, #1) (Contemporary Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Fragile Things has total Brayshaw vibes, The twists, the turns, the secrets, the revelations, they are to die for) by Samantha Lovelock. Price: $0.99. Genre: Contemporary Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Fragile Things has total Brayshaw vibes, The twists, the turns, the secrets, the revelations, they are to die for. Rated: 4.5 stars on 135 Reviews. 238 pages. ASIN: B089RR9GM5.

Free Erotic Romance & Steamy Romance Books & Best Erotic Deals

  1. *Spark: Web of Desire One (Steamy Romance of the Day, Sponsor, NY Times Bestselling Author, She is no longer a little girl who believes in fairy tales, he is her past, a childish attraction) by Aleatha Romig. Price: $0. Genre: Steamy Romance of the Day, Sponsor, NY Times Bestselling Author, She is no longer a little girl who believes in fairy tales, he is her past, a childish attraction. Rated: 4.8 stars on 10 Reviews. 302 pages. ASIN: B07VCGJQ76.

Free Thrillers & Mysteries & Suspense Novels & Best Thriller Deals & Mystery Deals

  1. Surveillance (Ghost Targets, #1) (Women Sleuths) by Aaron Pogue. Price: $0. Genre: Women Sleuths. Rated: 4.2 stars on 46 Reviews. 226 pages. ASIN: B07PXLD7LR.
  2. Life’s a Beach Then You Die (Cozy Mystery) by Falafel Jones. Price: $0. Genre: Cozy Mystery. Rated: 4.1 stars on 31 Reviews. 198 pages. ASIN: B00CGOGFDY.
  3. The Devil’s Music (Mystery) by Stephen R Drage. Price: $0. Genre: Mystery. Rated: 0 stars on 0 Reviews. 254 pages. ASIN: B07GBF8Y4J.

Free Christian Books & Best Christian Deals

  1. *Your Costly Blood Covenant: Discover the RICHES of Your Relationship with God (Christian Living Deal, Sponsor, Discover the abundant riches of a covenant relationship with God) by Joel Cupps. Price: $8.49. Genre: Christian Living Deal, Sponsor, Discover the abundant riches of a covenant relationship with God. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 217 pages. ASIN: B08NTRMWSY.
  2. The Donkey Factor: Living a Life Used by God (Christian Book Deal, Sponsor, An in-depth look at an important yet often overlooked animal in the Bible) by Kevin Horath. Price: $5.99. Genre: Christian Book Deal, Sponsor, An in-depth look at an important yet often overlooked animal in the Bible. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 130 pages. ASIN: B099NY75MB.
  3. Safe in His Arms: No Matter What (Christian Contemporary Fiction Deal, Sponsor, A Breath of Life in a Fragile world) by Mercy Tobin. Price: $7.99. Genre: Christian Contemporary Fiction Deal, Sponsor, A Breath of Life in a Fragile world. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 194 pages. ASIN: B098R5ZYMJ.
  4. *The Pretend Christian: Traveling Beyond Denomination to the True Jesus (Christian Spiritual Growth Deal of the Day, Sponsor, How God powerfully handles our doubts and fears) by Deirdre Reilly. Price: $4.99. Genre: Christian Spiritual Growth Deal of the Day, Sponsor, How God powerfully handles our doubts and fears. Rated: 4.8 stars on 20 Reviews. 82 pages. ASIN: B08PL4GVSD.
  5. *The Chest of Visions: Secrets of Caperston (Christian Fantasy Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A story of hope that encourages its readers to dare to dream, Caperston shows us what life can become) by Tim Ferguson, Frank Tangredi, Jose Carlos Gutierrez. Price: $8.99. Genre: Christian Fantasy Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A story of hope that encourages its readers to dare to dream, Caperston shows us what life can become. Rated: 4.5 stars on 48 Reviews. 120 pages. ASIN: B07D6Y8WB9.

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Free Fantasy & Science Fiction & Horror & Best SciFi, Fantasy Deals

  1. Dragon Knight Chronicles: The Awakening (Mix of Fantasy and Science Fiction Deal, Sponsor, If you like Lord of the Rings) by Andrew Wichland. Price: $2.99. Genre: Mix of Fantasy and Science Fiction Deal, Sponsor, If you like Lord of the Rings. Rated: 4 stars on 53 Reviews. 122 pages. ASIN: ASIN.
  2. *Dragon Rider Prophecy A Journey Begins (Fantasy Deal of the Day, Sponsor, They have wanted nothing, they are starting to lead ordinary lives but the fate of the entire world lies on their shoulders) by Andrew Wichland. Price: $0.99. Genre: Fantasy Deal of the Day, Sponsor, They have wanted nothing, they are starting to lead ordinary lives but the fate of the entire world lies on their shoulders. Rated: 4.5 stars on 47 Reviews. 398 pages. ASIN: B08PDW4347.
  3. *Ariel’s Tear (Fantasy, Sponsor, An amazing book, every word paints a visual picture in your head, it was like watching a movie with subtitles) by Justin Rose. Price: $0. Genre: Fantasy, Sponsor, An amazing book, every word paints a visual picture in your head, it was like watching a movie with subtitles. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. Mobi Version! Epub Version!

Free Historical Fiction & Best Historical Fiction Deals

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Free Young Adult Books & Best YA Deals

  1. ***The Academy Saga (Paperback) (YA Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Enemies to Lovers Romance) by CJ Daly. Price: $18.99. Genre: YA Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Enemies to Lovers Romance. Rated: 4.5 stars on 151 Reviews. 517 pages. ASIN: B07Y6LQV3B.

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Adventure, Women’s Fiction, Literary Fiction, Humor, Contemporary Fiction & Best Deals

  1. *The Cardiff Giant (The Enigma Quartet) (Literary Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Parody that reflects the current era, but done kindly, humorously, and lightly with depth of the characters that sets it apart) by Larry Lockridge, Marcia Scanlon. Price: $9.49. Genre: Literary Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Parody that reflects the current era, but done kindly, humorously, and lightly with depth of the characters that sets it apart. Rated: 5 stars on 20 Reviews. 166 pages. ASIN: B08SGK4ZGJ.
  2. ***The Women of Chateau Lafayette (Women’s Historical Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, NYT bestselling author, True story of an extraordinary castle in the heart of France and the remarkable women bound by its legacy) by Stephanie Dray. Price: $1.99. Genre: Women’s Historical Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, NYT bestselling author, True story of an extraordinary castle in the heart of France and the remarkable women bound by its legacy. Rated: 4.5 stars on 1069 Reviews. 574 pages. ASIN: B08CD24WW8.
  3. The Be(k)nighted: the untold origin of the precept (Adventure Deal, Sponsor, Tightly woven web of intrigue and adventure, melding genres through deft storytelling) by Mark Harbinger. Price: $2.99. Genre: Adventure Deal, Sponsor, Tightly woven web of intrigue and adventure, melding genres through deft storytelling. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 407 pages. ASIN: B09D68YKZL.

Free Memoirs & Best Memoir Deals

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Free Biographies & Best Biographies Deals

  1. *A River to Goodbye (Biographies & Memoirs Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A story of a young boy’s yearning to own a dog) by TK Canyon. Price: $8.99. Genre: Biographies & Memoirs Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A story of a young boy’s yearning to own a dog. Rated: 5 stars on 24 Reviews. 232 pages. ASIN: B094YTH217.
  2. What Did Not Kill Me, Made Me: Girl, Taken 27 Years Later – A Short Story of a Long Transformation (Women’s Biographies, Sponsor, A little inspiration or a surge of strength to fight the calamities of life) by Elena Nikitina. Price: $0. Genre: Women’s Biographies, Sponsor, A little inspiration or a surge of strength to fight the calamities of life. Rated: 5 stars on 5 Reviews. 44 pages. ASIN: B091P3CBYS.
  3. *Testaments from Survivors. Women Healed & Whole. Volume III (Women’s Biographies & Memoirs, Sponsor, Reading the disturbing things they have experienced will have you in tears but cheering and screaming about their victories) by Tia Monique. Price: $21.99. Genre: Women’s Biographies & Memoirs, Sponsor, Reading the disturbing things they have experienced will have you in tears but cheering and screaming about their victories. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. Please also Visit Author’s Website! Please also Visit Author’s Book Shop!

Free Non-Fiction & Spirituality & Self-Help & Best Non-Fiction Deals

  1. An Owner’s Manual for Consciously Evolving Your Consciousness: Romancing the Absurd A Mystery Novel Based on Reinvented Reality (Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, Detailed ways to consciously evolve your consciousness) by Don McCrea-Hendrick. Price: $8.49. Genre: Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, Detailed ways to consciously evolve your consciousness. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. ASIN: B08NFL1654.

Free Cookbooks & Best Cookbook Deal

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Health & Exercise & Fitness & Mental Health Best Books & Deals

  1. Understanding Childhood Trauma and How to Let Go: 11 Effective Tools You Need To Heal (From a Fellow Survivor) (Paperback) (Health & Fitness & NLP Non Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Reprogram your mind for success) by Julian Demarco. Price: $16.97. Genre: Health & Fitness & NLP Non Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Reprogram your mind for success. Rated: 4 stars on 11 Reviews. 90 pages. ASIN: B094YQN7RB.

Free Business & Finance Books & Best Business & Finance deals

  1. *The Ecstatic Stock Market: A Discerning Look Amid an Amazing Time. (Business & Personal Finance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Interpretation of the message beyond stock prices) by David Rasmussen. Price: $0.99. Genre: Business & Personal Finance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Interpretation of the message beyond stock prices. Rated: 4.5 stars on 21 Reviews. 207 pages. ASIN: B0979NYZYH.

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Free Romance Books & Best Romance Deals

  1. That Was Before (Romantic Suspense Deal, Sponsor, Even with his old life in shambles, that may be the least of his problems) by Dan Lawton. Price: $6.99. Genre: Romantic Suspense Deal, Sponsor, Even with his old life in shambles, that may be the least of his problems. Rated: 4.5 stars on 10 Reviews. 243 pages. ASIN: B08XYFFLFS.
  2. In Love and Water (Biographical Romance Deal, Sponsor, Sports Romance, For the Love of Swimming) by Curtis Maynard. Price: $0.99. Genre: Biographical Romance Deal, Sponsor, Sports Romance, For the Love of Swimming. Rated: 4 stars on 4 Reviews. 248 pages. ASIN: B095VQTGZJ.
  3. *Garkain: Book One of The Uluru Legacy Series (Paranormal Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Amelia’s journey to find the truth behind her adoption twenty-five years ago) by Anna J Walner. Price: $4.99. Genre: Paranormal Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Amelia’s journey to find the truth behind her adoption twenty-five years ago. Rated: 4.5 stars on 25 Reviews. 260 pages. ASIN: B08R2DDMG1.
  4. ***Fragile Things (Folkestone Sins, #1) (Contemporary Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Fragile Things has total Brayshaw vibes, The twists, the turns, the secrets, the revelations, they are to die for) by Samantha Lovelock. Price: $0.99. Genre: Contemporary Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Fragile Things has total Brayshaw vibes, The twists, the turns, the secrets, the revelations, they are to die for. Rated: 4.5 stars on 135 Reviews. 238 pages. ASIN: B089RR9GM5.

Free Erotic Romance & Steamy Romance Books & Best Erotic Deals

  1. *Spark: Web of Desire One (Steamy Romance of the Day, Sponsor, NY Times Bestselling Author, She is no longer a little girl who believes in fairy tales, he is her past, a childish attraction) by Aleatha Romig. Price: $0. Genre: Steamy Romance of the Day, Sponsor, NY Times Bestselling Author, She is no longer a little girl who believes in fairy tales, he is her past, a childish attraction. Rated: 4.8 stars on 10 Reviews. 302 pages. ASIN: B07VCGJQ76.

Free Thrillers & Mysteries & Suspense Novels & Best Thriller Deals & Mystery Deals

    Unfortunately, nothing today.

Free Christian Books & Best Christian Deals

  1. *Your Costly Blood Covenant: Discover the RICHES of Your Relationship with God (Christian Living Deal, Sponsor, Discover the abundant riches of a covenant relationship with God) by Joel Cupps. Price: $8.49. Genre: Christian Living Deal, Sponsor, Discover the abundant riches of a covenant relationship with God. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 217 pages. ASIN: B08NTRMWSY.
  2. The Donkey Factor: Living a Life Used by God (Christian Book Deal, Sponsor, An in-depth look at an important yet often overlooked animal in the Bible) by Kevin Horath. Price: $5.99. Genre: Christian Book Deal, Sponsor, An in-depth look at an important yet often overlooked animal in the Bible. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 130 pages. ASIN: B099NY75MB.
  3. Safe in His Arms: No Matter What (Christian Contemporary Fiction Deal, Sponsor, A Breath of Life in a Fragile world) by Mercy Tobin. Price: $7.99. Genre: Christian Contemporary Fiction Deal, Sponsor, A Breath of Life in a Fragile world. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 194 pages. ASIN: B098R5ZYMJ.
  4. *The Pretend Christian: Traveling Beyond Denomination to the True Jesus (Christian Spiritual Growth Deal of the Day, Sponsor, How God powerfully handles our doubts and fears) by Deirdre Reilly. Price: $4.99. Genre: Christian Spiritual Growth Deal of the Day, Sponsor, How God powerfully handles our doubts and fears. Rated: 4.8 stars on 20 Reviews. 82 pages. ASIN: B08PL4GVSD.
  5. *The Chest of Visions: Secrets of Caperston (Christian Fantasy Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A story of hope that encourages its readers to dare to dream, Caperston shows us what life can become) by Tim Ferguson, Frank Tangredi, Jose Carlos Gutierrez. Price: $8.99. Genre: Christian Fantasy Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A story of hope that encourages its readers to dare to dream, Caperston shows us what life can become. Rated: 4.5 stars on 48 Reviews. 120 pages. ASIN: B07D6Y8WB9.

Free Religious Books & Best Religious Deals

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Free Fantasy & Science Fiction & Horror & Best SciFi, Fantasy Deals

  1. Dragon Knight Chronicles: The Awakening (Mix of Fantasy and Science Fiction Deal, Sponsor, If you like Lord of the Rings) by Andrew Wichland. Price: $2.99. Genre: Mix of Fantasy and Science Fiction Deal, Sponsor, If you like Lord of the Rings. Rated: 4 stars on 53 Reviews. 122 pages. ASIN: ASIN.
  2. *Dragon Rider Prophecy A Journey Begins (Fantasy Deal of the Day, Sponsor, They have wanted nothing, they are starting to lead ordinary lives but the fate of the entire world lies on their shoulders) by Andrew Wichland. Price: $0.99. Genre: Fantasy Deal of the Day, Sponsor, They have wanted nothing, they are starting to lead ordinary lives but the fate of the entire world lies on their shoulders. Rated: 4.5 stars on 47 Reviews. 398 pages. ASIN: B08PDW4347.
  3. *Ariel’s Tear (Fantasy, Sponsor, An amazing book, every word paints a visual picture in your head, it was like watching a movie with subtitles) by Justin Rose. Price: $0. Genre: Fantasy, Sponsor, An amazing book, every word paints a visual picture in your head, it was like watching a movie with subtitles. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. Mobi Version! Epub Version!

Free Historical Fiction & Best Historical Fiction Deals

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Free Young Adult Books & Best YA Deals

  1. ***The Academy Saga (Paperback) (YA Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Enemies to Lovers Romance) by CJ Daly. Price: $18.99. Genre: YA Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Enemies to Lovers Romance. Rated: 4.5 stars on 151 Reviews. 517 pages. ASIN: B07Y6LQV3B.

Free Children’s Books & Best Children’s Deals

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Adventure, Women’s Fiction, Literary Fiction, Humor, Contemporary Fiction & Best Deals

  1. *The Cardiff Giant (The Enigma Quartet) (Literary Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Parody that reflects the current era, but done kindly, humorously, and lightly with depth of the characters that sets it apart) by Larry Lockridge, Marcia Scanlon. Price: $9.49. Genre: Literary Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Parody that reflects the current era, but done kindly, humorously, and lightly with depth of the characters that sets it apart. Rated: 5 stars on 20 Reviews. 166 pages. ASIN: B08SGK4ZGJ.
  2. ***The Women of Chateau Lafayette (Women’s Historical Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, NYT bestselling author, True story of an extraordinary castle in the heart of France and the remarkable women bound by its legacy) by Stephanie Dray. Price: $1.99. Genre: Women’s Historical Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, NYT bestselling author, True story of an extraordinary castle in the heart of France and the remarkable women bound by its legacy. Rated: 4.5 stars on 1069 Reviews. 574 pages. ASIN: B08CD24WW8.
  3. The Be(k)nighted: the untold origin of the precept (Adventure Deal, Sponsor, Tightly woven web of intrigue and adventure, melding genres through deft storytelling) by Mark Harbinger. Price: $2.99. Genre: Adventure Deal, Sponsor, Tightly woven web of intrigue and adventure, melding genres through deft storytelling. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 407 pages. ASIN: B09D68YKZL.

Free Memoirs & Best Memoir Deals

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Free Biographies & Best Biographies Deals

  1. *A River to Goodbye (Biographies & Memoirs Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A story of a young boy’s yearning to own a dog) by TK Canyon. Price: $8.99. Genre: Biographies & Memoirs Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A story of a young boy’s yearning to own a dog. Rated: 5 stars on 24 Reviews. 232 pages. ASIN: B094YTH217.
  2. What Did Not Kill Me, Made Me: Girl, Taken 27 Years Later – A Short Story of a Long Transformation (Women’s Biographies, Sponsor, A little inspiration or a surge of strength to fight the calamities of life) by Elena Nikitina. Price: $0. Genre: Women’s Biographies, Sponsor, A little inspiration or a surge of strength to fight the calamities of life. Rated: 5 stars on 5 Reviews. 44 pages. ASIN: B091P3CBYS.
  3. *Testaments from Survivors. Women Healed & Whole. Volume III (Women’s Biographies & Memoirs, Sponsor, Reading the disturbing things they have experienced will have you in tears but cheering and screaming about their victories) by Tia Monique. Price: $21.99. Genre: Women’s Biographies & Memoirs, Sponsor, Reading the disturbing things they have experienced will have you in tears but cheering and screaming about their victories. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. Please also Visit Author’s Website! Please also Visit Author’s Book Shop!

Free Non-Fiction & Spirituality & Self-Help & Best Non-Fiction Deals

  1. An Owner’s Manual for Consciously Evolving Your Consciousness: Romancing the Absurd A Mystery Novel Based on Reinvented Reality (Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, Detailed ways to consciously evolve your consciousness) by Don McCrea-Hendrick. Price: $8.49. Genre: Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, Detailed ways to consciously evolve your consciousness. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. ASIN: B08NFL1654.

Free Cookbooks & Best Cookbook Deal

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Health & Exercise & Fitness & Mental Health Best Books & Deals

  1. Understanding Childhood Trauma and How to Let Go: 11 Effective Tools You Need To Heal (From a Fellow Survivor) (Paperback) (Health & Fitness & NLP Non Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Reprogram your mind for success) by Julian Demarco. Price: $16.97. Genre: Health & Fitness & NLP Non Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Reprogram your mind for success. Rated: 4 stars on 11 Reviews. 90 pages. ASIN: B094YQN7RB.

Free Business & Finance Books & Best Business & Finance deals

  1. *The Ecstatic Stock Market: A Discerning Look Amid an Amazing Time. (Business & Personal Finance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Interpretation of the message beyond stock prices) by David Rasmussen. Price: $0.99. Genre: Business & Personal Finance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Interpretation of the message beyond stock prices. Rated: 4.5 stars on 21 Reviews. 207 pages. ASIN: B0979NYZYH.

4 Free Nook Books – Inspirational Poetry and Prose, A Magical place From which we can Shelter from Life’s Struggles, Enemies to Lovers Romance, Family Saga, A Lifelong Swimmer Reflects on His Life for Love and Water (Aug 29th)

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Free Romance Books & Best Romance Deals

  1. ***The Deal (Off-Campus, #1) (Sports Romance of the Day) by Elle Kennedy. Price: $0. Genre: Sports Romance of the Day. Rated: 4.7 stars on 168 Reviews. 342 pages. ASIN: B00TG1CZFC.
  2. Beginnings of Love: A Contemporary Western Romance Boxset (Long Valley Books 1 & 2) (Holiday Romance) by Erin Wright. Price: $0. Genre: Holiday Romance. Rated: 4.9 stars on 9 Reviews. 305 pages. ASIN: B08R332NC9.
  3. VonBrandt Wolf Pack Volume One: VonBrandt Wolf Pack Books 1-3 (Fantasy & Futuristic Romance) by Krystal Shannan. Price: $0. Genre: Fantasy & Futuristic Romance. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. ASIN: B098XT1H6Q.
  4. In Love and Water (Romance Deal, Sponsor, He is made to chose to abandon his love of swimming and competing like he has all his life, And what it takes to love again) by Curtis Maynard. Price: $0.99. Genre: Romance Deal, Sponsor, He is made to chose to abandon his love of swimming and competing like he has all his life, And what it takes to love again. Rated: 4 stars on 4 Reviews. 248 pages. ASIN: B095VQTGZJ.

Free Erotic Romance & Steamy Romance Books & Best Erotic Deals

  1. *The Provocative Prince (A Bi-Curious Historical Romance) (Steamy Historical Romance Deal of the Day, Menage Romance, Prince Alexander finds both women and men equally alluring, but he has never acted on his desire for men, until he meets Eliot) by Anne Shaw. Price: $2.99. Genre: Steamy Historical Romance Deal of the Day, Menage Romance, Prince Alexander finds both women and men equally alluring, but he has never acted on his desire for men, until he meets Eliot. Rated: 4.5 stars on 20 Reviews. 151 pages. ASIN: B08TVBP9T7.

Free Thrillers & Mysteries & Suspense Novels & Best Thriller Deals & Mystery Deals

  1. That Was Before (Crime Thriller Deal, Sponsor, The new Randolph tracks down the woman and drives her cross-country without a plan or Midwestern destination in mind) by Dan Lawton. Price: $6.99. Genre: Crime Thriller Deal, Sponsor, The new Randolph tracks down the woman and drives her cross-country without a plan or Midwestern destination in mind. Rated: 4.5 stars on 9 Reviews. 243 pages. ASIN: B08XYFFLFS.
  2. *See Glass: A Political Conspiracy Thriller from WW2 endangering National Security now. A Novel of Intelligence & Espionage, Politicians and Killers (Paperack) (World War II Thriller Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A thriller with a premise so frightening that it must not be true) by Ido Graf. Price: $14.25. Genre: World War II Thriller Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A thriller with a premise so frightening that it must not be true. Rated: 4.5 stars on 16 Reviews. 339 pages. ASIN: B08HXJZMPW.
  3. Stealing the Spanish Princess (Heist Thriller Deal, Sponsor, Captivating and dazzling art crime mystery, detective Richard hunts for a 16th-century masterpiece) by Bea Green. Price: $0.99. Genre: Heist Thriller Deal, Sponsor, Captivating and dazzling art crime mystery, detective Richard hunts for a 16th-century masterpiece. Rated: 4 stars on 80 Reviews. 236 pages. ASIN: B08QBPTG3H.

Free Christian Books & Best Christian Deals

  1. *Your Costly Blood Covenant: Discover the RICHES of Your Relationship with God (Christian Living Deal, Sponsor, Why is the topic of covenant relationship often neglected by the Body of Christ) by Joel Cupps. Price: $8.49. Genre: Christian Living Deal, Sponsor, Why is the topic of covenant relationship often neglected by the Body of Christ. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 217 pages. ASIN: B08NTRMWSY.
  2. The Donkey Factor: Living a Life Used by God (Christian Bible Study Deal, Sponsor, Why it is necessary to tame selfish desires) by Kevin Horath. Price: $5.99. Genre: Christian Bible Study Deal, Sponsor, Why it is necessary to tame selfish desires. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 130 pages. ASIN: B099NY75MB.
  3. Safe in His Arms: No Matter What (Christian Non Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Inspirational Poems, Finding a Sanctuary) by Mercy Tobin. Price: $7.99. Genre: Christian Non Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Inspirational Poems, Finding a Sanctuary. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 194 pages. ASIN: B098R5ZYMJ.
  4. *The Pretend Christian: Traveling Beyond Denomination to the True Jesus (Christian Women’s Non Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A stunning life-changing reality of Christ’s presence) by Deirdre Reilly. Price: $4.99. Genre: Christian Women’s Non Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A stunning life-changing reality of Christ’s presence. Rated: 4.8 stars on 20 Reviews. 82 pages. ASIN: B08PL4GVSD.
  5. *The Chest of Visions: Secrets of Caperston (Christian Fantasy Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A story of a planet that has no knowledge of God and discovers it through the mind of a teen) by Tim Ferguson, Frank Tangredi, Jose Carlos Gutierrez. Price: $8.99. Genre: Christian Fantasy Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A story of a planet that has no knowledge of God and discovers it through the mind of a teen. Rated: 4.5 stars on 48 Reviews. 120 pages. ASIN: B07D6Y8WB9.

Free Religious Books & Best Religious Deals

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Free Fantasy & Science Fiction & Horror & Best SciFi, Fantasy Deals

  1. *Dragon Rider Prophecy A Journey Begins (Fantasy Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Sword & Sorcery Fantasy, young Dragon Riders) by Andrew Wichland. Price: $0.99. Genre: Fantasy Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Sword & Sorcery Fantasy, young Dragon Riders. Rated: 4.5 stars on 47 Reviews. 398 pages. ASIN: B08PDW4347.
  2. The Be(k)nighted: the untold origin of the precept (Fantasy Deal, Sponsor, Marshall and the Church have a history that is dark and complicated) by Mark Harbinger. Price: $2.99. Genre: Fantasy Deal, Sponsor, Marshall and the Church have a history that is dark and complicated. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 407 pages. ASIN: B09D68YKZL.

Free Historical Fiction & Best Historical Fiction Deals

  1. ***Mask Of Duplicity (The Jacobite Chronicles, #1) (Historical Fiction of the Day) by Julia Brannan. Price: $0. Genre: Historical Fiction of the Day. Rated: 4.4 stars on 133 Reviews. 331 pages. ASIN: B00YSS7OKY.

Free Young Adult Books & Best YA Deals

  1. ***The Academy Saga (Paperback) (YA Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, They appear in an alley one night, before disappearing like figments of her imagination) by CJ Daly. Price: $18.99. Genre: YA Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, They appear in an alley one night, before disappearing like figments of her imagination. Rated: 4.5 stars on 150 Reviews. 517 pages. ASIN: B07Y6LQV3B.

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Adventure, Women’s Fiction, Literary Fiction, Humor, Contemporary Fiction & Best Deals

  1. John Crusher P.I.: The Velvet Clad Hooker (Space Adventure Deal, Sponsor, Gabby and the regulars are under attack, all because he took a new case) by Brae F Simpson. Price: $2.99. Genre: Space Adventure Deal, Sponsor, Gabby and the regulars are under attack, all because he took a new case. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 310 pages. ASIN: B08WY7166Q.
  2. End of the Race (Literary Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Annika, bewildered and still grieving from the miscarriage, searches past and present for an explanation) by Judith Kirscht. Price: $0.99. Genre: Literary Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Annika, bewildered and still grieving from the miscarriage, searches past and present for an explanation. Rated: 4.5 stars on 8 Reviews. 289 pages. ASIN: B08WYZ88L6.

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  1. An Owner’s Manual for Consciously Evolving Your Consciousness: Romancing the Absurd A Mystery Novel Based on Reinvented Reality (Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, A murder mystery full of intrigue, suspense, philosophy, and absurdist cutthroat behavior) by Don McCrea-Hendrick. Price: $8.49. Genre: Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, A murder mystery full of intrigue, suspense, philosophy, and absurdist cutthroat behavior. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. ASIN: B08NFL1654.
  2. *A River to Goodbye (Nonfiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Travel with the author along his life’s river from childhood to manhood being introduced to generations of these special creatures) by TK Canyon. Price: $8.99. Genre: Nonfiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Travel with the author along his life’s river from childhood to manhood being introduced to generations of these special creatures. Rated: 5 stars on 24 Reviews. 232 pages. ASIN: B094YTH217.

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Health & Exercise & Fitness & Mental Health Best Books & Deals

  1. Understanding Childhood Trauma and How to Let Go: 11 Effective Tools You Need To Heal (From a Fellow Survivor) (Paperback) (Health & Fitness Non Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Reclaim control over your mind, see that your thoughts and feelings are simply suggestions) by Julian Demarco. Price: $16.97. Genre: Health & Fitness Non Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Reclaim control over your mind, see that your thoughts and feelings are simply suggestions. Rated: 4 stars on 11 Reviews. 90 pages. ASIN: B094YQN7RB.

Free Business & Finance Books & Best Business & Finance deals

  1. *The Power of Strategic Influence!: 10 Success Factors of Highly Influential Leaders (Business Leadership Nonfiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, How to build your personal influence in business and make a positive impact on the world) by Gary C. Laney. Price: $2.99. Genre: Business Leadership Nonfiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, How to build your personal influence in business and make a positive impact on the world. Rated: 5 stars on 24 Reviews. 312 pages. ASIN: B098S7J4ND.

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Free Romance Books & Best Romance Deals

  1. In Love and Water (Romance Deal, Sponsor, He is made to chose to abandon his love of swimming and competing like he has all his life, And what it takes to love again) by Curtis Maynard. Price: $0.99. Genre: Romance Deal, Sponsor, He is made to chose to abandon his love of swimming and competing like he has all his life, And what it takes to love again. Rated: 4 stars on 4 Reviews. 248 pages. ASIN: B095VQTGZJ.

Free Erotic Romance & Steamy Romance Books & Best Erotic Deals

  1. *The Provocative Prince (A Bi-Curious Historical Romance) (Steamy Historical Romance Deal of the Day, Menage Romance, Prince Alexander finds both women and men equally alluring, but he has never acted on his desire for men, until he meets Eliot) by Anne Shaw. Price: $2.99. Genre: Steamy Historical Romance Deal of the Day, Menage Romance, Prince Alexander finds both women and men equally alluring, but he has never acted on his desire for men, until he meets Eliot. Rated: 4.5 stars on 20 Reviews. 151 pages. ASIN: B08TVBP9T7.

Free Thrillers & Mysteries & Suspense Novels & Best Thriller Deals & Mystery Deals

  1. That Was Before (Crime Thriller Deal, Sponsor, The new Randolph tracks down the woman and drives her cross-country without a plan or Midwestern destination in mind) by Dan Lawton. Price: $6.99. Genre: Crime Thriller Deal, Sponsor, The new Randolph tracks down the woman and drives her cross-country without a plan or Midwestern destination in mind. Rated: 4.5 stars on 9 Reviews. 243 pages. ASIN: B08XYFFLFS.
  2. *See Glass: A Political Conspiracy Thriller from WW2 endangering National Security now. A Novel of Intelligence & Espionage, Politicians and Killers (Paperack) (World War II Thriller Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A thriller with a premise so frightening that it must not be true) by Ido Graf. Price: $14.25. Genre: World War II Thriller Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A thriller with a premise so frightening that it must not be true. Rated: 4.5 stars on 16 Reviews. 339 pages. ASIN: B08HXJZMPW.
  3. Stealing the Spanish Princess (Heist Thriller Deal, Sponsor, Captivating and dazzling art crime mystery, detective Richard hunts for a 16th-century masterpiece) by Bea Green. Price: $0.99. Genre: Heist Thriller Deal, Sponsor, Captivating and dazzling art crime mystery, detective Richard hunts for a 16th-century masterpiece. Rated: 4 stars on 80 Reviews. 236 pages. ASIN: B08QBPTG3H.

Free Christian Books & Best Christian Deals

  1. *Your Costly Blood Covenant: Discover the RICHES of Your Relationship with God (Christian Living Deal, Sponsor, Why is the topic of covenant relationship often neglected by the Body of Christ) by Joel Cupps. Price: $8.49. Genre: Christian Living Deal, Sponsor, Why is the topic of covenant relationship often neglected by the Body of Christ. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 217 pages. ASIN: B08NTRMWSY.
  2. *The Chest of Visions: Secrets of Caperston (Christian Fantasy Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A story of a planet that has no knowledge of God and discovers it through the mind of a teen) by Tim Ferguson, Frank Tangredi, Jose Carlos Gutierrez. Price: $8.99. Genre: Christian Fantasy Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A story of a planet that has no knowledge of God and discovers it through the mind of a teen. Rated: 4.5 stars on 48 Reviews. 120 pages. ASIN: B07D6Y8WB9.
  3. The Donkey Factor: Living a Life Used by God (Christian Bible Study Deal, Sponsor, Why it is necessary to tame selfish desires) by Kevin Horath. Price: $5.99. Genre: Christian Bible Study Deal, Sponsor, Why it is necessary to tame selfish desires. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 130 pages. ASIN: B099NY75MB.
  4. Safe in His Arms: No Matter What (Christian Non Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Inspirational Poems, Finding a Sanctuary) by Mercy Tobin. Price: $7.99. Genre: Christian Non Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Inspirational Poems, Finding a Sanctuary. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 194 pages. ASIN: B098R5ZYMJ.
  5. *The Pretend Christian: Traveling Beyond Denomination to the True Jesus (Christian Women’s Non Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A stunning life-changing reality of Christ’s presence) by Deirdre Reilly. Price: $4.99. Genre: Christian Women’s Non Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A stunning life-changing reality of Christ’s presence. Rated: 4.8 stars on 20 Reviews. 82 pages. ASIN: B08PL4GVSD.

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Free Fantasy & Science Fiction & Horror & Best SciFi, Fantasy Deals

  1. *Dragon Rider Prophecy A Journey Begins (Fantasy Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Sword & Sorcery Fantasy, young Dragon Riders) by Andrew Wichland. Price: $0.99. Genre: Fantasy Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Sword & Sorcery Fantasy, young Dragon Riders. Rated: 4.5 stars on 47 Reviews. 398 pages. ASIN: B08PDW4347.
  2. The Be(k)nighted: the untold origin of the precept (Fantasy Deal, Sponsor, Marshall and the Church have a history that is dark and complicated) by Mark Harbinger. Price: $2.99. Genre: Fantasy Deal, Sponsor, Marshall and the Church have a history that is dark and complicated. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 407 pages. ASIN: B09D68YKZL.

Free Historical Fiction & Best Historical Fiction Deals

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Free Young Adult Books & Best YA Deals

  1. ***The Academy Saga (Paperback) (YA Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, They appear in an alley one night, before disappearing like figments of her imagination) by CJ Daly. Price: $18.99. Genre: YA Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, They appear in an alley one night, before disappearing like figments of her imagination. Rated: 4.5 stars on 150 Reviews. 517 pages. ASIN: B07Y6LQV3B.

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Adventure, Women’s Fiction, Literary Fiction, Humor, Contemporary Fiction & Best Deals

  1. John Crusher P.I.: The Velvet Clad Hooker (Space Adventure Deal, Sponsor, Gabby and the regulars are under attack, all because he took a new case) by Brae F Simpson. Price: $2.99. Genre: Space Adventure Deal, Sponsor, Gabby and the regulars are under attack, all because he took a new case. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 310 pages. ASIN: B08WY7166Q.
  2. End of the Race (Literary Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Annika, bewildered and still grieving from the miscarriage, searches past and present for an explanation) by Judith Kirscht. Price: $0.99. Genre: Literary Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Annika, bewildered and still grieving from the miscarriage, searches past and present for an explanation. Rated: 4.5 stars on 8 Reviews. 289 pages. ASIN: B08WYZ88L6.

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  1. An Owner’s Manual for Consciously Evolving Your Consciousness: Romancing the Absurd A Mystery Novel Based on Reinvented Reality (Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, A murder mystery full of intrigue, suspense, philosophy, and absurdist cutthroat behavior) by Don McCrea-Hendrick. Price: $8.49. Genre: Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, A murder mystery full of intrigue, suspense, philosophy, and absurdist cutthroat behavior. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. ASIN: B08NFL1654.
  2. *A River to Goodbye (Nonfiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Travel with the author along his life’s river from childhood to manhood being introduced to generations of these special creatures) by TK Canyon. Price: $8.99. Genre: Nonfiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Travel with the author along his life’s river from childhood to manhood being introduced to generations of these special creatures. Rated: 5 stars on 24 Reviews. 232 pages. ASIN: B094YTH217.

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Health & Exercise & Fitness & Mental Health Best Books & Deals

  1. Understanding Childhood Trauma and How to Let Go: 11 Effective Tools You Need To Heal (From a Fellow Survivor) (Paperback) (Health & Fitness Non Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Reclaim control over your mind, see that your thoughts and feelings are simply suggestions) by Julian Demarco. Price: $16.97. Genre: Health & Fitness Non Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Reclaim control over your mind, see that your thoughts and feelings are simply suggestions. Rated: 4 stars on 11 Reviews. 90 pages. ASIN: B094YQN7RB.

Free Business & Finance Books & Best Business & Finance deals

  1. *The Power of Strategic Influence!: 10 Success Factors of Highly Influential Leaders (Business Leadership Nonfiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, How to build your personal influence in business and make a positive impact on the world) by Gary C. Laney. Price: $2.99. Genre: Business Leadership Nonfiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, How to build your personal influence in business and make a positive impact on the world. Rated: 5 stars on 24 Reviews. 312 pages. ASIN: B098S7J4ND.

6 Free Nook Books – World War II Thriller, Captivating and Dazzling Art Crime Mystery, A Murder Mystery Full of Intrigue, Suspense, Philosophy, and Absurdist Cutthroat Behavior (Aug 26th)

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Free Romance Books & Best Romance Deals

  1. All of Me: A Small Town Romance (Holiday Romance) by Leeanna Morgan. Price: $0. Genre: Holiday Romance. Rated: 4.1 stars on 72 Reviews. 296 pages. ASIN: B00SUN4BC2.
  2. In Love and Water (Romance Deal, Sponsor, He is made to chose to abandon his love of swimming and competing like he has all his life, And what it takes to love again) by Curtis Maynard. Price: $0.99. Genre: Romance Deal, Sponsor, He is made to chose to abandon his love of swimming and competing like he has all his life, And what it takes to love again. Rated: 4 stars on 4 Reviews. 248 pages. ASIN: B095VQTGZJ.

Free Erotic Romance & Steamy Romance Books & Best Erotic Deals

  1. *The Provocative Prince (A Bi-Curious Historical Romance) (Steamy Historical Romance Deal of the Day, Menage Romance, Prince Alexander finds both women and men equally alluring, but he has never acted on his desire for men, until he meets Eliot) by Anne Shaw. Price: $2.99. Genre: Steamy Historical Romance Deal of the Day, Menage Romance, Prince Alexander finds both women and men equally alluring, but he has never acted on his desire for men, until he meets Eliot. Rated: 4.5 stars on 20 Reviews. 151 pages. ASIN: B08TVBP9T7.

Free Thrillers & Mysteries & Suspense Novels & Best Thriller Deals & Mystery Deals

  1. ***Scraps of Paper (Women Sleuths of the Day) by Kathryn Meyer Griffith. Price: $0. Genre: Women Sleuths of the Day. Rated: 4.6 stars on 184 Reviews. 304 pages. ASIN: B00B1W4A2K.
  2. **Bitter Roots (Crime Thrillers of the Day) by C. J. Carmichael. Price: $0. Genre: Crime Thrillers of the Day. Rated: 4.5 stars on 74 Reviews. 310 pages. ASIN: B01N7WS2JG.
  3. Arsenic in the Azaleas (Cozy Animal Mystery) by Dale Mayer. Price: $0. Genre: Cozy Animal Mystery. Rated: 4.3 stars on 59 Reviews. 294 pages. ASIN: B07JHTXG12.
  4. That Was Before (Crime Thriller Deal, Sponsor, The new Randolph tracks down the woman and drives her cross-country without a plan or Midwestern destination in mind) by Dan Lawton. Price: $6.99. Genre: Crime Thriller Deal, Sponsor, The new Randolph tracks down the woman and drives her cross-country without a plan or Midwestern destination in mind. Rated: 4.5 stars on 9 Reviews. 243 pages. ASIN: B08XYFFLFS.
  5. *See Glass: A Political Conspiracy Thriller from WW2 endangering National Security now. A Novel of Intelligence & Espionage, Politicians and Killers (Paperack) (World War II Thriller Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A thriller with a premise so frightening that it must not be true) by Ido Graf. Price: $14.25. Genre: World War II Thriller Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A thriller with a premise so frightening that it must not be true. Rated: 4.5 stars on 16 Reviews. 339 pages. ASIN: B08HXJZMPW.
  6. Stealing the Spanish Princess (Heist Thriller Deal, Sponsor, Captivating and dazzling art crime mystery, detective Richard hunts for a 16th-century masterpiece) by Bea Green. Price: $0.99. Genre: Heist Thriller Deal, Sponsor, Captivating and dazzling art crime mystery, detective Richard hunts for a 16th-century masterpiece. Rated: 4 stars on 80 Reviews. 236 pages. ASIN: B08QBPTG3H.

Free Christian Books & Best Christian Deals

  1. *Your Costly Blood Covenant: Discover the RICHES of Your Relationship with God (Christian Living Deal, Sponsor, Why is the topic of covenant relationship often neglected by the Body of Christ) by Joel Cupps. Price: $8.49. Genre: Christian Living Deal, Sponsor, Why is the topic of covenant relationship often neglected by the Body of Christ. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 217 pages. ASIN: B08NTRMWSY.
  2. The Donkey Factor: Living a Life Used by God (Christian Bible Study Deal, Sponsor, Why it is necessary to tame selfish desires) by Kevin Horath. Price: $5.99. Genre: Christian Bible Study Deal, Sponsor, Why it is necessary to tame selfish desires. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 130 pages. ASIN: B099NY75MB.
  3. Safe in His Arms: No Matter What (Christian Non Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Inspirational Poems, Finding a Sanctuary) by Mercy Tobin. Price: $7.99. Genre: Christian Non Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Inspirational Poems, Finding a Sanctuary. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 194 pages. ASIN: B098R5ZYMJ.
  4. *The Pretend Christian: Traveling Beyond Denomination to the True Jesus (Christian Women’s Non Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A stunning life-changing reality of Christ’s presence) by Deirdre Reilly. Price: $4.99. Genre: Christian Women’s Non Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A stunning life-changing reality of Christ’s presence. Rated: 4.8 stars on 20 Reviews. 82 pages. ASIN: B08PL4GVSD.
  5. *The Chest of Visions: Secrets of Caperston (Christian Fantasy Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A story of a planet that has no knowledge of God and discovers it through the mind of a teen) by Tim Ferguson, Frank Tangredi, Jose Carlos Gutierrez. Price: $8.99. Genre: Christian Fantasy Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A story of a planet that has no knowledge of God and discovers it through the mind of a teen. Rated: 4.5 stars on 48 Reviews. 120 pages. ASIN: B07D6Y8WB9.

Free Religious Books & Best Religious Deals

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Free Fantasy & Science Fiction & Horror & Best SciFi, Fantasy Deals

  1. Starshine: Aurora Rising Book One (Cyberpunk Science Fiction) by G. S. Jennsen. Price: $0. Genre: Cyberpunk Science Fiction. Rated: 4.4 stars on 15 Reviews. 517 pages. ASIN: B00J709RIK.
  2. *Dragon Rider Prophecy A Journey Begins (Fantasy Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Sword & Sorcery Fantasy, young Dragon Riders) by Andrew Wichland. Price: $0.99. Genre: Fantasy Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Sword & Sorcery Fantasy, young Dragon Riders. Rated: 4.5 stars on 47 Reviews. 398 pages. ASIN: B08PDW4347.
  3. The Be(k)nighted: the untold origin of the precept (Fantasy Deal, Sponsor, Marshall and the Church have a history that is dark and complicated) by Mark Harbinger. Price: $2.99. Genre: Fantasy Deal, Sponsor, Marshall and the Church have a history that is dark and complicated. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 407 pages. ASIN: B09D68YKZL.

Free Historical Fiction & Best Historical Fiction Deals

  1. ***Mask Of Duplicity (The Jacobite Chronicles, #1) (Historical Fiction of the Day) by Julia Brannan. Price: $0. Genre: Historical Fiction of the Day. Rated: 4.4 stars on 133 Reviews. 331 pages. ASIN: B00YSS7OKY.

Free Young Adult Books & Best YA Deals

  1. ***The Academy Saga (Paperback) (YA Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, They appear in an alley one night, before disappearing like figments of her imagination) by CJ Daly. Price: $18.99. Genre: YA Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, They appear in an alley one night, before disappearing like figments of her imagination. Rated: 4.5 stars on 150 Reviews. 517 pages. ASIN: B07Y6LQV3B.

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Adventure, Women’s Fiction, Literary Fiction, Humor, Contemporary Fiction & Best Deals

  1. John Crusher P.I.: The Velvet Clad Hooker (Space Adventure Deal, Sponsor, Gabby and the regulars are under attack, all because he took a new case) by Brae F Simpson. Price: $2.99. Genre: Space Adventure Deal, Sponsor, Gabby and the regulars are under attack, all because he took a new case. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 310 pages. ASIN: B08WY7166Q.
  2. End of the Race (Literary Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Annika, bewildered and still grieving from the miscarriage, searches past and present for an explanation) by Judith Kirscht. Price: $0.99. Genre: Literary Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Annika, bewildered and still grieving from the miscarriage, searches past and present for an explanation. Rated: 4.5 stars on 8 Reviews. 289 pages. ASIN: B08WYZ88L6.

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  1. An Owner’s Manual for Consciously Evolving Your Consciousness: Romancing the Absurd A Mystery Novel Based on Reinvented Reality (Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, A murder mystery full of intrigue, suspense, philosophy, and absurdist cutthroat behavior) by Don McCrea-Hendrick. Price: $8.49. Genre: Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, A murder mystery full of intrigue, suspense, philosophy, and absurdist cutthroat behavior. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. ASIN: B08NFL1654.
  2. *A River to Goodbye (Nonfiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Travel with the author along his life’s river from childhood to manhood being introduced to generations of these special creatures) by TK Canyon. Price: $8.99. Genre: Nonfiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Travel with the author along his life’s river from childhood to manhood being introduced to generations of these special creatures. Rated: 5 stars on 24 Reviews. 232 pages. ASIN: B094YTH217.

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Health & Exercise & Fitness & Mental Health Best Books & Deals

  1. Understanding Childhood Trauma and How to Let Go: 11 Effective Tools You Need To Heal (From a Fellow Survivor) (Paperback) (Health & Fitness Non Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Reclaim control over your mind, see that your thoughts and feelings are simply suggestions) by Julian Demarco. Price: $16.97. Genre: Health & Fitness Non Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Reclaim control over your mind, see that your thoughts and feelings are simply suggestions. Rated: 4 stars on 11 Reviews. 90 pages. ASIN: B094YQN7RB.

Free Business & Finance Books & Best Business & Finance deals

  1. *The Power of Strategic Influence!: 10 Success Factors of Highly Influential Leaders (Business Leadership Nonfiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, How to build your personal influence in business and make a positive impact on the world) by Gary C. Laney. Price: $2.99. Genre: Business Leadership Nonfiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, How to build your personal influence in business and make a positive impact on the world. Rated: 5 stars on 24 Reviews. 312 pages. ASIN: B098S7J4ND.

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Free Romance Books & Best Romance Deals

  1. In Love and Water (Romance Deal, Sponsor, He is made to chose to abandon his love of swimming and competing like he has all his life, And what it takes to love again) by Curtis Maynard. Price: $0.99. Genre: Romance Deal, Sponsor, He is made to chose to abandon his love of swimming and competing like he has all his life, And what it takes to love again. Rated: 4 stars on 4 Reviews. 248 pages. ASIN: B095VQTGZJ.

Free Erotic Romance & Steamy Romance Books & Best Erotic Deals

  1. *The Provocative Prince (A Bi-Curious Historical Romance) (Steamy Historical Romance Deal of the Day, Menage Romance, Prince Alexander finds both women and men equally alluring, but he has never acted on his desire for men, until he meets Eliot) by Anne Shaw. Price: $2.99. Genre: Steamy Historical Romance Deal of the Day, Menage Romance, Prince Alexander finds both women and men equally alluring, but he has never acted on his desire for men, until he meets Eliot. Rated: 4.5 stars on 20 Reviews. 151 pages. ASIN: B08TVBP9T7.

Free Thrillers & Mysteries & Suspense Novels & Best Thriller Deals & Mystery Deals

  1. That Was Before (Crime Thriller Deal, Sponsor, The new Randolph tracks down the woman and drives her cross-country without a plan or Midwestern destination in mind) by Dan Lawton. Price: $6.99. Genre: Crime Thriller Deal, Sponsor, The new Randolph tracks down the woman and drives her cross-country without a plan or Midwestern destination in mind. Rated: 4.5 stars on 9 Reviews. 243 pages. ASIN: B08XYFFLFS.
  2. *See Glass: A Political Conspiracy Thriller from WW2 endangering National Security now. A Novel of Intelligence & Espionage, Politicians and Killers (Paperack) (World War II Thriller Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A thriller with a premise so frightening that it must not be true) by Ido Graf. Price: $14.25. Genre: World War II Thriller Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A thriller with a premise so frightening that it must not be true. Rated: 4.5 stars on 16 Reviews. 339 pages. ASIN: B08HXJZMPW.
  3. Stealing the Spanish Princess (Heist Thriller Deal, Sponsor, Captivating and dazzling art crime mystery, detective Richard hunts for a 16th-century masterpiece) by Bea Green. Price: $0.99. Genre: Heist Thriller Deal, Sponsor, Captivating and dazzling art crime mystery, detective Richard hunts for a 16th-century masterpiece. Rated: 4 stars on 80 Reviews. 236 pages. ASIN: B08QBPTG3H.

Free Christian Books & Best Christian Deals

  1. *Your Costly Blood Covenant: Discover the RICHES of Your Relationship with God (Christian Living Deal, Sponsor, Why is the topic of covenant relationship often neglected by the Body of Christ) by Joel Cupps. Price: $8.49. Genre: Christian Living Deal, Sponsor, Why is the topic of covenant relationship often neglected by the Body of Christ. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 217 pages. ASIN: B08NTRMWSY.
  2. *The Chest of Visions: Secrets of Caperston (Christian Fantasy Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A story of a planet that has no knowledge of God and discovers it through the mind of a teen) by Tim Ferguson, Frank Tangredi, Jose Carlos Gutierrez. Price: $8.99. Genre: Christian Fantasy Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A story of a planet that has no knowledge of God and discovers it through the mind of a teen. Rated: 4.5 stars on 48 Reviews. 120 pages. ASIN: B07D6Y8WB9.
  3. The Donkey Factor: Living a Life Used by God (Christian Bible Study Deal, Sponsor, Why it is necessary to tame selfish desires) by Kevin Horath. Price: $5.99. Genre: Christian Bible Study Deal, Sponsor, Why it is necessary to tame selfish desires. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 130 pages. ASIN: B099NY75MB.
  4. Safe in His Arms: No Matter What (Christian Non Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Inspirational Poems, Finding a Sanctuary) by Mercy Tobin. Price: $7.99. Genre: Christian Non Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Inspirational Poems, Finding a Sanctuary. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 194 pages. ASIN: B098R5ZYMJ.
  5. *The Pretend Christian: Traveling Beyond Denomination to the True Jesus (Christian Women’s Non Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A stunning life-changing reality of Christ’s presence) by Deirdre Reilly. Price: $4.99. Genre: Christian Women’s Non Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A stunning life-changing reality of Christ’s presence. Rated: 4.8 stars on 20 Reviews. 82 pages. ASIN: B08PL4GVSD.

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Free Fantasy & Science Fiction & Horror & Best SciFi, Fantasy Deals

  1. *Dragon Rider Prophecy A Journey Begins (Fantasy Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Sword & Sorcery Fantasy, young Dragon Riders) by Andrew Wichland. Price: $0.99. Genre: Fantasy Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Sword & Sorcery Fantasy, young Dragon Riders. Rated: 4.5 stars on 47 Reviews. 398 pages. ASIN: B08PDW4347.
  2. The Be(k)nighted: the untold origin of the precept (Fantasy Deal, Sponsor, Marshall and the Church have a history that is dark and complicated) by Mark Harbinger. Price: $2.99. Genre: Fantasy Deal, Sponsor, Marshall and the Church have a history that is dark and complicated. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 407 pages. ASIN: B09D68YKZL.

Free Historical Fiction & Best Historical Fiction Deals

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Free Young Adult Books & Best YA Deals

  1. ***The Academy Saga (Paperback) (YA Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, They appear in an alley one night, before disappearing like figments of her imagination) by CJ Daly. Price: $18.99. Genre: YA Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, They appear in an alley one night, before disappearing like figments of her imagination. Rated: 4.5 stars on 150 Reviews. 517 pages. ASIN: B07Y6LQV3B.

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Adventure, Women’s Fiction, Literary Fiction, Humor, Contemporary Fiction & Best Deals

  1. John Crusher P.I.: The Velvet Clad Hooker (Space Adventure Deal, Sponsor, Gabby and the regulars are under attack, all because he took a new case) by Brae F Simpson. Price: $2.99. Genre: Space Adventure Deal, Sponsor, Gabby and the regulars are under attack, all because he took a new case. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 310 pages. ASIN: B08WY7166Q.
  2. End of the Race (Literary Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Annika, bewildered and still grieving from the miscarriage, searches past and present for an explanation) by Judith Kirscht. Price: $0.99. Genre: Literary Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Annika, bewildered and still grieving from the miscarriage, searches past and present for an explanation. Rated: 4.5 stars on 8 Reviews. 289 pages. ASIN: B08WYZ88L6.

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  1. An Owner’s Manual for Consciously Evolving Your Consciousness: Romancing the Absurd A Mystery Novel Based on Reinvented Reality (Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, A murder mystery full of intrigue, suspense, philosophy, and absurdist cutthroat behavior) by Don McCrea-Hendrick. Price: $8.49. Genre: Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, A murder mystery full of intrigue, suspense, philosophy, and absurdist cutthroat behavior. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. ASIN: B08NFL1654.
  2. *A River to Goodbye (Nonfiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Travel with the author along his life’s river from childhood to manhood being introduced to generations of these special creatures) by TK Canyon. Price: $8.99. Genre: Nonfiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Travel with the author along his life’s river from childhood to manhood being introduced to generations of these special creatures. Rated: 5 stars on 24 Reviews. 232 pages. ASIN: B094YTH217.

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Health & Exercise & Fitness & Mental Health Best Books & Deals

  1. Understanding Childhood Trauma and How to Let Go: 11 Effective Tools You Need To Heal (From a Fellow Survivor) (Paperback) (Health & Fitness Non Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Reclaim control over your mind, see that your thoughts and feelings are simply suggestions) by Julian Demarco. Price: $16.97. Genre: Health & Fitness Non Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Reclaim control over your mind, see that your thoughts and feelings are simply suggestions. Rated: 4 stars on 11 Reviews. 90 pages. ASIN: B094YQN7RB.

Free Business & Finance Books & Best Business & Finance deals

  1. *The Power of Strategic Influence!: 10 Success Factors of Highly Influential Leaders (Business Leadership Nonfiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, How to build your personal influence in business and make a positive impact on the world) by Gary C. Laney. Price: $2.99. Genre: Business Leadership Nonfiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, How to build your personal influence in business and make a positive impact on the world. Rated: 5 stars on 24 Reviews. 312 pages. ASIN: B098S7J4ND.

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  1. The Dean’s List (Contemporary Romance) by Kelly Collins. Price: $0. Genre: Contemporary Romance. Rated: 4.8 stars on 4 Reviews. 292 pages. ASIN: B07H6B3PGH.
  2. In Love and Water (Romance Deal, Sponsor, He is made to chose to abandon his love of swimming and competing like he has all his life, And what it takes to love again) by Curtis Maynard. Price: $0.99. Genre: Romance Deal, Sponsor, He is made to chose to abandon his love of swimming and competing like he has all his life, And what it takes to love again. Rated: 4 stars on 4 Reviews. 248 pages. ASIN: B095VQTGZJ.

Free Erotic Romance & Steamy Romance Books & Best Erotic Deals

  1. *The Provocative Prince (A Bi-Curious Historical Romance) (Steamy Historical Romance Deal of the Day, Menage Romance, Prince Alexander finds both women and men equally alluring, but he has never acted on his desire for men, until he meets Eliot) by Anne Shaw. Price: $2.99. Genre: Steamy Historical Romance Deal of the Day, Menage Romance, Prince Alexander finds both women and men equally alluring, but he has never acted on his desire for men, until he meets Eliot. Rated: 4.5 stars on 20 Reviews. 151 pages. ASIN: B08TVBP9T7.

Free Thrillers & Mysteries & Suspense Novels & Best Thriller Deals & Mystery Deals

  1. That Was Before (Crime Thriller Deal, Sponsor, The new Randolph tracks down the woman and drives her cross-country without a plan or Midwestern destination in mind) by Dan Lawton. Price: $6.99. Genre: Crime Thriller Deal, Sponsor, The new Randolph tracks down the woman and drives her cross-country without a plan or Midwestern destination in mind. Rated: 4.5 stars on 9 Reviews. 243 pages. ASIN: B08XYFFLFS.
  2. *See Glass: A Political Conspiracy Thriller from WW2 endangering National Security now. A Novel of Intelligence & Espionage, Politicians and Killers (Paperack) (World War II Thriller Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A thriller with a premise so frightening that it must not be true) by Ido Graf. Price: $14.25. Genre: World War II Thriller Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A thriller with a premise so frightening that it must not be true. Rated: 4.5 stars on 16 Reviews. 339 pages. ASIN: B08HXJZMPW.
  3. Stealing the Spanish Princess (Heist Thriller Deal, Sponsor, Captivating and dazzling art crime mystery, detective Richard hunts for a 16th-century masterpiece) by Bea Green. Price: $0.99. Genre: Heist Thriller Deal, Sponsor, Captivating and dazzling art crime mystery, detective Richard hunts for a 16th-century masterpiece. Rated: 4 stars on 80 Reviews. 236 pages. ASIN: B08QBPTG3H.

Free Christian Books & Best Christian Deals

  1. *Your Costly Blood Covenant: Discover the RICHES of Your Relationship with God (Christian Living Deal, Sponsor, Why is the topic of covenant relationship often neglected by the Body of Christ) by Joel Cupps. Price: $8.49. Genre: Christian Living Deal, Sponsor, Why is the topic of covenant relationship often neglected by the Body of Christ. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 217 pages. ASIN: B08NTRMWSY.
  2. The Donkey Factor: Living a Life Used by God (Christian Bible Study Deal, Sponsor, Why it is necessary to tame selfish desires) by Kevin Horath. Price: $5.99. Genre: Christian Bible Study Deal, Sponsor, Why it is necessary to tame selfish desires. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 130 pages. ASIN: B099NY75MB.
  3. Safe in His Arms: No Matter What (Christian Non Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Inspirational Poems, Finding a Sanctuary) by Mercy Tobin. Price: $7.99. Genre: Christian Non Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Inspirational Poems, Finding a Sanctuary. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 194 pages. ASIN: B098R5ZYMJ.
  4. *The Pretend Christian: Traveling Beyond Denomination to the True Jesus (Christian Women’s Non Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A stunning life-changing reality of Christ’s presence) by Deirdre Reilly. Price: $4.99. Genre: Christian Women’s Non Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A stunning life-changing reality of Christ’s presence. Rated: 4.8 stars on 20 Reviews. 82 pages. ASIN: B08PL4GVSD.
  5. *The Chest of Visions: Secrets of Caperston (Christian Fantasy Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A story of a planet that has no knowledge of God and discovers it through the mind of a teen) by Tim Ferguson, Frank Tangredi, Jose Carlos Gutierrez. Price: $8.99. Genre: Christian Fantasy Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A story of a planet that has no knowledge of God and discovers it through the mind of a teen. Rated: 4.5 stars on 48 Reviews. 120 pages. ASIN: B07D6Y8WB9.

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  1. Gauntlet Fall (Dystopian Science Fiction) by Maddy Edwards. Price: $0. Genre: Dystopian Science Fiction. Rated: 4.7 stars on 3 Reviews. 270 pages. ASIN: B07261STPP.
  2. *Dragon Rider Prophecy A Journey Begins (Fantasy Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Sword & Sorcery Fantasy, young Dragon Riders) by Andrew Wichland. Price: $0.99. Genre: Fantasy Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Sword & Sorcery Fantasy, young Dragon Riders. Rated: 4.5 stars on 47 Reviews. 398 pages. ASIN: B08PDW4347.
  3. The Be(k)nighted: the untold origin of the precept (Fantasy Deal, Sponsor, Marshall and the Church have a history that is dark and complicated) by Mark Harbinger. Price: $2.99. Genre: Fantasy Deal, Sponsor, Marshall and the Church have a history that is dark and complicated. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 407 pages. ASIN: B09D68YKZL.

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  1. The Confectioner’s Guild (YA Fantasy) by Claire Luana. Price: $0. Genre: YA Fantasy. Rated: 4.9 stars on 13 Reviews. 327 pages. ASIN: B07G4GRB5S.
  2. ***The Academy Saga (Paperback) (YA Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, They appear in an alley one night, before disappearing like figments of her imagination) by CJ Daly. Price: $18.99. Genre: YA Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, They appear in an alley one night, before disappearing like figments of her imagination. Rated: 4.5 stars on 150 Reviews. 517 pages. ASIN: B07Y6LQV3B.

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  1. * Displaced (Children’s Dystopian Fiction of the Day) by Bridget E. Baker. Price: $0. Genre: Children’s Dystopian Fiction of the Day. Rated: 4.9 stars on 18 Reviews. 484 pages. ASIN: B07YL41KHS.
  2. Only the Worthy (The Way of SteelBook 1) (Children’s Fantasy) by Morgan Rice. Price: $0. Genre: Children’s Fantasy. Rated: 4.8 stars on 12 Reviews. 212 pages. ASIN: B01ENV6QAO.

Adventure, Women’s Fiction, Literary Fiction, Humor, Contemporary Fiction & Best Deals

  1. John Crusher P.I.: The Velvet Clad Hooker (Space Adventure Deal, Sponsor, Gabby and the regulars are under attack, all because he took a new case) by Brae F Simpson. Price: $2.99. Genre: Space Adventure Deal, Sponsor, Gabby and the regulars are under attack, all because he took a new case. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 310 pages. ASIN: B08WY7166Q.
  2. End of the Race (Literary Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Annika, bewildered and still grieving from the miscarriage, searches past and present for an explanation) by Judith Kirscht. Price: $0.99. Genre: Literary Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Annika, bewildered and still grieving from the miscarriage, searches past and present for an explanation. Rated: 4.5 stars on 8 Reviews. 289 pages. ASIN: B08WYZ88L6.

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  1. An Owner’s Manual for Consciously Evolving Your Consciousness: Romancing the Absurd A Mystery Novel Based on Reinvented Reality (Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, A murder mystery full of intrigue, suspense, philosophy, and absurdist cutthroat behavior) by Don McCrea-Hendrick. Price: $8.49. Genre: Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, A murder mystery full of intrigue, suspense, philosophy, and absurdist cutthroat behavior. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. ASIN: B08NFL1654.
  2. *A River to Goodbye (Nonfiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Travel with the author along his life’s river from childhood to manhood being introduced to generations of these special creatures) by TK Canyon. Price: $8.99. Genre: Nonfiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Travel with the author along his life’s river from childhood to manhood being introduced to generations of these special creatures. Rated: 5 stars on 24 Reviews. 232 pages. ASIN: B094YTH217.

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Health & Exercise & Fitness & Mental Health Best Books & Deals

  1. Understanding Childhood Trauma and How to Let Go: 11 Effective Tools You Need To Heal (From a Fellow Survivor) (Paperback) (Health & Fitness Non Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Reclaim control over your mind, see that your thoughts and feelings are simply suggestions) by Julian Demarco. Price: $16.97. Genre: Health & Fitness Non Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Reclaim control over your mind, see that your thoughts and feelings are simply suggestions. Rated: 4 stars on 11 Reviews. 90 pages. ASIN: B094YQN7RB.

Free Business & Finance Books & Best Business & Finance deals

  1. *The Power of Strategic Influence!: 10 Success Factors of Highly Influential Leaders (Business Leadership Nonfiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, How to build your personal influence in business and make a positive impact on the world) by Gary C. Laney. Price: $2.99. Genre: Business Leadership Nonfiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, How to build your personal influence in business and make a positive impact on the world. Rated: 5 stars on 24 Reviews. 312 pages. ASIN: B098S7J4ND.

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Free Romance Books & Best Romance Deals

  1. In Love and Water (Romance Deal, Sponsor, He is made to chose to abandon his love of swimming and competing like he has all his life, And what it takes to love again) by Curtis Maynard. Price: $0.99. Genre: Romance Deal, Sponsor, He is made to chose to abandon his love of swimming and competing like he has all his life, And what it takes to love again. Rated: 4 stars on 4 Reviews. 248 pages. ASIN: B095VQTGZJ.

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  1. *The Provocative Prince (A Bi-Curious Historical Romance) (Steamy Historical Romance Deal of the Day, Menage Romance, Prince Alexander finds both women and men equally alluring, but he has never acted on his desire for men, until he meets Eliot) by Anne Shaw. Price: $2.99. Genre: Steamy Historical Romance Deal of the Day, Menage Romance, Prince Alexander finds both women and men equally alluring, but he has never acted on his desire for men, until he meets Eliot. Rated: 4.5 stars on 20 Reviews. 151 pages. ASIN: B08TVBP9T7.

Free Thrillers & Mysteries & Suspense Novels & Best Thriller Deals & Mystery Deals

  1. That Was Before (Crime Thriller Deal, Sponsor, The new Randolph tracks down the woman and drives her cross-country without a plan or Midwestern destination in mind) by Dan Lawton. Price: $6.99. Genre: Crime Thriller Deal, Sponsor, The new Randolph tracks down the woman and drives her cross-country without a plan or Midwestern destination in mind. Rated: 4.5 stars on 9 Reviews. 243 pages. ASIN: B08XYFFLFS.
  2. *See Glass: A Political Conspiracy Thriller from WW2 endangering National Security now. A Novel of Intelligence & Espionage, Politicians and Killers (Paperack) (World War II Thriller Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A thriller with a premise so frightening that it must not be true) by Ido Graf. Price: $14.25. Genre: World War II Thriller Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A thriller with a premise so frightening that it must not be true. Rated: 4.5 stars on 16 Reviews. 339 pages. ASIN: B08HXJZMPW.
  3. Stealing the Spanish Princess (Heist Thriller Deal, Sponsor, Captivating and dazzling art crime mystery, detective Richard hunts for a 16th-century masterpiece) by Bea Green. Price: $0.99. Genre: Heist Thriller Deal, Sponsor, Captivating and dazzling art crime mystery, detective Richard hunts for a 16th-century masterpiece. Rated: 4 stars on 80 Reviews. 236 pages. ASIN: B08QBPTG3H.

Free Christian Books & Best Christian Deals

  1. *Your Costly Blood Covenant: Discover the RICHES of Your Relationship with God (Christian Living Deal, Sponsor, Why is the topic of covenant relationship often neglected by the Body of Christ) by Joel Cupps. Price: $8.49. Genre: Christian Living Deal, Sponsor, Why is the topic of covenant relationship often neglected by the Body of Christ. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 217 pages. ASIN: B08NTRMWSY.
  2. *The Chest of Visions: Secrets of Caperston (Christian Fantasy Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A story of a planet that has no knowledge of God and discovers it through the mind of a teen) by Tim Ferguson, Frank Tangredi, Jose Carlos Gutierrez. Price: $8.99. Genre: Christian Fantasy Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A story of a planet that has no knowledge of God and discovers it through the mind of a teen. Rated: 4.5 stars on 48 Reviews. 120 pages. ASIN: B07D6Y8WB9.
  3. The Donkey Factor: Living a Life Used by God (Christian Bible Study Deal, Sponsor, Why it is necessary to tame selfish desires) by Kevin Horath. Price: $5.99. Genre: Christian Bible Study Deal, Sponsor, Why it is necessary to tame selfish desires. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 130 pages. ASIN: B099NY75MB.
  4. Safe in His Arms: No Matter What (Christian Non Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Inspirational Poems, Finding a Sanctuary) by Mercy Tobin. Price: $7.99. Genre: Christian Non Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Inspirational Poems, Finding a Sanctuary. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 194 pages. ASIN: B098R5ZYMJ.
  5. *The Pretend Christian: Traveling Beyond Denomination to the True Jesus (Christian Women’s Non Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A stunning life-changing reality of Christ’s presence) by Deirdre Reilly. Price: $4.99. Genre: Christian Women’s Non Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A stunning life-changing reality of Christ’s presence. Rated: 4.8 stars on 20 Reviews. 82 pages. ASIN: B08PL4GVSD.

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Free Fantasy & Science Fiction & Horror & Best SciFi, Fantasy Deals

  1. *Dragon Rider Prophecy A Journey Begins (Fantasy Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Sword & Sorcery Fantasy, young Dragon Riders) by Andrew Wichland. Price: $0.99. Genre: Fantasy Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Sword & Sorcery Fantasy, young Dragon Riders. Rated: 4.5 stars on 47 Reviews. 398 pages. ASIN: B08PDW4347.
  2. The Be(k)nighted: the untold origin of the precept (Fantasy Deal, Sponsor, Marshall and the Church have a history that is dark and complicated) by Mark Harbinger. Price: $2.99. Genre: Fantasy Deal, Sponsor, Marshall and the Church have a history that is dark and complicated. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 407 pages. ASIN: B09D68YKZL.

Free Historical Fiction & Best Historical Fiction Deals

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Free Young Adult Books & Best YA Deals

  1. ***The Academy Saga (Paperback) (YA Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, They appear in an alley one night, before disappearing like figments of her imagination) by CJ Daly. Price: $18.99. Genre: YA Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, They appear in an alley one night, before disappearing like figments of her imagination. Rated: 4.5 stars on 150 Reviews. 517 pages. ASIN: B07Y6LQV3B.

Free Children’s Books & Best Children’s Deals

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Adventure, Women’s Fiction, Literary Fiction, Humor, Contemporary Fiction & Best Deals

  1. John Crusher P.I.: The Velvet Clad Hooker (Space Adventure Deal, Sponsor, Gabby and the regulars are under attack, all because he took a new case) by Brae F Simpson. Price: $2.99. Genre: Space Adventure Deal, Sponsor, Gabby and the regulars are under attack, all because he took a new case. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 310 pages. ASIN: B08WY7166Q.
  2. End of the Race (Literary Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Annika, bewildered and still grieving from the miscarriage, searches past and present for an explanation) by Judith Kirscht. Price: $0.99. Genre: Literary Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Annika, bewildered and still grieving from the miscarriage, searches past and present for an explanation. Rated: 4.5 stars on 8 Reviews. 289 pages. ASIN: B08WYZ88L6.

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  1. An Owner’s Manual for Consciously Evolving Your Consciousness: Romancing the Absurd A Mystery Novel Based on Reinvented Reality (Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, A murder mystery full of intrigue, suspense, philosophy, and absurdist cutthroat behavior) by Don McCrea-Hendrick. Price: $8.49. Genre: Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, A murder mystery full of intrigue, suspense, philosophy, and absurdist cutthroat behavior. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. ASIN: B08NFL1654.
  2. *A River to Goodbye (Nonfiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Travel with the author along his life’s river from childhood to manhood being introduced to generations of these special creatures) by TK Canyon. Price: $8.99. Genre: Nonfiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Travel with the author along his life’s river from childhood to manhood being introduced to generations of these special creatures. Rated: 5 stars on 24 Reviews. 232 pages. ASIN: B094YTH217.

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Health & Exercise & Fitness & Mental Health Best Books & Deals

  1. Understanding Childhood Trauma and How to Let Go: 11 Effective Tools You Need To Heal (From a Fellow Survivor) (Paperback) (Health & Fitness Non Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Reclaim control over your mind, see that your thoughts and feelings are simply suggestions) by Julian Demarco. Price: $16.97. Genre: Health & Fitness Non Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Reclaim control over your mind, see that your thoughts and feelings are simply suggestions. Rated: 4 stars on 11 Reviews. 90 pages. ASIN: B094YQN7RB.

Free Business & Finance Books & Best Business & Finance deals

  1. *The Power of Strategic Influence!: 10 Success Factors of Highly Influential Leaders (Business Leadership Nonfiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, How to build your personal influence in business and make a positive impact on the world) by Gary C. Laney. Price: $2.99. Genre: Business Leadership Nonfiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, How to build your personal influence in business and make a positive impact on the world. Rated: 5 stars on 24 Reviews. 312 pages. ASIN: B098S7J4ND.

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  1. Midnight Man (Contemporary Romance) by Lisa Marie Rice. Price: $0. Genre: Contemporary Romance. Rated: 4.2 stars on 95 Reviews. 292 pages. ASIN: B099XC58DD.
  2. One Perfect Summer (Romance) by Iris Morland. Price: $0. Genre: Romance. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 88 pages. ASIN: B09DK8RF15.
  3. That Was Before (Romantic Suspense Deal, Sponsor, Even with his old life in shambles, that may be the least of his problems) by Dan Lawton. Price: $6.99. Genre: Romantic Suspense Deal, Sponsor, Even with his old life in shambles, that may be the least of his problems. Rated: 4.5 stars on 9 Reviews. 243 pages. ASIN: B08XYFFLFS.
  4. ***The Academy Saga (Paperback) (Enemies to Lovers Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, The next best start to a series since Twilight & The Hunger Games) by CJ Daly. Price: $18.99. Genre: Enemies to Lovers Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, The next best start to a series since Twilight & The Hunger Games. Rated: 4.5 stars on 150 Reviews. 517 pages. ASIN: B07Y6LQV3B.

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Free Thrillers & Mysteries & Suspense Novels & Best Thriller Deals & Mystery Deals

  1. The Be(k)nighted: the untold origin of the precept (Supernatural Thriller Deal, Sponsor, The voices of his childhood schizophrenia had always haunted him, But, his powers were not from those, they were from the other voices) by Mark Harbinger. Price: $2.99. Genre: Supernatural Thriller Deal, Sponsor, The voices of his childhood schizophrenia had always haunted him, But, his powers were not from those, they were from the other voices. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 407 pages. ASIN: B09D68YKZL.
  2. Memoirs of a Time Traveler (SciFi Thriller, Sponsor, Amazonian Tourist from 2109 AD Drags a Young Archaeologist of Today on a Chase through Time) by Doug Molitor. Price: $0. Genre: SciFi Thriller, Sponsor, Amazonian Tourist from 2109 AD Drags a Young Archaeologist of Today on a Chase through Time. Rated: 4 stars on 755 Reviews. 290 pages. ASIN: B078L82R4N.
  3. *See Glass: A Political Conspiracy Thriller from WW2 endangering National Security now. A Novel of Intelligence & Espionage, Politicians and Killers (Paperack) (Historical Thriller Deal of the Day, Sponsor, If you like Tom Clancy) by Ido Graf. Price: $14.25. Genre: Historical Thriller Deal of the Day, Sponsor, If you like Tom Clancy. Rated: 4.5 stars on 16 Reviews. 339 pages. ASIN: B08HXJZMPW.
  4. Stealing the Spanish Princess (Art Crime Mystery Deal, Sponsor, A priceless painting is stolen from London and a Russian woman murdered, trail leads Richard to St Petersburg and Madrid, two more killings and a trail of ruthless international art thieves) by Bea Green. Price: $0.99. Genre: Art Crime Mystery Deal, Sponsor, A priceless painting is stolen from London and a Russian woman murdered, trail leads Richard to St Petersburg and Madrid, two more killings and a trail of ruthless international art thieves. Rated: 4 stars on 80 Reviews. 236 pages. ASIN: B08QBPTG3H.

Free Christian Books & Best Christian Deals

  1. *A River to Goodbye (Christian Biographies & Memoirs Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A River to Goodbye will give you plenty of reasons to thank God for his glorious creation, life, and His special gift to man) by TK Canyon. Price: $8.99. Genre: Christian Biographies & Memoirs Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A River to Goodbye will give you plenty of reasons to thank God for his glorious creation, life, and His special gift to man. Rated: 5 stars on 24 Reviews. 232 pages. ASIN: B094YTH217.
  2. *Your Costly Blood Covenant: Discover the RICHES of Your Relationship with God (Christian Inspirational Deal, Sponsor, How is the blood covenant in the New Testament better than the Old Testament) by Joel Cupps. Price: $8.49. Genre: Christian Inspirational Deal, Sponsor, How is the blood covenant in the New Testament better than the Old Testament. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 217 pages. ASIN: B08NTRMWSY.
  3. The Donkey Factor: Living a Life Used by God (Christian Bible Study Deal, Sponsor, Why it is necessary to tame selfish desires) by Kevin Horath. Price: $5.99. Genre: Christian Bible Study Deal, Sponsor, Why it is necessary to tame selfish desires. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 130 pages. ASIN: B099NY75MB.
  4. Safe in His Arms: No Matter What (Christian Non Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Inspirational Poetry and Prose, Finding Refuge from a Broken World) by Mercy Tobin. Price: $7.99. Genre: Christian Non Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Inspirational Poetry and Prose, Finding Refuge from a Broken World. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 194 pages. ASIN: B098R5ZYMJ.
  5. *The Pretend Christian: Traveling Beyond Denomination to the True Jesus (Christian Spiritual Growth Deal of the Day, Sponsor, How God powerfully handles our doubts and fears) by Deirdre Reilly. Price: $4.99. Genre: Christian Spiritual Growth Deal of the Day, Sponsor, How God powerfully handles our doubts and fears. Rated: 4.8 stars on 20 Reviews. 82 pages. ASIN: B08PL4GVSD.
  6. *The Chest of Visions: Secrets of Caperston (Christian Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A prophet emerges and both he and his followers face arrest and death, the world’s evolution and survival depending upon their courage) by Tim Ferguson, Frank Tangredi, Jose Carlos Gutierrez. Price: $8.99. Genre: Christian Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A prophet emerges and both he and his followers face arrest and death, the world’s evolution and survival depending upon their courage. Rated: 4.5 stars on 48 Reviews. 120 pages. ASIN: B07D6Y8WB9.

Free Religious Books & Best Religious Deals

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Free Fantasy & Science Fiction & Horror & Best SciFi, Fantasy Deals

  1. Dragon Knight Chronicles Book 1: The Awakening (Dragon Knight Cronicles) (Fantasy Deal, Sponsor, The strength to finally strike back at the Black Dragon, The opportunity may be over before it begins) by Andrew Wichland. Price: $0.99. Genre: Fantasy Deal, Sponsor, The strength to finally strike back at the Black Dragon, The opportunity may be over before it begins. Rated: 4 stars on 53 Reviews. 118 pages. ASIN: B01GAFBQGA.
  2. John Crusher P.I.: The Velvet Clad Hooker (Science Fiction Deal, Sponsor, He could feel the bear stirring time for a lot of people to die) by Brae F Simpson. Price: $2.99. Genre: Science Fiction Deal, Sponsor, He could feel the bear stirring time for a lot of people to die. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 310 pages. ASIN: B08WY7166Q.

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Free Young Adult Books & Best YA Deals

  1. *Dragon Rider Prophecy A Journey Begins (YA Fantasy Deal of the Day, Sponsor, They have wanted nothing but a shared dream exposes their true identities and opens their eyes to their shared destiny) by Andrew Wichland. Price: $0.99. Genre: YA Fantasy Deal of the Day, Sponsor, They have wanted nothing but a shared dream exposes their true identities and opens their eyes to their shared destiny. Rated: 4.5 stars on 47 Reviews. 398 pages. ASIN: B08PDW4347.

Free Children’s Books & Best Children’s Deals

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Adventure, Women’s Fiction, Literary Fiction, Humor, Contemporary Fiction & Best Deals

  1. End of the Race (Literary Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Olympic swimmer is training for the China Olympic team when her husband and coach, takes off on a sailing trip and vanishes) by Judith Kirscht. Price: $0.99. Genre: Literary Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Olympic swimmer is training for the China Olympic team when her husband and coach, takes off on a sailing trip and vanishes. Rated: 4.5 stars on 8 Reviews. 289 pages. ASIN: B08WYZ88L6.

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Free Non-Fiction & Spirituality & Self-Help & Best Non-Fiction Deals

  1. An Owner’s Manual for Consciously Evolving Your Consciousness: Romancing the Absurd A Mystery Novel Based on Reinvented Reality (Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, Sensational, satirical, and sometimes absurd) by Don McCrea-Hendrick. Price: $8.49. Genre: Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, Sensational, satirical, and sometimes absurd. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. ASIN: B08NFL1654.
  2. In Love and Water (Nonfiction Book Deal, Sponsor, Family Saga, A Lifelong Swimmer Reflects on His Life for Love and Water) by Curtis Maynard. Price: $0.99. Genre: Nonfiction Book Deal, Sponsor, Family Saga, A Lifelong Swimmer Reflects on His Life for Love and Water. Rated: 4 stars on 4 Reviews. 248 pages. ASIN: B095VQTGZJ.
  3. *Testaments from Survivors. Women Healed & Whole. Volume III (Death & Grief Nonfiction, Sponsor, A powerful book of Women, Over-comers, who are sharing some dark painful experiences, testimonies they had to overcome) by Tia Monique. Price: $21.99. Genre: Death & Grief Nonfiction, Sponsor, A powerful book of Women, Over-comers, who are sharing some dark painful experiences, testimonies they had to overcome. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. Please also Visit Author’s Website! Please also Visit Author’s Book Shop!
  4. Understanding Childhood Trauma and How to Let Go: 11 Effective Tools You Need To Heal (From a Fellow Survivor) (Paperback) (Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, A must-have book to ease you through your painful past and to assist you in becoming truly free) by Julian Demarco. Price: $16.97. Genre: Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, A must-have book to ease you through your painful past and to assist you in becoming truly free. Rated: 4 stars on 11 Reviews. 90 pages. ASIN: B094YQN7RB.
  5. *The Power of Strategic Influence!: 10 Success Factors of Highly Influential Leaders (Nonfiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, This book not only helps you build a successful business but will also build you personally into a more confident, happier person with greater purpose) by Gary C. Laney. Price: $2.99. Genre: Nonfiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, This book not only helps you build a successful business but will also build you personally into a more confident, happier person with greater purpose. Rated: 5 stars on 23 Reviews. 312 pages. ASIN: B098S7J4ND.

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  1. *Trial, Error, and Success: 10 Insights into Realistic Knowledge, Thinking, and Emotional Intelligence (Business Self Improvement Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Filled with examples that will help you understand and manage uncertainty by rationalizing the risks to your team and management, If you like Adam Grant) by Sima Dimitrijev, Maryann Karinch. Price: $4.99. Genre: Business Self Improvement Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Filled with examples that will help you understand and manage uncertainty by rationalizing the risks to your team and management, If you like Adam Grant. Rated: 4.5 stars on 12 Reviews. 224 pages. ASIN: B09157C1TJ.

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Free Romance Books & Best Romance Deals

  1. That Was Before (Romantic Suspense Deal, Sponsor, Even with his old life in shambles, that may be the least of his problems) by Dan Lawton. Price: $6.99. Genre: Romantic Suspense Deal, Sponsor, Even with his old life in shambles, that may be the least of his problems. Rated: 4.5 stars on 9 Reviews. 243 pages. ASIN: B08XYFFLFS.
  2. ***The Academy Saga (Paperback) (Enemies to Lovers Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, The next best start to a series since Twilight & The Hunger Games) by CJ Daly. Price: $18.99. Genre: Enemies to Lovers Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, The next best start to a series since Twilight & The Hunger Games. Rated: 4.5 stars on 150 Reviews. 517 pages. ASIN: B07Y6LQV3B.

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Free Thrillers & Mysteries & Suspense Novels & Best Thriller Deals & Mystery Deals

  1. The Be(k)nighted: the untold origin of the precept (Supernatural Thriller Deal, Sponsor, The voices of his childhood schizophrenia had always haunted him, But, his powers were not from those, they were from the other voices) by Mark Harbinger. Price: $2.99. Genre: Supernatural Thriller Deal, Sponsor, The voices of his childhood schizophrenia had always haunted him, But, his powers were not from those, they were from the other voices. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 407 pages. ASIN: B09D68YKZL.
  2. Memoirs of a Time Traveler (SciFi Thriller, Sponsor, Amazonian Tourist from 2109 AD Drags a Young Archaeologist of Today on a Chase through Time) by Doug Molitor. Price: $0. Genre: SciFi Thriller, Sponsor, Amazonian Tourist from 2109 AD Drags a Young Archaeologist of Today on a Chase through Time. Rated: 4 stars on 755 Reviews. 290 pages. ASIN: B078L82R4N.
  3. *See Glass: A Political Conspiracy Thriller from WW2 endangering National Security now. A Novel of Intelligence & Espionage, Politicians and Killers (Paperack) (Historical Thriller Deal of the Day, Sponsor, If you like Tom Clancy) by Ido Graf. Price: $14.25. Genre: Historical Thriller Deal of the Day, Sponsor, If you like Tom Clancy. Rated: 4.5 stars on 16 Reviews. 339 pages. ASIN: B08HXJZMPW.
  4. Stealing the Spanish Princess (Art Crime Mystery Deal, Sponsor, A priceless painting is stolen from London and a Russian woman murdered, trail leads Richard to St Petersburg and Madrid, two more killings and a trail of ruthless international art thieves) by Bea Green. Price: $0.99. Genre: Art Crime Mystery Deal, Sponsor, A priceless painting is stolen from London and a Russian woman murdered, trail leads Richard to St Petersburg and Madrid, two more killings and a trail of ruthless international art thieves. Rated: 4 stars on 80 Reviews. 236 pages. ASIN: B08QBPTG3H.

Free Christian Books & Best Christian Deals

  1. *A River to Goodbye (Christian Biographies & Memoirs Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A River to Goodbye will give you plenty of reasons to thank God for his glorious creation, life, and His special gift to man) by TK Canyon. Price: $8.99. Genre: Christian Biographies & Memoirs Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A River to Goodbye will give you plenty of reasons to thank God for his glorious creation, life, and His special gift to man. Rated: 5 stars on 24 Reviews. 232 pages. ASIN: B094YTH217.
  2. *Your Costly Blood Covenant: Discover the RICHES of Your Relationship with God (Christian Inspirational Deal, Sponsor, How is the blood covenant in the New Testament better than the Old Testament) by Joel Cupps. Price: $8.49. Genre: Christian Inspirational Deal, Sponsor, How is the blood covenant in the New Testament better than the Old Testament. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 217 pages. ASIN: B08NTRMWSY.
  3. The Donkey Factor: Living a Life Used by God (Christian Bible Study Deal, Sponsor, Why it is necessary to tame selfish desires) by Kevin Horath. Price: $5.99. Genre: Christian Bible Study Deal, Sponsor, Why it is necessary to tame selfish desires. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 130 pages. ASIN: B099NY75MB.
  4. Safe in His Arms: No Matter What (Christian Non Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Inspirational Poetry and Prose, Finding Refuge from a Broken World) by Mercy Tobin. Price: $7.99. Genre: Christian Non Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Inspirational Poetry and Prose, Finding Refuge from a Broken World. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 194 pages. ASIN: B098R5ZYMJ.
  5. *The Pretend Christian: Traveling Beyond Denomination to the True Jesus (Christian Spiritual Growth Deal of the Day, Sponsor, How God powerfully handles our doubts and fears) by Deirdre Reilly. Price: $4.99. Genre: Christian Spiritual Growth Deal of the Day, Sponsor, How God powerfully handles our doubts and fears. Rated: 4.8 stars on 20 Reviews. 82 pages. ASIN: B08PL4GVSD.
  6. *The Chest of Visions: Secrets of Caperston (Christian Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A prophet emerges and both he and his followers face arrest and death, the world’s evolution and survival depending upon their courage) by Tim Ferguson, Frank Tangredi, Jose Carlos Gutierrez. Price: $8.99. Genre: Christian Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A prophet emerges and both he and his followers face arrest and death, the world’s evolution and survival depending upon their courage. Rated: 4.5 stars on 48 Reviews. 120 pages. ASIN: B07D6Y8WB9.

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  1. Dragon Knight Chronicles Book 1: The Awakening (Dragon Knight Cronicles) (Fantasy Deal, Sponsor, The strength to finally strike back at the Black Dragon, The opportunity may be over before it begins) by Andrew Wichland. Price: $0.99. Genre: Fantasy Deal, Sponsor, The strength to finally strike back at the Black Dragon, The opportunity may be over before it begins. Rated: 4 stars on 53 Reviews. 118 pages. ASIN: B01GAFBQGA.
  2. John Crusher P.I.: The Velvet Clad Hooker (Science Fiction Deal, Sponsor, He could feel the bear stirring time for a lot of people to die) by Brae F Simpson. Price: $2.99. Genre: Science Fiction Deal, Sponsor, He could feel the bear stirring time for a lot of people to die. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 310 pages. ASIN: B08WY7166Q.

Free Historical Fiction & Best Historical Fiction Deals

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Free Young Adult Books & Best YA Deals

  1. *Dragon Rider Prophecy A Journey Begins (YA Fantasy Deal of the Day, Sponsor, They have wanted nothing but a shared dream exposes their true identities and opens their eyes to their shared destiny) by Andrew Wichland. Price: $0.99. Genre: YA Fantasy Deal of the Day, Sponsor, They have wanted nothing but a shared dream exposes their true identities and opens their eyes to their shared destiny. Rated: 4.5 stars on 47 Reviews. 398 pages. ASIN: B08PDW4347.

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Adventure, Women’s Fiction, Literary Fiction, Humor, Contemporary Fiction & Best Deals

  1. End of the Race (Literary Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Olympic swimmer is training for the China Olympic team when her husband and coach, takes off on a sailing trip and vanishes) by Judith Kirscht. Price: $0.99. Genre: Literary Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Olympic swimmer is training for the China Olympic team when her husband and coach, takes off on a sailing trip and vanishes. Rated: 4.5 stars on 8 Reviews. 289 pages. ASIN: B08WYZ88L6.

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Free Non-Fiction & Spirituality & Self-Help & Best Non-Fiction Deals

  1. An Owner’s Manual for Consciously Evolving Your Consciousness: Romancing the Absurd A Mystery Novel Based on Reinvented Reality (Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, Sensational, satirical, and sometimes absurd) by Don McCrea-Hendrick. Price: $8.49. Genre: Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, Sensational, satirical, and sometimes absurd. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. ASIN: B08NFL1654.
  2. *Testaments from Survivors. Women Healed & Whole. Volume III (Death & Grief Nonfiction, Sponsor, A powerful book of Women, Over-comers, who are sharing some dark painful experiences, testimonies they had to overcome) by Tia Monique. Price: $21.99. Genre: Death & Grief Nonfiction, Sponsor, A powerful book of Women, Over-comers, who are sharing some dark painful experiences, testimonies they had to overcome. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. Please also Visit Author’s Website! Please also Visit Author’s Book Shop!
  3. In Love and Water (Nonfiction Book Deal, Sponsor, Family Saga, A Lifelong Swimmer Reflects on His Life for Love and Water) by Curtis Maynard. Price: $0.99. Genre: Nonfiction Book Deal, Sponsor, Family Saga, A Lifelong Swimmer Reflects on His Life for Love and Water. Rated: 4 stars on 4 Reviews. 248 pages. ASIN: B095VQTGZJ.
  4. Understanding Childhood Trauma and How to Let Go: 11 Effective Tools You Need To Heal (From a Fellow Survivor) (Paperback) (Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, A must-have book to ease you through your painful past and to assist you in becoming truly free) by Julian Demarco. Price: $16.97. Genre: Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, A must-have book to ease you through your painful past and to assist you in becoming truly free. Rated: 4 stars on 11 Reviews. 90 pages. ASIN: B094YQN7RB.
  5. *The Power of Strategic Influence!: 10 Success Factors of Highly Influential Leaders (Nonfiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, This book not only helps you build a successful business but will also build you personally into a more confident, happier person with greater purpose) by Gary C. Laney. Price: $2.99. Genre: Nonfiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, This book not only helps you build a successful business but will also build you personally into a more confident, happier person with greater purpose. Rated: 5 stars on 23 Reviews. 312 pages. ASIN: B098S7J4ND.

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  1. *Trial, Error, and Success: 10 Insights into Realistic Knowledge, Thinking, and Emotional Intelligence (Business Self Improvement Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Filled with examples that will help you understand and manage uncertainty by rationalizing the risks to your team and management, If you like Adam Grant) by Sima Dimitrijev, Maryann Karinch. Price: $4.99. Genre: Business Self Improvement Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Filled with examples that will help you understand and manage uncertainty by rationalizing the risks to your team and management, If you like Adam Grant. Rated: 4.5 stars on 12 Reviews. 224 pages. ASIN: B09157C1TJ.

4 Free Nook Books – Nonfiction, Business Self Improvement, A Powerful Book of Women, Over-Comers, Who are Sharing Some Dark Painful Experiences, If you like Adam Grant (Aug 23rd)

Authors, Promote Your Book to 4 Million Readers. Become A Bestselling Author.

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Free Romance Books & Best Romance Deals

  1. Just One Fake Date: A Contemporary Romance (Sports Romance) by Deborah Cooke. Price: $0. Genre: Sports Romance. Rated: 4.7 stars on 6 Reviews. 368 pages. ASIN: B087YX4LGC.
  2. That Was Before (Romantic Suspense Deal, Sponsor, Even with his old life in shambles, that may be the least of his problems) by Dan Lawton. Price: $6.99. Genre: Romantic Suspense Deal, Sponsor, Even with his old life in shambles, that may be the least of his problems. Rated: 4.5 stars on 9 Reviews. 243 pages. ASIN: B08XYFFLFS.
  3. ***The Academy Saga (Paperback) (Enemies to Lovers Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, The next best start to a series since Twilight & The Hunger Games) by CJ Daly. Price: $18.99. Genre: Enemies to Lovers Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, The next best start to a series since Twilight & The Hunger Games. Rated: 4.5 stars on 150 Reviews. 517 pages. ASIN: B07Y6LQV3B.

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Free Thrillers & Mysteries & Suspense Novels & Best Thriller Deals & Mystery Deals

  1. Partners in Crime (Conspiracy Thrillers) by Elise Sax. Price: $0. Genre: Conspiracy Thrillers. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 375 pages. ASIN: B07YBJDMLY.
  2. The Be(k)nighted: the untold origin of the precept (Supernatural Thriller Deal, Sponsor, The voices of his childhood schizophrenia had always haunted him, But, his powers were not from those, they were from the other voices) by Mark Harbinger. Price: $2.99. Genre: Supernatural Thriller Deal, Sponsor, The voices of his childhood schizophrenia had always haunted him, But, his powers were not from those, they were from the other voices. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 407 pages. ASIN: B09D68YKZL.
  3. Memoirs of a Time Traveler (SciFi Thriller, Sponsor, Amazonian Tourist from 2109 AD Drags a Young Archaeologist of Today on a Chase through Time) by Doug Molitor. Price: $0. Genre: SciFi Thriller, Sponsor, Amazonian Tourist from 2109 AD Drags a Young Archaeologist of Today on a Chase through Time. Rated: 4 stars on 755 Reviews. 290 pages. ASIN: B078L82R4N.
  4. *See Glass: A Political Conspiracy Thriller from WW2 endangering National Security now. A Novel of Intelligence & Espionage, Politicians and Killers (Paperack) (Historical Thriller Deal of the Day, Sponsor, If you like Tom Clancy) by Ido Graf. Price: $14.25. Genre: Historical Thriller Deal of the Day, Sponsor, If you like Tom Clancy. Rated: 4.5 stars on 16 Reviews. 339 pages. ASIN: B08HXJZMPW.
  5. Stealing the Spanish Princess (Art Crime Mystery Deal, Sponsor, A priceless painting is stolen from London and a Russian woman murdered, trail leads Richard to St Petersburg and Madrid, two more killings and a trail of ruthless international art thieves) by Bea Green. Price: $0.99. Genre: Art Crime Mystery Deal, Sponsor, A priceless painting is stolen from London and a Russian woman murdered, trail leads Richard to St Petersburg and Madrid, two more killings and a trail of ruthless international art thieves. Rated: 4 stars on 80 Reviews. 236 pages. ASIN: B08QBPTG3H.

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  1. Sherwood Mail Order Brides (Christian Romance) by Emily Woods. Price: $0. Genre: Christian Romance. Rated: 4 stars on 1 Reviews. 178 pages. ASIN: B0165N1VNU.
  2. *A River to Goodbye (Christian Biographies & Memoirs Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A River to Goodbye will give you plenty of reasons to thank God for his glorious creation, life, and His special gift to man) by TK Canyon. Price: $8.99. Genre: Christian Biographies & Memoirs Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A River to Goodbye will give you plenty of reasons to thank God for his glorious creation, life, and His special gift to man. Rated: 5 stars on 24 Reviews. 232 pages. ASIN: B094YTH217.
  3. *Your Costly Blood Covenant: Discover the RICHES of Your Relationship with God (Christian Inspirational Deal, Sponsor, How is the blood covenant in the New Testament better than the Old Testament) by Joel Cupps. Price: $8.49. Genre: Christian Inspirational Deal, Sponsor, How is the blood covenant in the New Testament better than the Old Testament. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 217 pages. ASIN: B08NTRMWSY.
  4. The Donkey Factor: Living a Life Used by God (Christian Bible Study Deal, Sponsor, Why it is necessary to tame selfish desires) by Kevin Horath. Price: $5.99. Genre: Christian Bible Study Deal, Sponsor, Why it is necessary to tame selfish desires. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 130 pages. ASIN: B099NY75MB.
  5. Safe in His Arms: No Matter What (Christian Non Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Inspirational Poetry and Prose, Finding Refuge from a Broken World) by Mercy Tobin. Price: $7.99. Genre: Christian Non Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Inspirational Poetry and Prose, Finding Refuge from a Broken World. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 194 pages. ASIN: B098R5ZYMJ.
  6. *The Pretend Christian: Traveling Beyond Denomination to the True Jesus (Christian Spiritual Growth Deal of the Day, Sponsor, How God powerfully handles our doubts and fears) by Deirdre Reilly. Price: $4.99. Genre: Christian Spiritual Growth Deal of the Day, Sponsor, How God powerfully handles our doubts and fears. Rated: 4.8 stars on 20 Reviews. 82 pages. ASIN: B08PL4GVSD.
  7. *The Chest of Visions: Secrets of Caperston (Christian Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A prophet emerges and both he and his followers face arrest and death, the world’s evolution and survival depending upon their courage) by Tim Ferguson, Frank Tangredi, Jose Carlos Gutierrez. Price: $8.99. Genre: Christian Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A prophet emerges and both he and his followers face arrest and death, the world’s evolution and survival depending upon their courage. Rated: 4.5 stars on 48 Reviews. 120 pages. ASIN: B07D6Y8WB9.

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  1. Dragon Knight Chronicles Book 1: The Awakening (Dragon Knight Cronicles) (Fantasy Deal, Sponsor, The strength to finally strike back at the Black Dragon, The opportunity may be over before it begins) by Andrew Wichland. Price: $0.99. Genre: Fantasy Deal, Sponsor, The strength to finally strike back at the Black Dragon, The opportunity may be over before it begins. Rated: 4 stars on 53 Reviews. 118 pages. ASIN: B01GAFBQGA.
  2. John Crusher P.I.: The Velvet Clad Hooker (Science Fiction Deal, Sponsor, He could feel the bear stirring time for a lot of people to die) by Brae F Simpson. Price: $2.99. Genre: Science Fiction Deal, Sponsor, He could feel the bear stirring time for a lot of people to die. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 310 pages. ASIN: B08WY7166Q.

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  1. *Dragon Rider Prophecy A Journey Begins (YA Fantasy Deal of the Day, Sponsor, They have wanted nothing but a shared dream exposes their true identities and opens their eyes to their shared destiny) by Andrew Wichland. Price: $0.99. Genre: YA Fantasy Deal of the Day, Sponsor, They have wanted nothing but a shared dream exposes their true identities and opens their eyes to their shared destiny. Rated: 4.5 stars on 47 Reviews. 398 pages. ASIN: B08PDW4347.

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  1. End of the Race (Literary Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Olympic swimmer is training for the China Olympic team when her husband and coach, takes off on a sailing trip and vanishes) by Judith Kirscht. Price: $0.99. Genre: Literary Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Olympic swimmer is training for the China Olympic team when her husband and coach, takes off on a sailing trip and vanishes. Rated: 4.5 stars on 8 Reviews. 289 pages. ASIN: B08WYZ88L6.

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  1. An Owner’s Manual for Consciously Evolving Your Consciousness: Romancing the Absurd A Mystery Novel Based on Reinvented Reality (Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, Sensational, satirical, and sometimes absurd) by Don McCrea-Hendrick. Price: $8.49. Genre: Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, Sensational, satirical, and sometimes absurd. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. ASIN: B08NFL1654.
  2. In Love and Water (Nonfiction Book Deal, Sponsor, Family Saga, A Lifelong Swimmer Reflects on His Life for Love and Water) by Curtis Maynard. Price: $0.99. Genre: Nonfiction Book Deal, Sponsor, Family Saga, A Lifelong Swimmer Reflects on His Life for Love and Water. Rated: 4 stars on 4 Reviews. 248 pages. ASIN: B095VQTGZJ.
  3. *Testaments from Survivors. Women Healed & Whole. Volume III (Death & Grief Nonfiction, Sponsor, A powerful book of Women, Over-comers, who are sharing some dark painful experiences, testimonies they had to overcome) by Tia Monique. Price: $21.99. Genre: Death & Grief Nonfiction, Sponsor, A powerful book of Women, Over-comers, who are sharing some dark painful experiences, testimonies they had to overcome. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. Please also Visit Author’s Website! Please also Visit Author’s Book Shop!
  4. Understanding Childhood Trauma and How to Let Go: 11 Effective Tools You Need To Heal (From a Fellow Survivor) (Paperback) (Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, A must-have book to ease you through your painful past and to assist you in becoming truly free) by Julian Demarco. Price: $16.97. Genre: Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, A must-have book to ease you through your painful past and to assist you in becoming truly free. Rated: 4 stars on 11 Reviews. 90 pages. ASIN: B094YQN7RB.
  5. *The Power of Strategic Influence!: 10 Success Factors of Highly Influential Leaders (Nonfiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, This book not only helps you build a successful business but will also build you personally into a more confident, happier person with greater purpose) by Gary C. Laney. Price: $2.99. Genre: Nonfiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, This book not only helps you build a successful business but will also build you personally into a more confident, happier person with greater purpose. Rated: 5 stars on 23 Reviews. 312 pages. ASIN: B098S7J4ND.

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  1. *Trial, Error, and Success: 10 Insights into Realistic Knowledge, Thinking, and Emotional Intelligence (Business Self Improvement Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Filled with examples that will help you understand and manage uncertainty by rationalizing the risks to your team and management, If you like Adam Grant) by Sima Dimitrijev, Maryann Karinch. Price: $4.99. Genre: Business Self Improvement Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Filled with examples that will help you understand and manage uncertainty by rationalizing the risks to your team and management, If you like Adam Grant. Rated: 4.5 stars on 12 Reviews. 224 pages. ASIN: B09157C1TJ.

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Free Romance Books & Best Romance Deals

  1. That Was Before (Romantic Suspense Deal, Sponsor, Even with his old life in shambles, that may be the least of his problems) by Dan Lawton. Price: $6.99. Genre: Romantic Suspense Deal, Sponsor, Even with his old life in shambles, that may be the least of his problems. Rated: 4.5 stars on 9 Reviews. 243 pages. ASIN: B08XYFFLFS.
  2. ***The Academy Saga (Paperback) (Enemies to Lovers Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, The next best start to a series since Twilight & The Hunger Games) by CJ Daly. Price: $18.99. Genre: Enemies to Lovers Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, The next best start to a series since Twilight & The Hunger Games. Rated: 4.5 stars on 150 Reviews. 517 pages. ASIN: B07Y6LQV3B.

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Free Thrillers & Mysteries & Suspense Novels & Best Thriller Deals & Mystery Deals

  1. The Be(k)nighted: the untold origin of the precept (Supernatural Thriller Deal, Sponsor, The voices of his childhood schizophrenia had always haunted him, But, his powers were not from those, they were from the other voices) by Mark Harbinger. Price: $2.99. Genre: Supernatural Thriller Deal, Sponsor, The voices of his childhood schizophrenia had always haunted him, But, his powers were not from those, they were from the other voices. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 407 pages. ASIN: B09D68YKZL.
  2. Memoirs of a Time Traveler (SciFi Thriller, Sponsor, Amazonian Tourist from 2109 AD Drags a Young Archaeologist of Today on a Chase through Time) by Doug Molitor. Price: $0. Genre: SciFi Thriller, Sponsor, Amazonian Tourist from 2109 AD Drags a Young Archaeologist of Today on a Chase through Time. Rated: 4 stars on 755 Reviews. 290 pages. ASIN: B078L82R4N.
  3. *See Glass: A Political Conspiracy Thriller from WW2 endangering National Security now. A Novel of Intelligence & Espionage, Politicians and Killers (Paperack) (Historical Thriller Deal of the Day, Sponsor, If you like Tom Clancy) by Ido Graf. Price: $14.25. Genre: Historical Thriller Deal of the Day, Sponsor, If you like Tom Clancy. Rated: 4.5 stars on 16 Reviews. 339 pages. ASIN: B08HXJZMPW.
  4. Stealing the Spanish Princess (Art Crime Mystery Deal, Sponsor, A priceless painting is stolen from London and a Russian woman murdered, trail leads Richard to St Petersburg and Madrid, two more killings and a trail of ruthless international art thieves) by Bea Green. Price: $0.99. Genre: Art Crime Mystery Deal, Sponsor, A priceless painting is stolen from London and a Russian woman murdered, trail leads Richard to St Petersburg and Madrid, two more killings and a trail of ruthless international art thieves. Rated: 4 stars on 80 Reviews. 236 pages. ASIN: B08QBPTG3H.

Free Christian Books & Best Christian Deals

  1. *A River to Goodbye (Christian Biographies & Memoirs Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A River to Goodbye will give you plenty of reasons to thank God for his glorious creation, life, and His special gift to man) by TK Canyon. Price: $8.99. Genre: Christian Biographies & Memoirs Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A River to Goodbye will give you plenty of reasons to thank God for his glorious creation, life, and His special gift to man. Rated: 5 stars on 24 Reviews. 232 pages. ASIN: B094YTH217.
  2. *Your Costly Blood Covenant: Discover the RICHES of Your Relationship with God (Christian Inspirational Deal, Sponsor, How is the blood covenant in the New Testament better than the Old Testament) by Joel Cupps. Price: $8.49. Genre: Christian Inspirational Deal, Sponsor, How is the blood covenant in the New Testament better than the Old Testament. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 217 pages. ASIN: B08NTRMWSY.
  3. The Donkey Factor: Living a Life Used by God (Christian Bible Study Deal, Sponsor, Why it is necessary to tame selfish desires) by Kevin Horath. Price: $5.99. Genre: Christian Bible Study Deal, Sponsor, Why it is necessary to tame selfish desires. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 130 pages. ASIN: B099NY75MB.
  4. Safe in His Arms: No Matter What (Christian Non Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Inspirational Poetry and Prose, Finding Refuge from a Broken World) by Mercy Tobin. Price: $7.99. Genre: Christian Non Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Inspirational Poetry and Prose, Finding Refuge from a Broken World. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 194 pages. ASIN: B098R5ZYMJ.
  5. *The Pretend Christian: Traveling Beyond Denomination to the True Jesus (Christian Spiritual Growth Deal of the Day, Sponsor, How God powerfully handles our doubts and fears) by Deirdre Reilly. Price: $4.99. Genre: Christian Spiritual Growth Deal of the Day, Sponsor, How God powerfully handles our doubts and fears. Rated: 4.8 stars on 20 Reviews. 82 pages. ASIN: B08PL4GVSD.
  6. *The Chest of Visions: Secrets of Caperston (Christian Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A prophet emerges and both he and his followers face arrest and death, the world’s evolution and survival depending upon their courage) by Tim Ferguson, Frank Tangredi, Jose Carlos Gutierrez. Price: $8.99. Genre: Christian Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A prophet emerges and both he and his followers face arrest and death, the world’s evolution and survival depending upon their courage. Rated: 4.5 stars on 48 Reviews. 120 pages. ASIN: B07D6Y8WB9.

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  1. Dragon Knight Chronicles Book 1: The Awakening (Dragon Knight Cronicles) (Fantasy Deal, Sponsor, The strength to finally strike back at the Black Dragon, The opportunity may be over before it begins) by Andrew Wichland. Price: $0.99. Genre: Fantasy Deal, Sponsor, The strength to finally strike back at the Black Dragon, The opportunity may be over before it begins. Rated: 4 stars on 53 Reviews. 118 pages. ASIN: B01GAFBQGA.
  2. John Crusher P.I.: The Velvet Clad Hooker (Science Fiction Deal, Sponsor, He could feel the bear stirring time for a lot of people to die) by Brae F Simpson. Price: $2.99. Genre: Science Fiction Deal, Sponsor, He could feel the bear stirring time for a lot of people to die. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 310 pages. ASIN: B08WY7166Q.

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  1. *Dragon Rider Prophecy A Journey Begins (YA Fantasy Deal of the Day, Sponsor, They have wanted nothing but a shared dream exposes their true identities and opens their eyes to their shared destiny) by Andrew Wichland. Price: $0.99. Genre: YA Fantasy Deal of the Day, Sponsor, They have wanted nothing but a shared dream exposes their true identities and opens their eyes to their shared destiny. Rated: 4.5 stars on 47 Reviews. 398 pages. ASIN: B08PDW4347.

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  1. End of the Race (Literary Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Olympic swimmer is training for the China Olympic team when her husband and coach, takes off on a sailing trip and vanishes) by Judith Kirscht. Price: $0.99. Genre: Literary Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Olympic swimmer is training for the China Olympic team when her husband and coach, takes off on a sailing trip and vanishes. Rated: 4.5 stars on 8 Reviews. 289 pages. ASIN: B08WYZ88L6.

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  1. An Owner’s Manual for Consciously Evolving Your Consciousness: Romancing the Absurd A Mystery Novel Based on Reinvented Reality (Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, Sensational, satirical, and sometimes absurd) by Don McCrea-Hendrick. Price: $8.49. Genre: Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, Sensational, satirical, and sometimes absurd. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. ASIN: B08NFL1654.
  2. *Testaments from Survivors. Women Healed & Whole. Volume III (Death & Grief Nonfiction, Sponsor, A powerful book of Women, Over-comers, who are sharing some dark painful experiences, testimonies they had to overcome) by Tia Monique. Price: $21.99. Genre: Death & Grief Nonfiction, Sponsor, A powerful book of Women, Over-comers, who are sharing some dark painful experiences, testimonies they had to overcome. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. Please also Visit Author’s Website! Please also Visit Author’s Book Shop!
  3. In Love and Water (Nonfiction Book Deal, Sponsor, Family Saga, A Lifelong Swimmer Reflects on His Life for Love and Water) by Curtis Maynard. Price: $0.99. Genre: Nonfiction Book Deal, Sponsor, Family Saga, A Lifelong Swimmer Reflects on His Life for Love and Water. Rated: 4 stars on 4 Reviews. 248 pages. ASIN: B095VQTGZJ.
  4. Understanding Childhood Trauma and How to Let Go: 11 Effective Tools You Need To Heal (From a Fellow Survivor) (Paperback) (Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, A must-have book to ease you through your painful past and to assist you in becoming truly free) by Julian Demarco. Price: $16.97. Genre: Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, A must-have book to ease you through your painful past and to assist you in becoming truly free. Rated: 4 stars on 11 Reviews. 90 pages. ASIN: B094YQN7RB.
  5. *The Power of Strategic Influence!: 10 Success Factors of Highly Influential Leaders (Nonfiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, This book not only helps you build a successful business but will also build you personally into a more confident, happier person with greater purpose) by Gary C. Laney. Price: $2.99. Genre: Nonfiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, This book not only helps you build a successful business but will also build you personally into a more confident, happier person with greater purpose. Rated: 5 stars on 23 Reviews. 312 pages. ASIN: B098S7J4ND.

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  1. *Trial, Error, and Success: 10 Insights into Realistic Knowledge, Thinking, and Emotional Intelligence (Business Self Improvement Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Filled with examples that will help you understand and manage uncertainty by rationalizing the risks to your team and management, If you like Adam Grant) by Sima Dimitrijev, Maryann Karinch. Price: $4.99. Genre: Business Self Improvement Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Filled with examples that will help you understand and manage uncertainty by rationalizing the risks to your team and management, If you like Adam Grant. Rated: 4.5 stars on 12 Reviews. 224 pages. ASIN: B09157C1TJ.

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  1. Dangerous as Sin: Ten Addictive Romantic Thrillers & Mysteries (Romantic Suspense) by Toni Anderson, Rachel Grant, Susan Stoker, Katie Reus, Julie Ann Walker. Price: $0. Genre: Romantic Suspense. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 2594 pages. ASIN: B09BCDRFCB.
  2. In Love and Water (Biographical Romance Deal, Sponsor, Sports Romance, For the Love of Swimming) by Curtis Maynard. Price: $0.99. Genre: Biographical Romance Deal, Sponsor, Sports Romance, For the Love of Swimming. Rated: 4 stars on 4 Reviews. 248 pages. ASIN: B095VQTGZJ.

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  1. Knockout (A Holly Hands MysteryBook 1) (Amateur Sleuth Mysteries) by Mia Gold. Price: $0. Genre: Amateur Sleuth Mysteries. Rated: 4 stars on 1 Reviews. 207 pages. ASIN: B08K9CYX9Q.
  2. Skeptic in Salem: An Episode of Murder (A Dubious Witch Cozy MysteryBook 1) (Cozy Culinary Mystery) by Fiona Grace. Price: $0. Genre: Cozy Culinary Mystery. Rated: 4.3 stars on 7 Reviews. 216 pages. ASIN: B088PBR7T7.
  3. That Was Before (Crime Thriller Deal, Sponsor, An hour after Randolph quits his job, he finally approaches the woman he has eyed at the supermarket, only to watch it explode minutes later) by Dan Lawton. Price: $6.99. Genre: Crime Thriller Deal, Sponsor, An hour after Randolph quits his job, he finally approaches the woman he has eyed at the supermarket, only to watch it explode minutes later. Rated: 4.5 stars on 9 Reviews. 243 pages. ASIN: B08XYFFLFS.
  4. *See Glass: A Political Conspiracy Thriller from WW2 endangering National Security now. A Novel of Intelligence & Espionage, Politicians and Killers (Paperack) (Historical Thriller Deal of the Day, Sponsor, If you like Tom Clancy) by Ido Graf. Price: $14.25. Genre: Historical Thriller Deal of the Day, Sponsor, If you like Tom Clancy. Rated: 4.5 stars on 16 Reviews. 339 pages. ASIN: B08HXJZMPW.
  5. Stealing the Spanish Princess (Crime Thriller Deal, Sponsor, Art theft, Russian Mafia, Secret love) by Bea Green. Price: $0.99. Genre: Crime Thriller Deal, Sponsor, Art theft, Russian Mafia, Secret love. Rated: 4 stars on 78 Reviews. 236 pages. ASIN: B08QBPTG3H.

Free Christian Books & Best Christian Deals

  1. *Your Costly Blood Covenant: Discover the RICHES of Your Relationship with God (Christian Bible Study Deal, Sponsor, Intimate bond with God, Blood covenant relationship) by Joel Cupps. Price: $8.49. Genre: Christian Bible Study Deal, Sponsor, Intimate bond with God, Blood covenant relationship. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 217 pages. ASIN: B08NTRMWSY.
  2. The Donkey Factor: Living a Life Used by God (Christian Bible Study Deal, Sponsor, Why it is necessary to tame selfish desires) by Kevin Horath. Price: $5.99. Genre: Christian Bible Study Deal, Sponsor, Why it is necessary to tame selfish desires. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 130 pages. ASIN: B099NY75MB.
  3. Safe in His Arms: No Matter What (Christian Poetry Deal, Sponsor, See a Beautiful Place with Unimaginable Treasures) by Mercy Tobin. Price: $7.99. Genre: Christian Poetry Deal, Sponsor, See a Beautiful Place with Unimaginable Treasures. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 194 pages. ASIN: B098R5ZYMJ.
  4. *The Pretend Christian: Traveling Beyond Denomination to the True Jesus (Christian Faith Book Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Filled with raw honesty, sincere doubts, genuine searching, and moving, often-humorous insights) by Deirdre Reilly. Price: $4.99. Genre: Christian Faith Book Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Filled with raw honesty, sincere doubts, genuine searching, and moving, often-humorous insights. Rated: 4.8 stars on 20 Reviews. 82 pages. ASIN: B08PL4GVSD.
  5. *The Chest of Visions: Secrets of Caperston (Christian SciFi Deal of the Day, Sponsor, The world of Caperston is void of the knowledge of a Caring God, Its people mindlessly follow the directives of an unjust ruler) by Tim Ferguson, Frank Tangredi, Jose Carlos Gutierrez. Price: $8.99. Genre: Christian SciFi Deal of the Day, Sponsor, The world of Caperston is void of the knowledge of a Caring God, Its people mindlessly follow the directives of an unjust ruler. Rated: 4.5 stars on 48 Reviews. 120 pages. ASIN: B07D6Y8WB9.
  6. *A River to Goodbye (Christian Biographies & Memoirs Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A River to Goodbye will give you plenty of reasons to thank God for his glorious creation, life, and His special gift to man) by TK Canyon. Price: $8.99. Genre: Christian Biographies & Memoirs Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A River to Goodbye will give you plenty of reasons to thank God for his glorious creation, life, and His special gift to man. Rated: 5 stars on 24 Reviews. 232 pages. ASIN: B094YTH217.

Free Religious Books & Best Religious Deals

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Free Fantasy & Science Fiction & Horror & Best SciFi, Fantasy Deals

  1. Dragon Knight Chronicles Book 1: The Awakening (Dragon Knight Cronicles) (Science Fiction for All Ages Deal, Sponsor, Epic Tale) by Andrew Wichland. Price: $0.99. Genre: Science Fiction for All Ages Deal, Sponsor, Epic Tale. Rated: 4 stars on 53 Reviews. 118 pages. ASIN: B01GAFBQGA.
  2. *Dragon Rider Prophecy A Journey Begins (Fantasy Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Epic Tale) by Andrew Wichland. Price: $0.99. Genre: Fantasy Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Epic Tale. Rated: 4.5 stars on 47 Reviews. 398 pages. ASIN: B08PDW4347.
  3. John Crusher P.I.: The Velvet Clad Hooker (Science Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Enhanced at an early age, John was the deadliest man on the planet, and he was coming for the Cabal, with tooth, claw and guns) by Brae F Simpson. Price: $2.99. Genre: Science Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Enhanced at an early age, John was the deadliest man on the planet, and he was coming for the Cabal, with tooth, claw and guns. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 310 pages. ASIN: B08WY7166Q.
  4. Memoirs of a Time Traveler (Steampunk Adventure, Sponsor, entertaining and cinematic, a good mix of historical fiction and fact) by Doug Molitor. Price: $0. Genre: Steampunk Adventure, Sponsor, entertaining and cinematic, a good mix of historical fiction and fact. Rated: 4 stars on 753 Reviews. 290 pages. ASIN: B078L82R4N.

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Free Young Adult Books & Best YA Deals

  1. ***The Academy Saga (Paperback) (YA Paranormal Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, She already feels like she is suffocating and she is just seventeen, she wants a little distraction) by CJ Daly. Price: $18.99. Genre: YA Paranormal Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, She already feels like she is suffocating and she is just seventeen, she wants a little distraction. Rated: 4.5 stars on 150 Reviews. 517 pages. ASIN: B07Y6LQV3B.

Free Children’s Books & Best Children’s Deals

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Adventure, Women’s Fiction, Literary Fiction, Humor, Contemporary Fiction & Best Deals

  1. End of the Race (Contemporary Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Stories of ordinary Americans coping with the challenges and upheavals of the last sixty years) by Judith Kirscht. Price: $0.99. Genre: Contemporary Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Stories of ordinary Americans coping with the challenges and upheavals of the last sixty years. Rated: 4.5 stars on 8 Reviews. 289 pages. ASIN: B08WYZ88L6.

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  1. *Testaments from Survivors. Women Healed & Whole. Volume III (Self Help, Sponsor, Stories of enduring tragedies and becoming stronger, wiser, and greater in their lives) by Tia Monique. Price: $21.99. Genre: Self Help, Sponsor, Stories of enduring tragedies and becoming stronger, wiser, and greater in their lives. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. Please also Visit Author’s Website! Please also Visit Author’s Book Shop!
  2. ***Learn French: 6 Books in 1: The Ultimate French Language Books collection to Learn Starting from Zero, Have Fun and Become Fluent like a Native Speaker (Paperback) (Learn French Nonfiction Box Set Deal of the Day, Sponsor, The rules of grammar and important concepts you need to know) by Dupont Language Institute. Price: $29.99. Genre: Learn French Nonfiction Box Set Deal of the Day, Sponsor, The rules of grammar and important concepts you need to know. Rated: 4.5 stars on 121 Reviews. 540 pages. ASIN: B08LN97DFV.
  3. An Owner’s Manual for Consciously Evolving Your Consciousness: Romancing the Absurd A Mystery Novel Based on Reinvented Reality (Personal Growth Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, A story of redemption for two of the characters who dabble in consciously evolving their consciousness) by Don McCrea-Hendrick. Price: $8.49. Genre: Personal Growth Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, A story of redemption for two of the characters who dabble in consciously evolving their consciousness. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. ASIN: B08NFL1654.
  4. ***Emotional Agility: Get Unstuck, Embrace Change, and Thrive in Work and Life (Emotional Agility Nonfiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, USA Today Bestselling Author, The counterintuitive approach to achieving your true potential, heralded by the Harvard Business Review as a groundbreaking idea of the year) by Susan David. Price: $2.99. Genre: Emotional Agility Nonfiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, USA Today Bestselling Author, The counterintuitive approach to achieving your true potential, heralded by the Harvard Business Review as a groundbreaking idea of the year. Rated: 4.5 stars on 1664 Reviews. 281 pages. ASIN: B016JPTPDW.
  5. Understanding Childhood Trauma and How to Let Go: 11 Effective Tools You Need To Heal (From a Fellow Survivor) (Paperback) (Hypnotherapy Deal, Sponsor, Author is a survivor of child sexual abuse and adult domestic violence shares how to heal and let go) by Julian Demarco. Price: $16.97. Genre: Hypnotherapy Deal, Sponsor, Author is a survivor of child sexual abuse and adult domestic violence shares how to heal and let go. Rated: 4 stars on 11 Reviews. 90 pages. ASIN: B094YQN7RB.

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Health & Exercise & Fitness & Mental Health Best Books & Deals

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Free Business & Finance Books & Best Business & Finance deals

  1. *Trial, Error, and Success: 10 Insights into Realistic Knowledge, Thinking, and Emotional Intelligence (Business Self Improvement Deal of the Day, Sponsor, How to apply the uncertainty about the future to the real world, If you like Nassim Nicholas Taleb) by Sima Dimitrijev, Maryann Karinch. Price: $4.99. Genre: Business Self Improvement Deal of the Day, Sponsor, How to apply the uncertainty about the future to the real world, If you like Nassim Nicholas Taleb. Rated: 4.5 stars on 12 Reviews. 224 pages. ASIN: B09157C1TJ.
  2. *The Power of Strategic Influence!: 10 Success Factors of Highly Influential Leaders (Personal Finance Nonfiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Gary Laney shares how you can cultivate and create highly effective and strategic business spheres of influence) by Gary C. Laney. Price: $2.99. Genre: Personal Finance Nonfiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Gary Laney shares how you can cultivate and create highly effective and strategic business spheres of influence. Rated: 5 stars on 23 Reviews. 312 pages. ASIN: B098S7J4ND.

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Free Romance Books & Best Romance Deals

  1. In Love and Water (Biographical Romance Deal, Sponsor, Sports Romance, For the Love of Swimming) by Curtis Maynard. Price: $0.99. Genre: Biographical Romance Deal, Sponsor, Sports Romance, For the Love of Swimming. Rated: 4 stars on 4 Reviews. 248 pages. ASIN: B095VQTGZJ.

Free Erotic Romance & Steamy Romance Books & Best Erotic Deals

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Free Thrillers & Mysteries & Suspense Novels & Best Thriller Deals & Mystery Deals

  1. That Was Before (Crime Thriller Deal, Sponsor, An hour after Randolph quits his job, he finally approaches the woman he has eyed at the supermarket, only to watch it explode minutes later) by Dan Lawton. Price: $6.99. Genre: Crime Thriller Deal, Sponsor, An hour after Randolph quits his job, he finally approaches the woman he has eyed at the supermarket, only to watch it explode minutes later. Rated: 4.5 stars on 9 Reviews. 243 pages. ASIN: B08XYFFLFS.
  2. *See Glass: A Political Conspiracy Thriller from WW2 endangering National Security now. A Novel of Intelligence & Espionage, Politicians and Killers (Paperack) (Historical Thriller Deal of the Day, Sponsor, If you like Tom Clancy) by Ido Graf. Price: $14.25. Genre: Historical Thriller Deal of the Day, Sponsor, If you like Tom Clancy. Rated: 4.5 stars on 16 Reviews. 339 pages. ASIN: B08HXJZMPW.
  3. Stealing the Spanish Princess (Crime Thriller Deal, Sponsor, Art theft, Russian Mafia, Secret love) by Bea Green. Price: $0.99. Genre: Crime Thriller Deal, Sponsor, Art theft, Russian Mafia, Secret love. Rated: 4 stars on 78 Reviews. 236 pages. ASIN: B08QBPTG3H.

Free Christian Books & Best Christian Deals

  1. *Your Costly Blood Covenant: Discover the RICHES of Your Relationship with God (Christian Bible Study Deal, Sponsor, Intimate bond with God, Blood covenant relationship) by Joel Cupps. Price: $8.49. Genre: Christian Bible Study Deal, Sponsor, Intimate bond with God, Blood covenant relationship. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 217 pages. ASIN: B08NTRMWSY.
  2. The Donkey Factor: Living a Life Used by God (Christian Bible Study Deal, Sponsor, Why it is necessary to tame selfish desires) by Kevin Horath. Price: $5.99. Genre: Christian Bible Study Deal, Sponsor, Why it is necessary to tame selfish desires. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 130 pages. ASIN: B099NY75MB.
  3. Safe in His Arms: No Matter What (Christian Poetry Deal, Sponsor, See a Beautiful Place with Unimaginable Treasures) by Mercy Tobin. Price: $7.99. Genre: Christian Poetry Deal, Sponsor, See a Beautiful Place with Unimaginable Treasures. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 194 pages. ASIN: B098R5ZYMJ.
  4. *The Pretend Christian: Traveling Beyond Denomination to the True Jesus (Christian Faith Book Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Filled with raw honesty, sincere doubts, genuine searching, and moving, often-humorous insights) by Deirdre Reilly. Price: $4.99. Genre: Christian Faith Book Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Filled with raw honesty, sincere doubts, genuine searching, and moving, often-humorous insights. Rated: 4.8 stars on 20 Reviews. 82 pages. ASIN: B08PL4GVSD.
  5. *The Chest of Visions: Secrets of Caperston (Christian SciFi Deal of the Day, Sponsor, The world of Caperston is void of the knowledge of a Caring God, Its people mindlessly follow the directives of an unjust ruler) by Tim Ferguson, Frank Tangredi, Jose Carlos Gutierrez. Price: $8.99. Genre: Christian SciFi Deal of the Day, Sponsor, The world of Caperston is void of the knowledge of a Caring God, Its people mindlessly follow the directives of an unjust ruler. Rated: 4.5 stars on 48 Reviews. 120 pages. ASIN: B07D6Y8WB9.
  6. *A River to Goodbye (Christian Biographies & Memoirs Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A River to Goodbye will give you plenty of reasons to thank God for his glorious creation, life, and His special gift to man) by TK Canyon. Price: $8.99. Genre: Christian Biographies & Memoirs Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A River to Goodbye will give you plenty of reasons to thank God for his glorious creation, life, and His special gift to man. Rated: 5 stars on 24 Reviews. 232 pages. ASIN: B094YTH217.

Free Religious Books & Best Religious Deals

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Free Fantasy & Science Fiction & Horror & Best SciFi, Fantasy Deals

  1. Dragon Knight Chronicles Book 1: The Awakening (Dragon Knight Cronicles) (Science Fiction for All Ages Deal, Sponsor, Epic Tale) by Andrew Wichland. Price: $0.99. Genre: Science Fiction for All Ages Deal, Sponsor, Epic Tale. Rated: 4 stars on 53 Reviews. 118 pages. ASIN: B01GAFBQGA.
  2. *Dragon Rider Prophecy A Journey Begins (Fantasy Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Epic Tale) by Andrew Wichland. Price: $0.99. Genre: Fantasy Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Epic Tale. Rated: 4.5 stars on 47 Reviews. 398 pages. ASIN: B08PDW4347.
  3. John Crusher P.I.: The Velvet Clad Hooker (Science Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Enhanced at an early age, John was the deadliest man on the planet, and he was coming for the Cabal, with tooth, claw and guns) by Brae F Simpson. Price: $2.99. Genre: Science Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Enhanced at an early age, John was the deadliest man on the planet, and he was coming for the Cabal, with tooth, claw and guns. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 310 pages. ASIN: B08WY7166Q.
  4. Memoirs of a Time Traveler (Steampunk Adventure, Sponsor, entertaining and cinematic, a good mix of historical fiction and fact) by Doug Molitor. Price: $0. Genre: Steampunk Adventure, Sponsor, entertaining and cinematic, a good mix of historical fiction and fact. Rated: 4 stars on 753 Reviews. 290 pages. ASIN: B078L82R4N.

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Free Young Adult Books & Best YA Deals

  1. ***The Academy Saga (Paperback) (YA Paranormal Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, She already feels like she is suffocating and she is just seventeen, she wants a little distraction) by CJ Daly. Price: $18.99. Genre: YA Paranormal Romance Deal of the Day, Sponsor, She already feels like she is suffocating and she is just seventeen, she wants a little distraction. Rated: 4.5 stars on 150 Reviews. 517 pages. ASIN: B07Y6LQV3B.

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Adventure, Women’s Fiction, Literary Fiction, Humor, Contemporary Fiction & Best Deals

  1. End of the Race (Contemporary Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Stories of ordinary Americans coping with the challenges and upheavals of the last sixty years) by Judith Kirscht. Price: $0.99. Genre: Contemporary Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Stories of ordinary Americans coping with the challenges and upheavals of the last sixty years. Rated: 4.5 stars on 8 Reviews. 289 pages. ASIN: B08WYZ88L6.

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Free Biographies & Best Biographies Deals

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Free Non-Fiction & Spirituality & Self-Help & Best Non-Fiction Deals

  1. *Testaments from Survivors. Women Healed & Whole. Volume III (Self Help, Sponsor, Stories of enduring tragedies and becoming stronger, wiser, and greater in their lives) by Tia Monique. Price: $21.99. Genre: Self Help, Sponsor, Stories of enduring tragedies and becoming stronger, wiser, and greater in their lives. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. Please also Visit Author’s Website! Please also Visit Author’s Book Shop!
  2. ***Learn French: 6 Books in 1: The Ultimate French Language Books collection to Learn Starting from Zero, Have Fun and Become Fluent like a Native Speaker (Paperback) (Learn French Nonfiction Box Set Deal of the Day, Sponsor, The rules of grammar and important concepts you need to know) by Dupont Language Institute. Price: $29.99. Genre: Learn French Nonfiction Box Set Deal of the Day, Sponsor, The rules of grammar and important concepts you need to know. Rated: 4.5 stars on 121 Reviews. 540 pages. ASIN: B08LN97DFV.
  3. An Owner’s Manual for Consciously Evolving Your Consciousness: Romancing the Absurd A Mystery Novel Based on Reinvented Reality (Personal Growth Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, A story of redemption for two of the characters who dabble in consciously evolving their consciousness) by Don McCrea-Hendrick. Price: $8.49. Genre: Personal Growth Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, A story of redemption for two of the characters who dabble in consciously evolving their consciousness. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. ASIN: B08NFL1654.
  4. ***Emotional Agility: Get Unstuck, Embrace Change, and Thrive in Work and Life (Emotional Agility Nonfiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, USA Today Bestselling Author, The counterintuitive approach to achieving your true potential, heralded by the Harvard Business Review as a groundbreaking idea of the year) by Susan David. Price: $2.99. Genre: Emotional Agility Nonfiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, USA Today Bestselling Author, The counterintuitive approach to achieving your true potential, heralded by the Harvard Business Review as a groundbreaking idea of the year. Rated: 4.5 stars on 1664 Reviews. 281 pages. ASIN: B016JPTPDW.
  5. Understanding Childhood Trauma and How to Let Go: 11 Effective Tools You Need To Heal (From a Fellow Survivor) (Paperback) (Hypnotherapy Deal, Sponsor, Author is a survivor of child sexual abuse and adult domestic violence shares how to heal and let go) by Julian Demarco. Price: $16.97. Genre: Hypnotherapy Deal, Sponsor, Author is a survivor of child sexual abuse and adult domestic violence shares how to heal and let go. Rated: 4 stars on 11 Reviews. 90 pages. ASIN: B094YQN7RB.

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Free Business & Finance Books & Best Business & Finance deals

  1. *Trial, Error, and Success: 10 Insights into Realistic Knowledge, Thinking, and Emotional Intelligence (Business Self Improvement Deal of the Day, Sponsor, How to apply the uncertainty about the future to the real world, If you like Nassim Nicholas Taleb) by Sima Dimitrijev, Maryann Karinch. Price: $4.99. Genre: Business Self Improvement Deal of the Day, Sponsor, How to apply the uncertainty about the future to the real world, If you like Nassim Nicholas Taleb. Rated: 4.5 stars on 12 Reviews. 224 pages. ASIN: B09157C1TJ.
  2. *The Power of Strategic Influence!: 10 Success Factors of Highly Influential Leaders (Personal Finance Nonfiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Gary Laney shares how you can cultivate and create highly effective and strategic business spheres of influence) by Gary C. Laney. Price: $2.99. Genre: Personal Finance Nonfiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, Gary Laney shares how you can cultivate and create highly effective and strategic business spheres of influence. Rated: 5 stars on 23 Reviews. 312 pages. ASIN: B098S7J4ND.

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Free Romance Books & Best Romance Deals

  1. *The Engagement Gift (Sports Romance of the Day) by Lauren Blakely. Price: $0. Genre: Sports Romance of the Day. Rated: 4.5 stars on 10 Reviews. 220 pages. ASIN: B081TP7J6Q.
  2. In Love and Water (Romance Deal, Sponsor, He is made to chose to abandon his love of swimming and competing like he has all his life, And what it takes to love again) by Curtis Maynard. Price: $0.99. Genre: Romance Deal, Sponsor, He is made to chose to abandon his love of swimming and competing like he has all his life, And what it takes to love again. Rated: 4 stars on 4 Reviews. 248 pages. ASIN: B095VQTGZJ.

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Free Thrillers & Mysteries & Suspense Novels & Best Thriller Deals & Mystery Deals

  1. That Was Before (Crime Thriller Deal, Sponsor, Now he must decide whose side he is on and who to trust) by Dan Lawton. Price: $6.99. Genre: Crime Thriller Deal, Sponsor, Now he must decide whose side he is on and who to trust. Rated: 4.5 stars on 9 Reviews. 243 pages. ASIN: B08XYFFLFS.
  2. John Crusher P.I.: The Velvet Clad Hooker (Technothriller Deal, Sponsor, Can they bring some justice to the innocents who lost their lives) by Brae F Simpson. Price: $2.99. Genre: Technothriller Deal, Sponsor, Can they bring some justice to the innocents who lost their lives. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 310 pages. ASIN: B08WY7166Q.
  3. Memoirs of a Time Traveler (Time Travel Thriller, Sponsor, An Amazon beauty, turns out to be a tourist from a 22nd-century paradise, A psychopath whose thefts are starting to alter history) by Doug Molitor. Price: $0. Genre: Time Travel Thriller, Sponsor, An Amazon beauty, turns out to be a tourist from a 22nd-century paradise, A psychopath whose thefts are starting to alter history. Rated: 4 stars on 748 Reviews. 290 pages. ASIN: B078L82R4N.
  4. *See Glass: A Political Conspiracy Thriller from WW2 endangering National Security now. A Novel of Intelligence & Espionage, Politicians and Killers (Paperack) (Historical Thriller Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A Clancy esque thriller which blends its fictional narrative with real world historical events, sometimes blurring the veil between fiction and nonfiction) by Ido Graf. Price: $14.25. Genre: Historical Thriller Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A Clancy esque thriller which blends its fictional narrative with real world historical events, sometimes blurring the veil between fiction and nonfiction. Rated: 4.5 stars on 16 Reviews. 339 pages. ASIN: B08HXJZMPW.
  5. Stealing the Spanish Princess (Crime Fiction & Crime Mystery Deal, Sponsor, British police procedural) by Bea Green. Price: $0.99. Genre: Crime Fiction & Crime Mystery Deal, Sponsor, British police procedural. Rated: 4 stars on 76 Reviews. 236 pages. ASIN: B08QBPTG3H.

Free Christian Books & Best Christian Deals

  1. *Your Costly Blood Covenant: Discover the RICHES of Your Relationship with God (Christian Living Deal, Sponsor, Discover the abundant riches of a covenant relationship with God) by Joel Cupps. Price: $8.49. Genre: Christian Living Deal, Sponsor, Discover the abundant riches of a covenant relationship with God. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 217 pages. ASIN: B08NTRMWSY.
  2. The Donkey Factor: Living a Life Used by God (Christian Book Deal, Sponsor, An in-depth look at an important yet often overlooked animal in the Bible) by Kevin Horath. Price: $5.99. Genre: Christian Book Deal, Sponsor, An in-depth look at an important yet often overlooked animal in the Bible. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 130 pages. ASIN: B099NY75MB.
  3. Safe in His Arms: No Matter What (Christian Contemporary Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Inspirational Poetry and Prose, A Magical place From which we can Shelter from Life’s Struggles) by Mercy Tobin. Price: $7.99. Genre: Christian Contemporary Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Inspirational Poetry and Prose, A Magical place From which we can Shelter from Life’s Struggles. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 194 pages. ASIN: B098R5ZYMJ.
  4. *The Pretend Christian: Traveling Beyond Denomination to the True Jesus (Personal Growth & Christianity Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A candid and bracing modern-day search for the one true God) by Deirdre Reilly. Price: $4.99. Genre: Personal Growth & Christianity Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A candid and bracing modern-day search for the one true God. Rated: 4.8 stars on 20 Reviews. 82 pages. ASIN: B08PL4GVSD.
  5. *The Chest of Visions: Secrets of Caperston (Christian Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A Christian Sci-Fi Novel of Faith, Hope and Courage) by Tim Ferguson, Frank Tangredi, Jose Carlos Gutierrez. Price: $8.99. Genre: Christian Fiction Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A Christian Sci-Fi Novel of Faith, Hope and Courage. Rated: 4.5 stars on 48 Reviews. 120 pages. ASIN: B07D6Y8WB9.

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Free Young Adult Books & Best YA Deals

  1. Dragon Knight Chronicles Book 1: The Awakening (Dragon Knight Cronicles) (YA Science Fiction Deal, Sponsor, A tale of friendship, bravery, following your heart and becoming a hero the world needs) by Andrew Wichland. Price: $0.99. Genre: YA Science Fiction Deal, Sponsor, A tale of friendship, bravery, following your heart and becoming a hero the world needs. Rated: 4 stars on 50 Reviews. 118 pages. ASIN: B01GAFBQGA.

Free Children’s Books & Best Children’s Deals

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Adventure, Women’s Fiction, Literary Fiction, Humor, Contemporary Fiction & Best Deals

  1. Tempting Taste: A Hot Opposites-Attract Romance (Contemporary Urban Fiction) by Sara Whitney. Price: $0. Genre: Contemporary Urban Fiction. Rated: 4.8 stars on 4 Reviews. 326 pages. ASIN: B0811M276Z.
  2. Mancandy Crush: A Ponderosa Resort novella (Women’s Fiction) by Tawna Fenske. Price: $0. Genre: Women’s Fiction. Rated: 4.5 stars on 6 Reviews. 158 pages. ASIN: B07SQNMZJW.
  3. End of the Race (Literary Fiction Deal, Sponsor, A family explosion uncovers the missing piece and brings their race to a shocking end that recasts Annika’s life forever) by Judith Kirscht. Price: $0.99. Genre: Literary Fiction Deal, Sponsor, A family explosion uncovers the missing piece and brings their race to a shocking end that recasts Annika’s life forever. Rated: 4.5 stars on 8 Reviews. 289 pages. ASIN: B08WYZ88L6.

Free Memoirs & Best Memoir Deals

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Free Biographies & Best Biographies Deals

  1. *A River to Goodbye (Biographies & Memoirs Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A special measure of each dog’s matchless character, unique abilities, surprise antics, and devoted love) by TK Canyon. Price: $8.99. Genre: Biographies & Memoirs Deal of the Day, Sponsor, A special measure of each dog’s matchless character, unique abilities, surprise antics, and devoted love. Rated: 5 stars on 24 Reviews. 232 pages. ASIN: B094YTH217.
  2. *Testaments from Survivors. Women Healed & Whole. Volume III (Women’s Biographies & Memoirs, Sponsor, Women from all walks of life coming together, sharing the struggles that almost destroyed their minds and their lives) by Tia Monique. Price: $21.99. Genre: Women’s Biographies & Memoirs, Sponsor, Women from all walks of life coming together, sharing the struggles that almost destroyed their minds and their lives. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. Please also Visit Author’s Website! Please also Visit Author’s Book Shop!

Free Non-Fiction & Spirituality & Self-Help & Best Non-Fiction Deals

  1. An Owner’s Manual for Consciously Evolving Your Consciousness: Romancing the Absurd A Mystery Novel Based on Reinvented Reality (Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, A financial investigator is hired to interview key players in a major lawsuit, his world is turned upside down) by Don McCrea-Hendrick. Price: $8.49. Genre: Nonfiction Deal, Sponsor, A financial investigator is hired to interview key players in a major lawsuit, his world is turned upside down. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. ASIN: B08NFL1654.
  2. Understanding Childhood Trauma and How to Let Go: 11 Effective Tools You Need To Heal (From a Fellow Survivor) (Paperback) (Anxiety & Depression Non Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Julian conveys with respect, compassion, empathy, and sympathy for your situation) by Julian Demarco. Price: $16.97. Genre: Anxiety & Depression Non Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Julian conveys with respect, compassion, empathy, and sympathy for your situation. Rated: 4 stars on 11 Reviews. 90 pages. ASIN: B094YQN7RB.
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